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Philips Park South

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Philips Park South 03/12/2022 at 23:25 #149128
613 posts
While chained to Manchester East, Trains that pass between Philips Park South Jn and Baugley Fold Jn, won't leave the sim, leaving the sim with an occupied TC even though the train has already departed via Manchester East.
It can only be removed to clear the TCF.

I'm sorry I deleted the train before I saved it.

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Philips Park South 03/12/2022 at 23:47 #149130
4870 posts
Having just opened the two simulations on the default startup options, and chained them together, I don't see anything wrong with trains passing between Philips Park South Junction and Baguley Fold on the up and down Baguley lines.

We would need some further information such as save games and specific startup options to investigate further.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Philips Park South 04/12/2022 at 14:26 #149143
613 posts
Yeah, my fault for deleting without saving.

I'm currently chaining Stockport, Manchester East, North and South.

The two trains were 6M06 left down TCZH heading towards Ashburys; and 6E28 left down TCZD on the way to Baugley Fold Jn.
Both had come from Manchester East and gone back to Manchester East. These trains haven't come from any of the other chained sims

I've got 6M04 to come, so I'll have a look and save then.

Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.23; Sim: Simulation Manchester North; data version 2.0
License: Locked license in use
TT: Manchester North Custom Timetable v0.0.0
TT filename: Manchester North 2015-04-08 SX .WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: False
NERA2009 active at start
NSIMERA choice 1
NPROBLEMS active at start
NPROBLEMS choice 1
NLOW active at start

Last edited: 04/12/2022 at 14:27 by Guts
Reason: None given

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