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Introductions thread - please say hello!

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 07/03/2019 at 18:24 #116249
1 posts
Hello again!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 08/03/2019 at 18:32 #116263
1 posts
Hi I am new to Sim Sig and not a robot.


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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 08/03/2019 at 23:00 #116277
1 posts
Hello, new to SIMSIG and signalling in general, found this from someone on discord
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/03/2019 at 11:18 #116295
1 posts
Hey! im a newbie! im currently blocked from buying sims
Will posting here get me access ?

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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/03/2019 at 19:00 #116301
1 posts
Hello. New to Simsig and just getting the hang of everything, enjoying the Liverpool Lime Street sim!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 09/03/2019 at 22:57 #116302
1 posts
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Hello 13/03/2019 at 11:54 #116355
1 posts
Hi, This kate Williams. I am new to Simsig. Hope I will enjoy participating in this forum
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 13/03/2019 at 19:10 #116360
2 posts
hello been recommended this by friends so just seeing what its all about
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 14/03/2019 at 14:50 #116374
1 posts

Not new to SimSig brought New Street a few years ago, back when it was sent on disk!


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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 14/03/2019 at 21:20 #116380
3945 posts
GCCOURT in post 116374 said:

Not new to SimSig brought New Street a few years ago, back when it was sent on disk!

You may be confusing us with a different signalling simulator- SimSig's version of New St was released in 2015, and has never been sent by disk.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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NEw 15/03/2019 at 15:45 #116388
1 posts
Hello im new and im not a robot
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noob 16/03/2019 at 18:01 #116403
1 posts
hey i may seem new at this but i'm not as i work at kings cross. i'm ready for a challenge so I've come here. hope it gos well.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 16/03/2019 at 18:47 #116406
1 posts
Hello! I am a British Train lover. My favourite trains are diesels like the class 37s. I also develop games.
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hello to the Sim Sig community 19/03/2019 at 12:22 #116448
Christian Wyatt
1 posts
hello to the Sim Sig community, I am new to this site but not new to railway signalling, been involved in railway signalling for 38 years
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Introdctions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 19/03/2019 at 12:59 #116449
Rena Heyes
1 posts
Hi I am new to SimSig and am not a robot
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 21/03/2019 at 08:25 #116482
5 posts
Hello, newbie from Australia, have seen the Strathfield simulation in full swing and keen to have a crack at it myself!
David Kimpton
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/03/2019 at 17:19 #116552
1 posts
Hello People of Simsig
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 22/03/2019 at 19:28 #116558
1 posts
hello, just play for fun, train knowledge is quite low
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Hi From Soundcutter 23/03/2019 at 10:58 #116579
1 posts
Have been looking into this dark side from Train simulator for a while but never joined up. A minor point of frustration in building a train sim scenario has pushed me over the edge. (routing a consist from Clapham yard to Wimbledon depot, which in train sim is 'error city' at the moment). I think on here though, as a newbie the Wimbledon sim may be a bit too big a mouthful. Salisbury on the other hand is my home town. Chris.
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 24/03/2019 at 19:58 #116631
2 posts
Hello, Been playing the free sims for a while. Logged on to try some on the payware ones now and maybe join a shared game or two!
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 24/03/2019 at 21:06 #116636
2 posts
Hello. A friend recommended simSig for me. I love every railway multiplayer simulation. I hope that it will work with my not always stable internet
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 25/03/2019 at 20:42 #116748
1 posts
Hi there, i dont really understand why this is nessecary. Couldn´t they just have used a recapcha instead?
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 25/03/2019 at 20:51 #116749
6325 posts
DeVisesSten in post 116748 said:
Hi there, i dont really understand why this is nessecary. Couldn´t they just have used a recapcha instead?
Recaptchas have a low success rate. They're easily defeated. Since implementing this (we previously had recaptcha) the spam rate has gone down.

SimSig Boss
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 25/03/2019 at 22:02 #116758
1 posts
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Introductions thread. Please say more than just hello otherwise your account may not be approved. This is an anti-spam measure. 27/03/2019 at 14:46 #116832
1 posts

New to forum. Lifelong interest in railway operations and signalling. Have pulled a few levers in my time up and down signal boxes and driven a few Ceps/EPBs - yes...remember those antique slam door trains !?

I spend much of my spare time out with my camera and am professional when on or about the railway (I don't consider myself an anorak in the layman's sense). A lot of drivers and signallers will have seen me on a station platform somewhere - mainly in the south of England.

I look forward to meeting you all on here and having a go with the simulations


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