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Drain? 21/07/2011 at 20:52 #18120
24 posts
I am having problems running it. When I try to run it I get a message about direct draw3.

I have included a screen shot.

BTW where is Drain? Is it a fictional place or is it real place?

Last edited: 21/07/2011 at 20:52 by phil8715
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Re: Drain? 21/07/2011 at 20:53 #18123
1803 posts
" said:
BTW where is Drain? Is it a fictional place or is it real place?
Drain - nickname for the Waterloo & City (London Underground tube line).

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Re: Drain? 21/07/2011 at 20:54 #18124
4870 posts
The drain is a real place, it's the colloquial name for the Waterloo and City line on the london Underground.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Drain? 21/07/2011 at 21:22 #18128
24 posts
aww right lol.
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Re: Drain? 22/07/2011 at 08:49 #18141
1315 posts
Your computer's screen has to support 1024x768 for a paged simulation to work (netbooks sometimes do not). And make sure that there's a proper driver for your graphics card installed.
AJP in games
Last edited: 22/07/2011 at 08:50 by Albert
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