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Interface Gateway - New Features

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Interface Gateway - New Features 20/01/2021 at 16:15 #136639
4870 posts
I've just finished updating the wiki article on the Interface Gateway.

The biggest part of this is the ability to receive information on train movements from the gateway, passing individual signals, as well as timetabled locations, and also any calculated delays to the trains.

Among other things this allows you to request a full snapshot of the state of the simulation, request the current simulation time, and receive clock updates every simulated minute.

If you've not heard about the Interface Gateway before, it's something which allows SimSig to send out messages to external applications. The world is your oyster with what you can do with it, some people have built replica panels and train describers, with the new train movement features it would be possible to come up with some "live departure" style display boards etc.

If anyone's made use of it, why not share what you've done on the forum?

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following users said thank you: Dionysusnu, AlexRail575, Cedric2, DonRiver
Interface Gateway - New Features 20/01/2021 at 21:24 #136647
136 posts
I don't know, I'll take a look and see if the format is the same (or a least similar enough) as that of the actual Network Rail data feeds: if so, I might use it as a decent test for programming on my side before trying to work with the real thing.
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Interface Gateway - New Features 21/02/2021 at 23:52 #137395
170 posts
Ah this is very welcome!

I'm trying to use the snapshot message but it doesn't seem to be working - it's only sending back the status of one item, a route call. Has anyone else made it work?

I know I'm sending messages successfully:

connection.send('/topic/TD_ALL_SIG_AREA', b'{"cc_msg":{"to":"0122","descr":"1Z99"}}' ) # works
connection.send('/topic/TD_ALL_SIG_AREA', b'{"routerequest":{"route":"R119AM"}}' ) # works
connection.send('/topic/TD_ALL_SIG_AREA', b'{"snapshot":{}}' )

(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
Last edited: 21/02/2021 at 23:53 by DonRiver
Reason: pretty please can we have a sensible way to post code here without bits of it being replaced with smileys

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Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 04:01 #137397
170 posts
I've written a client which receives the movement and delay messages and presents them in a very rudimentary table…

Doesn't have any method to remove trains from the list at this point. Thinking if I mix in the berth update messages, a train can be dropped from the list when it's no longer in any berth. (A little risky if you've spent any time signalling Exeter New Yard.)

For such a client to be fully TRUSTworthy though, it would need timetable data, to show the ultimate destination (at least) and the scheduled calling points. This can be got from the .WTT file, except that's not available to the client in multiplayer sessions.

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(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
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Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 18:10 #137405
4870 posts
I've just retested the snapshot feature, and I get the following reply from Aston.


"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 21:16 #137406
170 posts
Thanks Headshot. I see it's returning the entire lot in one message… so when I convert that json into a Python dictionary, which does not allow duplicate keys… it discards all but the last message.

So, parsing these frames will need a bit more intelligence than I've put in so far!

(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
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Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 22:04 #137408
586 posts
If it's all objects with key "SG_MSG", why not just an array of them? Question applies to both SimSig's gateway and DonRiver's parsing code.
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The following user said thank you: DonRiver
Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 22:39 #137409
872 posts
Last edited: 23/02/2021 at 22:18 by northroad
Reason: Post deleted

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Interface Gateway - New Features 22/02/2021 at 22:50 #137410
586 posts
Maybe a good idea to add a [collapsible] tag to the forum for stuff like this?
Last edited: 22/02/2021 at 22:51 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: StepSig
Interface Gateway - New Features 23/02/2021 at 01:01 #137411
belly buster
369 posts
Somewhat annoyingly the JSON Standard only states that: The names within an object SHOULD be unique, not names absolutley must be unique. So there's artistic license; but it would definitely be more sensible to have each item as an array element rather than as part of an object.
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Interface Gateway - New Features 23/02/2021 at 02:23 #137412
170 posts
Turns out it's no huge shakes.

frame = stompest_connection.receiveFrame()

messages = []
def collect_msg(msg_body):

json.loads(frame.body, object_hook=collect_msg)

This turns a frame containing multiple messages...:

{"SG_MSG": {"obj_id": "SAN126", "aspect": 0},
"SG_MSG": {"obj_id": "SAN128", "aspect": 6}}

...into a list of the message bodies, plus the shared message header at the end...:

[{"obj_id": "SAN126", "aspect": 0},
{"obj_id": "SAN128", "aspect": 6},
{"SG_MSG": None}]

...which can then be popped off the end of the list and preserved or discarded as required:

header_elem = messages.pop(-1) # {"SG_MSG": None}
header = next(iter(header_elem)) # 'SG_MSG'

Also... I've pulled the code that sets up a Stomp sync client, subscribes to gateway topics, and does all of this to the messages received, into its own library so I don't need to keep rewriting it. With a bit more polish I can put it online...

And finally. Here's a screenshot of this working, parsing the snapshot data plus some subsequent messages.

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(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
Last edited: 23/02/2021 at 03:25 by DonRiver
Reason: more pretty colours

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Interface Gateway - New Features 23/02/2021 at 20:38 #137429
6384 posts
Bear in mind the original intent for the Interface Gateway was to be compatible with the Network Rail Open Data standard, as much as possible, so there could be code reuse. It was also based on the standard used at the time which may have evolved since - very few people have taken an interest until now.
SimSig Boss
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Interface Gateway - New Features 25/02/2021 at 13:57 #137455
170 posts
GeoffM in post 137429 said:
very few people have taken an interest until now.
If we build stuff making use of the current features, will you add more? 🤔

(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
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Interface Gateway - New Features 25/02/2021 at 18:11 #137465
6384 posts
No promises, but there are additions in the works.
SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: DonRiver
Interface Gateway - New Features 28/02/2021 at 12:10 #137506
6 posts
I've spent a few hours playing with the new additions to the interface gateway and have some thoughts/suggestions.

Firstly, the updated documentation page is excellent so thanks very much for that.

I'd like to repeat what was said earlier and suggest that the snapshot feature returns "valid" json in the form of an array with multiple mesages inside. There are plenty of discussions to be had about whether it is valid already or not. Visual Studio Code warns about the key duplication on the property. The two main JSON libraries for .net/c# use "last value wins" to convert to a dictionary under the covers so all the messages are lost except the last one using out of the box JSON parsing code.

The Network Rail Data Feeds manage this with pretty much everything being an array or uniquely keyed object.

Apart from that, having the train movement data, SimSig system data and train describer data is excellent and greatly increases the potential of the gateway. I look forward to using it more in future.


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Interface Gateway - New Features 28/02/2021 at 16:28 #137510
170 posts
If the snapshot is reviewed I'd suggest two changes:

1. Send the status of each object as an individual message, rather than as an array within a json object (as suggested) or as repeated elements with the same key (as now). This would work out the box with
2. Let the snapshot client message have optional parameters: obj_type, obj_id. Which will return just the status of that type of/individual entity
3. Also provide a snapshot feature for berth occupancy… perhaps not returning a flurry of "Berth Interpose" messages (CC_MSG) but a distinct message type. (CC_MSG is currently the only indication that a train has wntered the sim area.)

If Client X and Client Y are both connected, and X requests a snapshot, the resulting messages only go to X, right?

(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
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