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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 00:40 #3259
167 posts
As I host alot I have found myself with all panels on sim's taken and viewers watching, at the same time, at times i could have 3, 4 or 5 requests to reverse trains, check staus, or edit a timetable at the same time. It would be helpfull if there was an option to make a person that is connected a co-host that can access the F2 and F4 functions so they could help with reversing and edits. is this a viable feature?
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 00:40 #16785
167 posts
As I host alot I have found myself with all panels on sim's taken and viewers watching, at the same time, at times i could have 3, 4 or 5 requests to reverse trains, check staus, or edit a timetable at the same time. It would be helpfull if there was an option to make a person that is connected a co-host that can access the F2 and F4 functions so they could help with reversing and edits. is this a viable feature?
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 02:40 #16786
707 posts
In a similar vein, could it be possible for clients to view the F2 list, even with no functionality? It would remove the requests for "What is the status of X?" questions.
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 10:58 #16791
1841 posts
A suggestion I've made which would help on the busier simulations in mplay is for a separate message window for F10 messages, and thus keeping the other window for the operation messages and information. Hopefully would be relatively easy to implement.

Another feature to reduce the host's workload might be for clients to be able to instruct a driver to change direction, when calling in from a signal. I've had this situation many times in mplay, and just need the train reversed.

A lot of clients also don't realise the the information they can glean for the TD pop-ups eg:
a) whether a train exists (TT shows 'no history' or 'on time/early/late)';
b) when divides/joins are complete (the displayed TT updates);
c) TDs are shown when a train gives TRTS;
d) lost TDs can be found by waiting for the driver to call if held at a signal (I believe this is a real life requirement too;
e) whether a train has actually departed (TT will show next location);

I use all of these 'tips' to help the host by reducing their workload.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 14:04 #16798
167 posts
AndyG said:
A lot of clients also don't realise the the information they can glean for the TD pop-ups eg:
a) whether a train exists (TT shows 'no history' or 'on time/early/late)';
b) when divides/joins are complete (the displayed TT updates);
c) TDs are shown when a train gives TRTS;
d) lost TDs can be found by waiting for the driver to call if held at a signal (I believe this is a real life requirement too;
e) whether a train has actually departed (TT will show next location);

I use all of these 'tips' to help the host by reducing their workload
These are some great tips Andy and if used could reduce a hosts workload an awful lot. Maybe copying this acvice into the section for new signallers could have a good affect??.

mfcooper said:
In a similar vein, could it be possible for clients to view the F2 list, even with no functionality? It would remove the requests for "What is the status of X?" questions.
Yes indeed Matt, this would certainly solve the whats the status of X? and which direction is X facing? questions.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 14:33 #16800
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I added it to the Developers' wish list when I saw it this morning (already requested in part anyway). Whether anything will come of it, and when, only time will tell.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 16:24 #16805
685 posts
Just a quick observation Arron....
"For example, a train headcode should be visible for each train and displayed at all times. This is not the case at the moment". A lot of signal boxes will not have the ability to display train descriptions for things like shunt movements, so by not displaying a train headcode on any sim that includes this kind of box, then the developer is creating a true to life representation of any such location. This includes at least one location that was a relatively late conversion to a panel box, which is single manned and until the introduction of cab secure radio which introduced the train describer VDU, would have had no information on which red line was which train, other than receiving a description via the former block bell or a phone call from the local shunter for coming out the sidings.


You have to get a red before you can get any other colour
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 16:54 #16808
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I maybe wrong here but I believe that in a real box the signaller has full control over his panel including the ability to instruct trains to do whatever he wants them to do (obviously in consultation with colleagues) but never the less the final instruction will come from the panel signaller not the manager. If that causes chaos on your Sim then
A)- that's a management fault deal with it ( I could recount a real life farce I witnessed in a real box over mis-communication but I won't) or
B) Don't activate the option.

Further as Paul says, in many cases you already have more functionality than the real box.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:05 #16810
707 posts
As SimSig is a simulation of real signal boxes you are given the same TD berths as per the real box, unless that sim developer chooses to give you more in individual circumstances. If SimSig were a game, then that may well be different.

Aaron said:
... such as a "mouse-over" which could display headcode, speed, direction and current activity too..."
Aaron said:
a player of SimSig is not a trained signalman and neither is he/she part of a railway system with written timetables, documents, telephones, faxes and bell codes available to them
Real life signallers don't have any information available to them about current speed, direction or activity of a train. They know what they are booked to do, as per the timetable, and only see the results, as clients do in a multiplayer. As a real signaller, I actually find the SimSig pop-up timetables much more useful than most of the computer systems or paper timetables we get at work; they also tell you a lot more at once. The only comparison is CCF, which will show the current TT and how late a train is, but doesn't show booked activities.

And Bell Codes are available in many places across the internet!

Aaron said:
Headcodes dropping off the sim, as they so frequently do, is a hindrance to running the game and simply causes problems
It's a hindrance in real life, too!!

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:18 #16811
1841 posts
I think some sims, Cambridge for example, have TD berths that aren't on the real thing.

Also, sticky notes do more than they do in real life or shouldn't I be mis-using them to show TDs?

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:22 #16813
3635 posts
itd be interesting, in terms of realism to have an option to remove TDs in areas like worksop where ab is used and on panels where tds arent used. forcing simmers to use stickys and pen and paper
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:27 #16814
707 posts
jc92 - Nice idea! But do remember many AB boxes do now have a separate train describer unit so don't quite lose track of which train is which.

{topic title edited to reflect discussion}

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:36 #16815
3635 posts
mfcooper said:
many AB boxes do now have a separate train describer unit so don't quite lose track of which train is which
correct! but i like a challenge lol. i do know a couple of SR boxes have no td berths at all so i can second tht opinion. still interesting for these boxes to "desribe" blank trains forward

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 17:52 #16818
167 posts
Aaron said:
It would be wrong to add a second host to deal with these questions. That will just introduce confusion and blur lines of responsibility. Likewise, for giving clients the ability to reverse trains. That would diminish the role of the host and cause chaos, with clients able to reverse trains at will and without warning to the host or to other clients. I believe that one host only should have control over changes to the timetable. This works well and provides the host with a role while the clients signal the trains. So, all the F2 and F4 features should remain with a single host.
Aaron, I understand your concerns with such a feature which I have suggested being introduced, but if the host was to inform panel operators of who the co-host is and it being placed in the hosting notification post the the co-host function is being used, the pannel operators would know that there is 2 people who have certain controls within the sim. Take for example my recent 24 hour session, the unfortunate argument yourself and I had approching the end could have been avoided if this co-host feature was available as I missed andy's request the co-host would have picked up on it and acted on it. Of course anyone assigned a co-host would have to have permission of the main host to make any reverse's, abondon TT's or TT edits. This co-host function would also be very practical on a sim such as kings cross, where if there was a TCF across the moorgate points blocking arrivals / departures from moorgate, trains for the moorgate branch would be turned back from Drayton pk, while the host was co-operating with the finsbury operator to turn trains around, the co-host can respond to other requests from pannel operators, or of course vice versa, the co-host could be asked to assist the finsbury operator while the host is left free to respond to other requests.

DriverCurran said:
A lot of signal boxes will not have the ability to display train descriptions for things like shunt movements, so by not displaying a train headcode on any sim that includes this kind of box, then the developer is creating a true to life representation of any such location.
Paul, also any boxes that still have semaphore signals under their control at present, and for 70's and 80's based TT's that would have semaphore's, these boxes would be lever frame operated thus headcodes would not be so prominent for these boxes.

Peter Bennet said:
I maybe wrong here but I believe that in a real box the signaller has full control over his panel including the ability to instruct trains to do whatever he wants them to do (obviously in consultation with colleagues) but never the less the final instruction will come from the panel signaller not the manager.
Peter, as far as I am aware from irish signalling protocall at CTC, all signalling decisions are made as a joint decision between the panel signaller and the control regulator, with the signaller giving the train drivers the instructions of running non-stop, turning back etc. The regulator will only speak with the driver in cases of an emergency such as a train being involved in a fatality or a train failing. So in my view clients being the signallers and host being the regulator, giving clients access to the F2 menu would make sim more realistic. But this of course would require clients to discuss and obtain permission for what they want to do with/from the host. One thing I would say is clients should not be given the option to remove or alter train lenghts.

Aaron said:
DriverCurran, while I appreciate that you might want to strive for absolute realism, a player of SimSig is not a trained signalman and neither is he/she part of a railway system with written timetables, documents, telephones, faxes and bell codes available to them.
Aaron, although your concerns of alot of SimSig users are non-trained people are well founded, we must remember that geoff's aim for SimSig is to give such non-trained people an acctual insight into how railway's are operated from a signalling point of view. There is no lack of seasoned real life signallers and railway personel that are all willing to help out new signallers or un experienced signallers. Also this co-host feature would allow for seasoned hosts like you, me and others to, if there was a new signaller joining MP for the first few times, we could assign a co-host to respond to signaller's requests while we supervise and teach new signallers the ins and outs of railway signalling.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 18:41 #16822
247 posts
afro09 said:
Likewise, for giving clients the ability to reverse trains. That would diminish the role of the host and cause chaos, with clients able to reverse trains at will and without warning to the host or to other clients. I believe that one host only should have control over changes to the timetable. This works well and provides the host with a role while the clients signal the trains. So, all the F2 and F4 features should remain with a single host.
maybe only the reverse idea is wrong but the second host might work but then you would have arguments on who would be co-host

afro09 said:
, if there was a new signaller joining MP for the first few times, we could assign a co-host to respond to signaller's requests while we supervise and teach new signallers the ins and outs of railway signalling.
this sounds a good idea as it frees the actual host up to help

overall i feel that it would be benefical

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 18:52 #16824
3635 posts
ipswich said:
but then you would have arguments on who would be co-host
person whos hosting is host. if they choose to assign a co host its there choice. no arguments no questions asked

also there could be the option to provide trusted experienced players with the f2 option potentially allowing multiple (cohosts) although they arent actually cohosts. this would streamline fault rectification on there own panels

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 18:57 #16826
167 posts
Callum becarefull with your quotes and who you are quoting,

you quoted I said:
ipswich said:
afro09 wrote: Likewise, for giving clients the ability to reverse trains. That would diminish the role of the host and cause chaos, with clients able to reverse trains at will and without warning to the host or to other clients. I believe that one host only should have control over changes to the timetable. This works well and provides the host with a role while the clients signal the trains. So, all the F2 and F4 features should remain with a single host.

If you go back through the post you will see it was aaron who said this and i quoted him on it.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 19:07 #16827
247 posts
i highlighted the text and pressed Quote Selected button
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 19:18 #16828
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
afro09 said:

Peter Bennet said:
I maybe wrong here but I believe that in a real box the signaller has full control over his panel including the ability to instruct trains to do whatever he wants them to do (obviously in consultation with colleagues) but never the less the final instruction will come from the panel signaller not the manager.
Peter, as far as I am aware from irish signalling protocall at CTC, all signalling decisions are made as a joint decision between the panel signaller and the control regulator, with the signaller giving the train drivers the instructions of running non-stop, turning back etc. The regulator will only speak with the driver in cases of an emergency such as a train being involved in a fatality or a train failing. So in my view clients being the signallers and host being the regulator, giving clients access to the F2 menu would make sim more realistic. But this of course would require clients to discuss and obtain permission for what they want to do with/from the host. One thing I would say is clients should not be given the option to remove or alter train lenghts.
Yes I think we are saying the same thing really. If a panel signaller wants to (say) reverse a train then he may well discuss with the supervisor (host) but it would be the panel signaller who actually issued the instruction and thus needs access to f2. Arguably this should be a function available to all clients rather than a deputy host. As someone who has not hosted a M/P for years do I take it that the current practice is for the host to purely host? In my day the host had a panel and the hosting function was a secondary irritation!


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 19:25 #16829
167 posts

when you are quoting a quote you should quote the whole quote as if not you may be accusing somebody of saying something they didn't actually say. Note the way Peter has re-quoted above.


Yes it would be better if clients had access to the F2 function. At present there is some hosts who take a pannel, but some host dont take a pannel. Me personally I will always allow clients access to the pannels before I do so I will only work a pannel after all clients have recieved a pannel.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 21/06/2011 at 19:34 #16830
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
afro09 said:

when you are quoting a quote you should quote the whole quote as if not you may be accusing somebody of saying something they didn't actually say. Note the way Peter has re-quoted above.

Takes a bit of dexterity


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 22/06/2011 at 09:54 #16852
2158 posts
AndyG said:
Also, sticky notes do more than they do in real life or shouldn't I be mis-using them to show TDs?

Andy, how do you make notes at work? Diary? Train Register? Bits of paper stuck on a screen? They are similar to sticky notes.

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 22/06/2011 at 13:02 #16865
167 posts

common sense can be a wonderful gift.


what andy means is that in real life a sticky note would allow you to places a head code or reminder somewhere on your screen and thats it.

while in SimSig if you put a headcode on a sticky note, you then click on the sticky it will show you the timetable for that headcode, this does not happen in real life.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 22/06/2011 at 18:31 #16885
275 posts
Perhaps the signallers have access to the F2 panels, but a host has to "approve" a request through the mplayer control panel? Perhaps something like:
I go into F2, and authorise train past signal at danger as per normal
RJWC (Workstation 1) requested 2J52 to pass K123 at danger. Confirm or deny?

Then the host can quickly check it, and approve or deny it. Saves the host having to do everything.

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A Co-Host feature / Client Functionality 22/06/2011 at 20:05 #16888
1841 posts
But clients can authorise trains past R without hosts involvement already.
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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