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Signals 04/05/2010 at 18:07 #1211
21 posts
How do you find a signals id
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Signals 04/05/2010 at 18:24 #8967
1841 posts
In F3 Options/Control, make sure 'right click cancels route' is unticked, then right click on signal.
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Signals 04/05/2010 at 18:27 #8968
21 posts
Thanks Andy
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 19:42 #25606
1 posts
is there an option to show all the signals id at one time ? it would be handy so that i could print this off ! i did this with exeter once, on my first ever SimSig but cant remember how i did this !
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 19:47 #25607
93 posts
someone once did some PDFs for some of the older sims, dont know who, dont know how....
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 19:57 #25609
3635 posts
some of the newer sims also have had PDF maps done, i assume utlising screenshots with signal IDs added on paint, photoshop etc.

euston does have the function to show signal numbers as a startup option, at the moment it is however the only sim with this feature

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 20:38 #25614
989 posts
I would suggest inputting the Signal ID's into the TD berth and then doing a screen dump.
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 20:53 #25616
275 posts
" said:
I would suggest inputting the Signal ID's into the TD berth and then doing a screen dump.

Some signals don't have associated berths, and some signal ID's are longer than 4 characters.

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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 21:05 #25617
3945 posts
" said:
someone once did some PDFs for some of the older sims, dont know who, dont know how....

All Sims have a plan, with the exception of Edinburgh, Saltley and London Euston.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Re: Signals 15/12/2011 at 21:21 #25618
4869 posts
" said:
" said:
someone once did some PDFs for some of the older sims, dont know who, dont know how....

All Sims have a plan, with the exception of Edinburgh, Saltley and London Euston.
Euston could be made easily by just turning signal numbers on and screenshotting then doing the colours. Then again is a plan even needed.

As for Saltley and Edinburgh there not for the faint heared.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Signals 16/12/2011 at 00:58 #25625
1637 posts
tywynkeith asked
is there an option to show all the signals id at one time ?

Unfortunately not. I vaguely recall requesting elsewhere that this feature be added, and think others have, too. It would come in handy when responding to a phone call from a driver complaining he's waiting at a red (signal number given), or, for those who eat quiche, seeing a similar message on the Train List. :)

In sims such as Euston (there may be others) one has the option to turn on signal IDs, which is a help, but unfortunately this can only be done when starting a sim. If you find the blizzard of blue signal numbers too much and want to turn them off, you have no option but to start a new game; you cannot alter a saved game.

A better approach IMO would be to be able to toggle signal numbers (and maybe other things such as important block lengths) on/off in the same way we can display track circuit breaks now, from the F3 Options menu. All that is required is to save current routes set and train positions, then refresh the display, this time including signal numbers and whatever else. (Note: the same panel space could be allocated to displaying either signal numbers, or block lengths, or other data, depending on which option the user selects.)

The added benefits of doing this should be:
1) Reduce screen clutter when needed. Euston already has a lot of information on the panel. The font chosen for signal numbers is a bit large IMO.
2) When the sim is updated or corrected, there's no need for anyone to have to go to the trouble of compiling a new signal map and laboriously re-label each signal. Duplication of data is thus avoided.
3) It might make it possible one day to run a search for a particular signal, given its number. Screen dumps inserted into PDF files are a very inefficient way of searching for a particular signal. R-clicking on a signal only tells you the number for that signal, and then only if you've disabled Options > Control > Right-click cancels route.

As an aside, it seems bad design to be forced to choose between two different features, each equally useful, namely the signal context menu and Right-click cancels route. It would be more sensible to have your cake and eat it by offering choices such as these, using a radio button to choose between menus:

Menu A (as at present, catering for those who are used to doing it this way):
Right-clicking a signal opens its context menu (thus its signal number).
[checkbox to change this to cancelling a route].

Menu B:
Right-clicking a signal displays its context menu (thus its signal number).
Shift-clicking a signal enables insertion of a headcode.
Control-Right-clicking a signal cancels the route.

PS The reason I opted for Control-Right-clicking rather than Control-clicking is to be consistent with the SimSig convention that left-clicking initiates something whereas right-clicking cancels it. However, since it doesn't take long to get used to a particular shortcut, it might be a good idea to offer Control-left-clicking a signal cancels the route as an extra option, in this way:

To cancel a route:
(.) Do it from the signal context menu
( ) Right-click the signal
( ) Control-left-click the signal
( ) Control-right-click the signal

where (.) and ( ) are radio buttons. The other options fall into place after this.

Last edited: 16/12/2011 at 01:48 by maxand
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Re: Signals 16/12/2011 at 01:10 #25626
3635 posts
no pleasing some people
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Signals 16/12/2011 at 02:01 #25628
1637 posts
On thinking about it further, the fact that Euston does have optional screen numbers built in, albeit at startup, enables us to start a New Game displaying screen numbers, take one or more screenshots of the panel (pretty easy), exit, then start another new game without screen numbers and have the screenshots sitting in an image viewer in the background (behind SimSig) for easy reference. Similar to the current arrangement with most sims, but no tedious hand labelling of signals on the screenshot.
Last edited: 16/12/2011 at 02:03 by maxand
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Re: Signals 16/12/2011 at 03:11 #25633
310 posts
" said:
start a New Game displaying screen numbers, take one or more screenshots of the panel (pretty easy), exit, then start another new game without screen numbers and have the screenshots sitting in an image viewer in the background (behind SimSig) for easy reference
I suspect that was what Karl meant by
" said:
just turning signal numbers on and screenshotting then doing the colours
As for my own tuppence, I don't quite understand all the fuss about signal numbers anyway. If it's a question of finding a train calling from a red signal, I usually find that the 'Current/Prev Location' information is enough to get me near enough to find it. Granted there are some locations which require you to know signal numbers to know where to reverse things, for example, and those are the ones you just need to get to grips with when you're learning a new sim, but personally I can't imagine ever wanting or needing to check numbers for all or even most of the signals in an area! It's just not useful information in most situations. I also find that there are a few places in each sim where trains are most likely to get stuck at a red (e.g. the Honiton single line during late running on Exeter, Digswell/Woolmer Green while waiting for a fast train on King's Cross) so I usually have a quick glance around those, especially if I know the train was thereabouts when I last saw it.

Your mileage may, of course, vary (especially during overnight engineering diversions).

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Signals 16/12/2011 at 03:15 #25634
1803 posts
Believe me, if you don't like the clutter you'd hate to be a real signaller. Having had a go at what was only the training simulation at Rugby SCC, the detailed view is very cluttered with far more information, buttons, symbols and more, than on SimSig.

Regarding the signal numbers on Euston (and possibly future simulations too, now), I'd wonder if it would be possible for choices about displaying them. By this, I mean having one option to hide them completely, one option to show them at entry points only, one option to show them at key locations only, one option to show them at entry points & key locations only, one option to show them at every signal, etc., all contained within a drop-down list like with the era selection and scale of problems. I personally don't (or won't - when I get round to playing Euston properly) use them yet, but if I did and this feature was available I'd probably select the 'show at at Entry points & key locations only' option for signal numbers.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
Last edited: 16/12/2011 at 03:24 by UKTrainMan
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The following user said thank you: maxand