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downloading older timetables

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downloading older timetables 23/12/2022 at 13:55 #149531
281 posts
hiya I've just spent an hour trying to find which of the Peterborough user supplied timetables work with the latest SimSig

some do, some dont , i presume this is cos of the loader switch , my question is we seem to have been diligent about deleting things like south humberside and trent, peak district, but all these timetables are left without any way of knowing which work and which dont .

Am I just griping too much here and should just get on with it ?

Merry Christmas by the way, so many hours this year ( nearly all with THAT New street timetable ! )

Last edited: 23/12/2022 at 13:55 by slatteryc
Reason: None given

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downloading older timetables 23/12/2022 at 14:33 #149534
4870 posts
Any which don't show automatically can be used by following these instructions on the wiki.


"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: agincourt13
downloading older timetables 23/12/2022 at 17:08 #149541
1466 posts
You'd need to define 'work' more precisely.

There is 'show up when you have them in the right place' (as Karl refers to).
These need importing and re-saving in the newer '.wtt only' format.

Then there are those (often also from the older 'wtt+wtr' format) where the sim has moved on and the timetable now has between 'a few' and 'many' invalid trains and functionally relevant warnings.
Even after importing, these would need some editing to work as intended.

See discussion of the Euston 1984 / 1990 timetables as examples.

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downloading older timetables 23/12/2022 at 17:14 #149542
281 posts
thank you, this worked. I appreciate older tts may not work or have been tested, thats the nature of things
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downloading older timetables 23/12/2022 at 20:56 #149544
579 posts
My Peterborough 77 timetable works fine.

Its an intensive timetable - for best results do not use ARS and read the notes first.

Available here:-



I walk around inside the questions of my day, I navigate the inner reaches of my disarray, I pass the altars where fools and thieves hold sway, I wait for night to come and lift this dread away : Jackson Browne - The Night Inside Me
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