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TimeTable Editing Problem

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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 15:37 #2413
25 posts
I hope someone can help me, I've already asked but nobody answered.
I have a problem with the timetable editor, I can't create or modify any timetable of any simulation, both on the home PC, which has Vista, and on the Portable, which as XP. When I try, openin the editor, it won't let me insert any location, I only manage to duplicate an existing train. Who as a clue of the problem?

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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 15:37 #13617
25 posts
I hope someone can help me, I've already asked but nobody answered.
I have a problem with the timetable editor, I can't create or modify any timetable of any simulation, both on the home PC, which has Vista, and on the Portable, which as XP. When I try, openin the editor, it won't let me insert any location, I only manage to duplicate an existing train. Who as a clue of the problem?

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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 16:03 #13618
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Timetable Edit (f4) >
Timetables tab >
Select train >
Edit >
Location List tab >
Select location where you want to insert >
Add above/below >
Select the new location and OK>


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 17:10 #13619
25 posts
Timetable Edit (f4) >
Timetables tab >
Select train >
Edit >
Location List tab >
Select location where you want to insert >
Add above/below >
Select the new location and OK> (nothin happens)
OK> (still nothin happens)
OK (nothin happened)

The problem it's there, the window with the new location won't close unless I press cancel, so I can't modify anything.

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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 19:43 #13621
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
If you are not getting a validation warning then I can't think what the problem is.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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TimeTable Editing Problem 12/02/2011 at 20:11 #13622
989 posts
Is it a valid pat? If not you may be getting a validation warning popping up behind SimSig. Exactly what are you trying to do and with which TT?
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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 11:54 #13651
25 posts
No popups or validation warning, it just won't let me insert anything, a simple location, nothing. The problem is with all Sims and all TTs.
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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 13:36 #13655
6325 posts
Can you be more specific than "it won't let me"? For example, are the relevant buttons greyed out so you can't click them, or you click them and nothing happens, or you enter data, hit Ok and then nothing happens, or you get an error - or what?
SimSig Boss
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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 14:36 #13661
25 posts
After i've done
Timetable Edit (f4) >
Timetables tab >
Select train >
Edit >
Location List tab >
Add above/below >

I enter data, i can click ok (no greyed buttons) but the window won't change or close and the location won't be inserted, no messages appers (about errors or else) and nothing happens unless i press Cancel (even clicking on the X on the top won't close the window).

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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 16:18 #13668
989 posts
Are you clicking OK or next?
I cannot replicate anything to this effect with any sims, perhaps if you can give us a particular instance of a timetable & train in a specific sim, then it might help pin a problem down as opposed to generalising.

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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 16:42 #13669
1315 posts
Can you choose the location from the dropdownlist? And can you choose platform, path and line codes?
AJP in games
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TimeTable Editing Problem 14/02/2011 at 22:55 #13682
25 posts
I can choose everything, insert locations, times, plat, lines, activities, but it won't save it because when I click OK or Next/Insert, it just won't do nothing, I can only close the window by pressing cancel.
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TimeTable Editing Problem 15/02/2011 at 05:54 #13683
135 posts
Could you upload a screenshot of the problem? Just an idea to try to help solve your difficulties.
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TimeTable Editing Problem 15/02/2011 at 18:07 #13689
989 posts
I would hazzard a guess at an issue with the permissions on the folder you have your sim/tt in.
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TimeTable Editing Problem 15/02/2011 at 23:51 #13693
25 posts
I thought it could be that Noisynoel and had already checked, but still no solution. The strange thing I noticed, even if the files inside the folder have the mark "only read" unchecked, I can't uncheck it on the folder properties, as when I try to do so, when I open the properties window again, the "only read" option is checked again! I'm gonna istall Windows 7 in the next days, I hope maybe it will resolve...

I can post a screen if you want, but you will only see the location editing window on top as normal. Anyway.... here it is.

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Re: TimeTable Editing Problem 22/07/2011 at 09:53 #18144
25 posts
Just to let you know, the problem as disappeared after the complete installation Windows 7. I tried before only updating Vista, but the problem didn't solve.
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