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Chaining issues with W Yrks

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Chaining issues with W Yrks 29/09/2024 at 23:52 #158708
288 posts
Currently running a chain including York N/S and W Yrks but not Leeds E/W. Trains are not entering on York from Down Leeds (Church Fenton) and Down Hull (Micklefield) but are entering from W Yrks Down Normanton (Church Fenton) entrance. Appropriate York N/S and W Yrks saves attached.

Also on the Down Sherburn, York N/S is showing berth data for M696 and relevant occupancy for T/C 1321 on W Yrks - no matter whether W Yrks has set a route from M696 to GS1829.

Relevant York N/S tech info:-

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.29; Sim: Simulation York North and South; data version 1.15
License: Locked license in use
TT: York 15-10-09 apc v1.1.0
TT filename: York 15-10-09 apc.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NNORMAL active at start
NNORMAL choice 1
NSC2 choice 2
NP17 choice 3
NUDL choice 4
NSTDARS active at start
NERA2004 active at start

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In Zone 6, no one can hear you scream...
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Chaining issues with W Yrks 15/10/2024 at 22:28 #158884
288 posts

A response to the above post would be appreciated.


In Zone 6, no one can hear you scream...
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Chaining issues with W Yrks 16/10/2024 at 21:12 #158895
1623 posts
Mantis 41540 raised for investigation

The fringes around here are very complex so we will need to go away and headscratch internally for a bit

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