Stainforth East Ground Frame

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Stainforth East Ground Frame 03/02/2023 at 15:56 #150383
1832 posts
I’ve just been doing battle with the Stainforth East Ground Frame. I couldn’t seem to get to grips with it at first and kept sending the loco back into the Bunker amongst other things.
Then the penny finally dropped and I realised that at some point I wasn’t reversing lever 4 to send the train into the Reception line.
I also routed the loco into the platform at Hatfield & Stainforth before realising that I could send it to the LOS before reversing it back into the Bunker.

Silly of me I know, but I got there in the end. I had to make a list of the various lever movements, etc. because I’d only forget otherwise 🙄

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