Help me please

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NO SIGNAL BOX - SAVE YOUR MONEY 28/02/2022 at 22:09 #145485
6 posts
Hi all,

I have not heard from anyone except one person who I can only conclude works for the company.

Quite simply I just would like to have Marylebone (I PAID $30) yet all I in return is nonsense and excuses. No excuse not to have basic personal onboard

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Help me please 28/02/2022 at 22:13 #145487
6380 posts
Leaving this one up so everybody can see what we're up against. The user in question has not replied to any offers of help. No excuses have been given because, quite frankly, we're struggling to understand how to help somebody who doesn't appear to want help yet is willing to disparage SimSig ad nauseum. He's had 5 responses to his posts, a PM, and an email. No response to any of them.
SimSig Boss
Last edited: 28/02/2022 at 22:22 by GeoffM
Reason: None given

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