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London King's Cross ticket barriers

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London King's Cross ticket barriers 18/02/2011 at 20:41 #2471
1803 posts
They've started to barrier up the platforms at London King's Cross - so far only Platforms 0 to 5.

Took a few quick photos other night on my cameraphone and just shared them on Twitter. See the following links for the aforementioned photos;

Barriers as viewed from Platform 1.

Barriers as viewed from West Side Entrance.

Information poster display 'thing'.

One assumes that they'll also put in barriers between the end of Platform 5 and the nearby pillar there. Not quite sure what the plan for Platform 8 will be, although I can imagine it may involve something similar to London Paddington where Platform 1 there is 'open'.

Looks like those of us who want access to the platforms to, perhaps, see a charter (they normally use Platform 1) will have to pop to the West Side Offices (a.k.a.: Station reception) to sign in to get entry into the platform, or perhaps ask staff to just open a barrier to let one through. Then again, may be possible to just use an Oystercard. Hopefully barrier staff will be trained correctly how to recognise charter tickets, or perhaps charters may use Platform 6 instead (as I seem to recall they have done previously).

Replies of-course welcomed.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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London King's Cross ticket barriers 18/02/2011 at 20:41 #13714
1803 posts
They've started to barrier up the platforms at London King's Cross - so far only Platforms 0 to 5.

Took a few quick photos other night on my cameraphone and just shared them on Twitter. See the following links for the aforementioned photos;

Barriers as viewed from Platform 1.

Barriers as viewed from West Side Entrance.

Information poster display 'thing'.

One assumes that they'll also put in barriers between the end of Platform 5 and the nearby pillar there. Not quite sure what the plan for Platform 8 will be, although I can imagine it may involve something similar to London Paddington where Platform 1 there is 'open'.

Looks like those of us who want access to the platforms to, perhaps, see a charter (they normally use Platform 1) will have to pop to the West Side Offices (a.k.a.: Station reception) to sign in to get entry into the platform, or perhaps ask staff to just open a barrier to let one through. Then again, may be possible to just use an Oystercard. Hopefully barrier staff will be trained correctly how to recognise charter tickets, or perhaps charters may use Platform 6 instead (as I seem to recall they have done previously).

Replies of-course welcomed.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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London King's Cross ticket barriers 18/02/2011 at 21:48 #13716
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
UKTrainMan said:

Hopefully barrier staff will be trained correctly how to recognise charter tickets.
Was not a problem at Newcastle on a recent charter I was on.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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London King's Cross ticket barriers 19/02/2011 at 14:02 #13719
149 posts
UKTrainMan said:
Hopefully barrier staff will be trained correctly how to recognise charter tickets,

All the charters I've been on where we've boarded or stopped at stations that have ticket barriers have not seen any problems for me. Just make sure to keep your charter ticket with you just in case the attendant wants to double-check. Usually a quick wave of it in front of him/her as you're passing through the opened gate is enough.

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London King's Cross ticket barriers 19/02/2011 at 17:46 #13721
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
outofsection said:
UKTrainMan said:
Hopefully barrier staff will be trained correctly how to recognise charter tickets,

All the charters I've been on where we've boarded or stopped at stations that have ticket barriers have not seen any problems for me. Just make sure to keep your charter ticket with you just in case the attendant wants to double-check. Usually a quick wave of it in front of him/her as you're passing through the opened gate is enough.
Mind you I have long since established (as an experiment) that as long as you wave a ticket nobody checks the validity- certainly during the morning peak at the FCC platforms at KX.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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London King's Cross ticket barriers 19/02/2011 at 21:48 #13723
148 posts
dont they sell platform tickets anymore with the black bar opposed to orange?
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London King's Cross ticket barriers 20/02/2011 at 11:43 #13724
148 posts
That will make tight connections all the harder - i have made a train from KX 15 and a half minutes after arriving at victoria before.... That was close
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