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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes

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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 07/02/2011 at 21:58 #2358
166 posts
Below is what I hope is a fairly accurate list of the Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes in Central Scotland. I'm pretty certain its more or less 100% accurate, and if there are any inaccurate CPs I think they're on the safe side of wrong, and are so suitable to use when playing. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong however. Also, please note that I am not a professional NR Signaller, and I only properly know ETB and TST block rules, and even then they're from the 1970s BR Rule Book.

Clearing Points
[img width=100px height=100px]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/167271_496599297582_654307582_6573858_872516_n.jpg[/img]

[img width=100px height=100px]http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs789.ash1/167948_496599352582_654307582_6573859_2266639_n.jpg[/img]

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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 07/02/2011 at 21:58 #13466
166 posts
Below is what I hope is a fairly accurate list of the Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes in Central Scotland. I'm pretty certain its more or less 100% accurate, and if there are any inaccurate CPs I think they're on the safe side of wrong, and are so suitable to use when playing. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong however. Also, please note that I am not a professional NR Signaller, and I only properly know ETB and TST block rules, and even then they're from the 1970s BR Rule Book.

Clearing Points
[img width=100px height=100px]http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/167271_496599297582_654307582_6573858_872516_n.jpg[/img]

[img width=100px height=100px]http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs789.ash1/167948_496599352582_654307582_6573859_2266639_n.jpg[/img]

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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 08/02/2011 at 06:44 #13471
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I could give you a list of the TCs used for clearing points but I don't think the released version has the f11 option so TC the data be meaningless at this time. Generally it's the TC immediately beyond the home signal but in some cases it's the second one as well- best fit to 20ch basically.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 28/02/2011 at 11:25 #13810
963 posts
It does have the F11 function, so a list of CP TCs would be useful. I could then do a graphic showing where they all are.


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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 28/02/2011 at 16:36 #13814
1315 posts
Edinburgh and CScot are as far as I know the only sims which already have F11.
Edit: Wembley Sub also has F11, it is a newer sim.

AJP in games
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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 28/02/2011 at 17:35 #13815
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
KymriskaDraken said:
It does have the F11 function, so a list of CP TCs would be useful. I could then do a graphic showing where they all are.

I'll send something to you to play about with to extract the data- can you PM me with a preferred email address.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 01/03/2011 at 13:26 #13820
963 posts
I've written a document which does each Box in the style of Special Instructions to the Signalman. It details is required before a train can be accepted. Just waiting for Peter to cast an eye over it and then we can publish it.


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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 01/03/2011 at 15:26 #13822
884 posts
Many thanks for taking the time and effort to produce that guide, Kev. It's made life much simpler.
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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 01/03/2011 at 23:22 #13826
963 posts
This has been uploaded to the Wiki as a PDF and is awaiting moderatorial attention.


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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 01/03/2011 at 23:28 #13828
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
It's actually on the [User-Contributed>Other] Download area.

I guess the WIKI could be linked to that download,


Added to WIKI

I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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C-Scot Clearing Points and (Outer) Home Signals for the AB Boxes 03/03/2011 at 19:49 #13861
1841 posts
I've added some diagrams to the WIKI which show the TCs/points that need to be clear/locked.
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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