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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 12/02/2019 at 16:37 #115664
332 posts
Harben in post 115663 said:
Here are a couple of my photos from Exeter.
Oh, Devon is looking very upside down this time of year.

Last edited: 12/02/2019 at 16:37 by Edgemaster
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 12/02/2019 at 18:04 #115665
989 posts
Edgemaster in post 115664 said:
Harben in post 115663 said:
Here are a couple of my photos from Exeter.
Oh, Devon is looking very upside down this time of year.

It's obviously Devon, Australia

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Hello I am new 12/02/2019 at 18:19 #115666
1 posts
Hi I'm new to this game/simulation and I have a few questions First of all is this like where you have to pay to unlock maps and such. Sorry for my bad English It's beacuse im Finnsh
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 12/02/2019 at 18:40 #115667
5208 posts
Limee223 in post 115666 said:
Hi I'm new to this game/simulation and I have a few questions First of all is this like where you have to pay to unlock maps and such. Sorry for my bad English It's beacuse im Finnsh
Your English is considerably better than my Finnish. If you want to buy a licence to unlock one of the payware sims you need to look under the Products link in the Menu Bar at the top of the page.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 12/02/2019 at 18:57 #115668
6325 posts
Limee223 in post 115666 said:
Hi I'm new to this game/simulation and I have a few questions First of all is this like where you have to pay to unlock maps and such. Sorry for my bad English It's beacuse im Finnsh
There are several free simulations as well.

SimSig Boss
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 13/02/2019 at 16:43 #115689
1 posts
Hello 1 and all.

New here just learning on Royston Map

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Hello 14/02/2019 at 15:19 #115700
1 posts
Hello, Just getting into SimSig, and I'm not a robot
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 14/02/2019 at 17:15 #115702
1 posts
VHGK from Germany here. Fan of simulators. Found out about SimSig, highly curious!

kindest regards

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 15/02/2019 at 20:47 #115766
1 posts
heeeyyy what up yo, new here obviously
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/02/2019 at 01:05 #115770
1 posts
Hi, am Stuart, 55 years of age and everyone calls me Stu.

I have been interested in railways all of my life and even worked for BR/RR/Central Trains in various capacities.

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/02/2019 at 10:30 #115789
2 posts
Hello all, I'm a Train Controller from Melbourne, Australia along with another member on here.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/02/2019 at 11:26 #115793
1107 posts
Welcome Luke

Dont let the Kiwi lead you into bad habits

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/02/2019 at 11:27 #115794
587 posts
Meld in post 115793 said:
Welcome Luke

Dont let the Kiwi lead you into bad habits :)
That's Kiwi Twat to you!!!!

Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 17/02/2019 at 12:12 #115795
2 posts
Meld in post 115793 said:
Welcome Luke

Dont let the Kiwi lead you into bad habits :)
He already has...

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 18/02/2019 at 22:28 #115857
1 posts
former signalman at Sheffield Park. Recently given up through illhealth. introduced by one of your members.aged 70 and retired.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 19/02/2019 at 07:43 #115858
1 posts
Hi there from Melbourne Australia. Looking forward to trying out the simulations!
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Robin from Milton Keynes. 20/02/2019 at 11:16 #115881
robin nye
1 posts
Steamer in post 93178 said:
Welcome to SimSig! Please feel free to introduce yourself/prove you're not a robot by replying below.

Get started by downloading the System Files here, and take a look at the Wiki, in particular the installation guide. You can find a list of simulations here- we recommend Royston to start with, but it's entirely up to you.

Feel free to ask questions/make comments by starting a thread in the appropriate section of the Forum (please keep this thread for introductions only).

Please be aware that your first post will be approved by a moderator, so won't appear immediately.

Hi Im robin from milton keynes. I am looking forward to trying out SimSig as it looks very challenging and also fun.

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 21/02/2019 at 20:29 #115899
1 posts

Was on the train today and started wondering about the signalling and how it all worked

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/02/2019 at 12:21 #115912
1 posts
Hey Guys i hope to play sometime question not sure if i can see it anyone got Kings Cross?
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/02/2019 at 16:40 #115915
5208 posts
RocketpupMkii in post 115912 said:
Hey Guys i hope to play sometime question not sure if i can see it anyone got Kings Cross?
Download and install the system files (find them here), open the SimSig Loader and press "Check for updates". As if by magic Kings Cross will appear in the list of simulations on your machine.

Kings Cross is a demanding sim and you would be better starting with one of the simpler sims like Royston before diving into any of the more complex sims.

Always a good idea to start with the Wiki first if you have any questions as every one has been through the same learning curve; the Wiki is community documentation so it will probably have the answer to most questions you might want to ask.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 22/02/2019 at 19:06 by postal
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: Edgemaster
im New 23/02/2019 at 14:13 #115921
1 posts
To signal or not to signal, that is the question
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 23/02/2019 at 14:14 #115922
1 posts
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hello 23/02/2019 at 23:46 #115931
1 posts
just checking it out because the simulations look amazing
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 24/02/2019 at 00:59 #115932
1 posts
New to Simsig, looking to get started! Already working in the rail industry so interested to see how these compare to the real thing!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 24/02/2019 at 21:53 #115950
1 posts
Hello. Definitely not a robot. Just a regular old gricing human.
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