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Forthcoming Sims?

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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 11:15 #1659
69 posts
I notice that the Birmingham, Saltley/ney (whichever it was), and Three Bridges sims were promised to be "nearly ready" about 9 months ago, but we've not had any developments on these, or any other sims except for the Scottish ones, since! Any word on these new sims, all of which I'm looking forward to - both playing and in the case of Three Bridges, writing timetables for?
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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 11:15 #10895
69 posts
I notice that the Birmingham, Saltley/ney (whichever it was), and Three Bridges sims were promised to be "nearly ready" about 9 months ago, but we've not had any developments on these, or any other sims except for the Scottish ones, since! Any word on these new sims, all of which I'm looking forward to - both playing and in the case of Three Bridges, writing timetables for?
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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 11:49 #10899
247 posts
shouldnt be too long

but as i learnt it will be ready when its ready

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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 14:53 #10903
60 posts
As Callum said They will be ready when they are ready. You have to rember how much work goes into these sims, and the fact the development team are not paid and all have real jobs and fammiles.

Personally I love new sims but am still very thankfull for the ones I have.

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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 16:50 #10904
69 posts
Yes, I fully appreciate the work that the developers put in, and the finished articles are always excellent.

But it does annoy me (in any field) when a product is said to be "nearly ready" and then vanishes into thin air, with no updates as to why this has occured!

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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 17:32 #10905
707 posts
You have to remember that SimSig is not a company producing products, but individuals making things in their spare time. So when you have a job, family, etc to sort out, one's SimSig development time is severely restricted. I for one would not want to discuss too much about events in my personal life that would distract me from SimSig, if I were a developer.
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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 19:16 #10909
5208 posts
The only reason that any products appear in the "nearly ready" category is because impatient posters keep badgering the developers for news on the sims under construction. I shudder to think how annoyed developers must get about that sort of pressure.

Still, it's an interesting conundrum isn't it? Release now so that people don't get annoyed while they wait for a "nearly ready" version or release later so the Forum isn't full of annoyed postings about the number of bugs in the latest release.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 19:24 #10910
251 posts
Back in the old days I seem to remember sims were never talked about before they were released, that worked quite well.
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Forthcoming Sims? 22/08/2010 at 19:43 #10911
69 posts
Zoe said:
Back in the old days I seem to remember sims were never talked about before they were released, that worked quite well.
I agree - Edinburgh was a nice suprise when it was released almost out of the blue (well, I hadn't read anything about it on here anyway).

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Forthcoming Sims? 09/09/2010 at 19:08 #11333
384 posts
There have been major issues with the SimSig core code so any new sims ( if any) and old ones need to be made compatable, This is not easy when it has already been pointed out that SimSig is not a factory.

Maybe the SimSig mission statement should include "Patience is a virtue"

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Forthcoming Sims? 09/09/2010 at 19:57 #11339
6325 posts
Chrisrail said:
There have been major issues with the SimSig core code
Um, to clarify that a bit - there have been some major changes to improve simulations in general which render rework for older simulations.

SimSig Boss
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Forthcoming Sims? 09/09/2010 at 21:34 #11349
148 posts
Even more simply - New features!
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