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Macros to make it easier

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Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 05:00 #26554
1637 posts
Macros form a layer of extra keyboard and mouse commands which may be applied to software applications in addition to the ones already built in. They are useful for automating a series of boring, repetitive commands, for adding extra functionality not provided by the application's developer, and for customizing the user interface to suit one's particular needs.

I have created a set of keyboard/mouse macros which has made playing SimSig more enjoyable for me and hope you find a use for some of them too. The macros were written using a free Windows macro programming language named AutoHotkey.

Download the package (1.9 Mb) here.

How To Get Started

AutoHotkey (AHK) comes in two flavours, AutoHotkey Basic and AutoHotkey_L, a more advanced version. (L is the initial character of Lexicos, who developed this version.) AHK Basic probably has more than you'll ever need, and is the version used by my script. I have included the installer (1.95 Mb) with the script, so all you need do is run the installer, then run my script (SimSig_[version no].ahk), as you would any other document. It will be recognized by AHK and installed in the System Tray (aka Notification Area in Windows 7). Once you see the green icon with a white H, the script is up and running. The macros should be working; press M when SimSig's View window is active, and the menu should apppear. If there is some error in the script preventing it from executing, AHK will notify you to that effect. Note 1: AHK (the program) runs invisibly once installed; what you see is the installed script. Note 2: You can run more than one script concurrently; hovering over the icon reveals its title.

Although the script should work without errors, you will derive much more benefit from it if you find time to study it and write some macros for yourself. You should visit the AHK site, which is well-documented and friendly. Although it is very easy to learn how to write a simple macro, AHK is a powerful language in which whole Windows applications have been written, so it is just a matter of thinking creatively. AHK's Help file is very comprehensive and can be opened by selecting Help from any script's context menu.

AHK scripts are plain text scripts despite their .ahk extension, so you can open them with Notepad or similar editor. I have used a variety of simple programming techniques in this script to give you an idea of what can be done. I'm sure you will think of many other ways to improve your interaction with SimSig.

What The Script Contains (v1.0)

The macros in this script are designed for a right-handed person (me) who operates the mouse with his right hand and works the keyboard with his left hand. The hotkeys were chosen so as to be easily accessible with the left hand, reducing the need to cross the left hand over to the right side of the keyboard (e.g., to use the arrow keys) as much as possible. These macros should also make life easier for a person who plays SimSig on a relatively small screen, by facilitating window display. The beauty of these macros is that you can customize the keys used if, for example, you are left-handed and prefer mousing with your left hand. Each hotkey is listed after its macro in brackets. Here are 21 macros to get you going.

(The macros work independently, so if any don't suit you, you can either "comment them out" (insert comment symbols before and after the code), or delete them from the script.)

Display Macro Menu (M)
Pressing M while any of the SimSig windows are open and active (excluding Options) displays a handy reference menu of each macro in the script, along with its hotkey(s).

Check that SimSig is loaded and active (Ctrl+F12)
Really a test to make sure your macros are enabled.

Display Messages window (F12)
SimSig lacks a single-key hotkey for this window, which is all too easily hidden behind the View Window. Pressing F12 re-displays it if this occurs. If you prefer, change this to a hotkey easier to reach with your L hand, though I don't find myself needing to unhide Messages very often.

Toggle Overview window (F5)
Allocating F5 to Performance Analysis is wasted on me, so I'd rather use this valuable keyboard real estate for something else. No more distracting mousing to open Overview, no more worry about losing Overview behind the View window; press F5 and it appears; press F5 again and it vanishes. Hey presto!

Toggle Train List window (F2)
This is our quiche-eaters' friend F2, but on steroids. Press F2 and it will be created, as usual; position it, size it and press F2 again - it's minimized. Press F2 again and it springs back to life, with its former position and size settings, something that doesn't happen if you close and reopen it. No more hunting for the Restore Up icon!

Toggle Show Timetable window (F1)
Program developers feel obliged to reserve F1 for newbie help, which is understandable though rather useless in SimSig since all it does is reopen your fat overloaded browser and add another page to it. F1 is possibly the most useful key on your board since it is right out there on the LH corner, but also one of the most misused keys for the above reason. So let's do something better with it. If you have already opened Show Timetable, pressing F1 will hide/unhide it as for F2, remembering its size and location. If you haven't created one by clicking a berth, AHK gently reminds you to do so with a popup message, also announcing that it will close in 2 seconds, Clive. ;)

Send Double-Click (Shift+LClick)
Rather than wear out your index finger and mouse by clicking to complete setting one route at a running signal and clicking again to set the next one from the same signal, all that's needed now is to hover over the signal and Shift-Lclick! A new route is begun.

Cancel Route (Ctrl+RClick)
Not quite as good as being able to toggle signal numbers on/off, this nevertheless gets you off the horns of the dilemma of whether to choose "Right-click cancels route" and miss out on signal ID confirmation, or leave this option unchecked and then have to R-click, L-click to cancel a route, interpose, etc. Simply hover over the signal marking the start of the route and Ctrl-RClick, preferably not causing ACOA.

Interpose at signal, or Cancel TD (Win+RClick)
If you hover over a signal, this hotkey opens an Interpose window, which I find easier than reaching across the keyboard to press I, then moving to the target signal. If you hover over a berth, this hotkey cancels the TD. (When you study the code you will discover why this works for both). So be careful where you apply it. Getting the idea now? One aim of these macros is to keep one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse for as long as possible, so that your attention remains on the screen for longer.

Copy TD to Windows Clipboard (C)
I admit that this is a kludge, but a necessary one, seeing that this useful function isn't part of SimSig. I chose C as it is similar to Ctrl+C (Copy), only this macro does the actual copying for you as well. Hover over a berth and press C. Duh. Happily all *location* shortcuts for any sim require you to press Shift+(letter), leaving most of the plain unvarnished keyboard alphabet (A-Z) to you for any further macros you may create. Go for it.

Copy last 3 TD chars to Clipboard (Alt+C)
Why on earth..? Because in sims such as Wembley Sub, London Underground (LU) trains tend to keep the last three characters of their headcode while changing their first one more often than Paris Hilton changes her outfit. So all you have to do when interposing here is type the first letter of the new headcode and paste the rest. ;)

A bit of string manipulation knowhow, and you could be on your way to automating many other pesky headcode changes instead of wearing out your fingers...

Left Hand Cursor Keys (S, F, D, R, T)
I used to be able to buy keyboards that had the number pad and cursor keys on the left rather than the right, but not it seems any more. Likewise USB number pads work for some but unfortunately are slow and unreliable on my system. In the old gaming days, programmers would allocate A,D,W and S for Left,Right,Up,Down, which was great; so here they are again. Whoops, A and F are reserved by SimSig. With AHK, not any more! A is a useful key, so let's leave it there and move the whole "cross" formation of arrow keys one key rightwards, utilizing S and F for Left and Right respectively, rather than hunt and stretch for view numbers 1-6. Remember, A-S-D-F are the left hand's home keys.

For extra zip, allocate D to the view in the miDdle of your layout, and R and T to the extreme left and right ends (or choose other letters to suit). Read the script code for more info. Thus, in Exeter, pressing D takes you to location 5 (Exeter Station, the midpoint of the sim), R corresponds to 1 and T to 9. Yes, it's possible to create specific mappings for each sim; read the code.

I haven't programmed Up/Down but will leave that to you. Again, read the code.

Alternative Fast (Alt+F)
Do you press F as often as you press the Right arrow key? I wouldn't think so. I only press F when I find myself starting to yawn. Therefore, let's reassign F to an equally accessible, but less important, hotkey such as Alt+F.

Alternative Left Hand Pause (Alt+W)
P is a key requiring the right hand, which should be resting on the mouse, or the left hand crossing over awkwardly instead of resting on the home keys. So let's find an alternative on the LH side. How about Alt+W? I picked this, thinking "W for Wait" as I couldn't come up with anything better. You might have other ideas. Note: Since, unlike F, I didn't reassign P to some other function, you can still press P to pause. Also note, if you read the code, it should be clear why Alt+W won't cause havoc with any other applications that might be open concurrently.

Create Sticky Note with contents of Clipboard and leave open for further editing (V)
Having copied the TD to your Clipboard by pressing C (see above), you can now automatically create a sticky note containing the TD wherever you choose by hovering and pressing V (think of Ctrl+V, paste). This macro leaves the note open for further editing (e.g., adding departure time).

Create Sticky Note with Clipboard and close (B )
I chose B as it is next to V. Now, by combining C and B, you can create a sticky note with inserted headcode (which you can click to Show Timetable), no typing necessary.

LH Close Sticky Note (Alt+Z)
If you don't mind taking your hand off the mouse to type Alt+O, or drag your mouse right over to the LH side of the screen to close the sticky note editor window, this macro isn't for you, but those who prefer less movement should find this macro handy. Note that this closure accepts changes, like clicking OK; it doesn't Cancel the note.

Delete Sticky Note (Alt+D)
Currently this can only be done after opening the sticky note, then clicking the Delete button - all mouse-intensive. Simply hover over the obsolete sticky, press Alt+D (D for Delete), and it's gone, like Louie da fly!

Transparency Macros
The transparency level of the Train List and Show Timetable windows can now be adjusted. Not only does a semi-transparent window reveal more of the layout underneath (useful when you have to cram all windows into one smallish screen), but even slightly semitransparent windows are much more restful on the eyes as there is less contrast between the black background of the panel and the white of these windows. I was a bit sceptical of the value of doing this at first; now I find it indispensable. Pity the IECC doesn't think this way.

The transparency of a window in XP to Win7 (unfortunately not Win 98 or earlier) can have a value ranging between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque, SimSig's default). You don't want to be able to set 0 - you'd never find the window again. I left the initial setting at 255, but if you like these macros, reduce this value to, say, 200 (read the code ) to reduce glare, so that the script is initiated with this setting. Do your eyes a favour.

Display Train List and/or Show Timetable to try these hotkeys out. Shift+Ctrl+[Keyboard Minus] decreases the opacity (increases transparency); Shift+Ctrl+[Keyboard Plus] increases the opacity (decreases transparency). Shift+Ctrl+[PrtSc/SysRq] resets transparency to initial script value; Shift+Ctrl+[Pause/Break} sets transparency to fully opaque (SimSig default).

(Note that transparency levels aren't set until the user presses F1 or F2, since I haven't bothered including code to poll for the existence of either window. So when these windows appear for the first time they will most likely be opaque, in which case press Shift+Ctrl+[PrtSc/SysRq] to reset the initial script value.)

Well, that's it for now. Post suggestions for more macros here, or PM me if AHK has you floundering. I'm sure there are plenty of opportunities for new macros in sims I haven't explored . Remember, a macro collection is a living thing; it grows and matures. You will find yourself discarding (or commenting out) those you don't need and building your own custom list. Above all, have fun.

Last edited: 01/01/2012 at 06:05 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 06:34 #26555
1637 posts
I just discovered that Alternate Pause (Alt+W) didn't work if Train List or Show Timetable window had focus (on top). Then I discovered this feature is native to SimSig, i.e., pressing P won't work either. To get around it, change the macro code in M12d to this:

IfWinNotActive, View ;if View window isn't on top
WinActivate, View ;activate it first
SendInput p ;MUST be lower case
WinActivate ;then reactivate previous window on top
else ;View window happens to be active
SendInput p ;MUST be lower case


PS I just noticed that the Royston sim's View window is simply titled "Royston", not "View - Royston". Haven't checked any other single-panel sims but this breaks the rule that all View windows begin with the name View, which these macros expect.

Not to worry. I suggest that if you want to apply these macros to Royston (unlikely), you should create a copy of SimSig.ahk named, e.g., royston.ahk and edit the names of all the windows so that the macros that deal with View wait for the Royston window to be active. I will leave this little task to you as it will teach you a lot about the #IfWinActive directive.

Last edited: 01/01/2012 at 13:43 by maxand
Reason: added para about Royston sim

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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 19:46 #26580
4869 posts
Hi Maxand, I've downloaded them and had a try.

Function Keys

F1 : Gave me an access violation on Edinburgh, worked fine on Csot, but I didn't really find it very useful to my playing style.
F2 : Works fine with one sim open, does not work well with two sims open.
F5 : Toggle overview, again see F2
F12 : Didn't appear to do anything.

View Window

Cracking additions to the game, well done. The ability to "double" click running signals allows me to set routes faster.

My only criticism here is having to move between CTRL, SHIFT and Win for each different command. Perhaps just use CTRL and Mouse 1, 2 ,3??

Alternate Shortcuts

Not really used, as they aren't applicable to me as a right handed player.

Sticky Notes

Quite handy when working with train IDs in them via the clipboard, a useful feature.

Transparency Levels

Haven't used, so can't comment.

But seriously some good stuff in there keep it up.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 22:38 #26593
1637 posts
Thanks headshot119 for the feedback. Very interesting.

I haven't tried playing Edinburgh so will keep an eye out for access violations though I haven't seen this message with AHK so far. Access violations are often due to conflicts between memory spaces required by each running process. Since F1 worked OK on Csot, this highlights the code differences between sims which often goes deeper than we might think.

I must admit I wasn't expecting people to play with two sims open and expecting these macros to work flawlessly! In the case of F5 (and also F2), as you can see from the code, all I asked the macro to do was to act when it saw a window whose title started with the word Overview. Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix this; just change the SetTitleMatchMode parameter from 1 to 2 or 3, and expand the code to cater for both sim names. SetTitleMatchMode does what its name implies - it determines the criteria for matching a word at the beginning of, or within a window's title. The AHK Help file makes this fairly clear. Again, PM me any time with details and I'll see what can be done.

F12 may not appear to do anything unless Messages is hidden behind some other window, when it brings it forward again. It doesn't act as a toggle switch in the way that F1 and F2 do, though you could easily clone the code to make this happen. I chose this behaviour as I would think most players would want Messages to be permanently open and visible.

(edited) Now I think back to why I did it, it was for people like me running SimSig on a single screen. Because the Control window is always on top and usually the top left, the sensible place to keep the Messages window seems to be next to it. If you deepen the Messages window to show more messages, it begins to conflict with the View window; setting the Messages window to stay on top is not the answer. So the F12 macro allows you to have a deep Messages window, overlapped by the View window, and then to bring it forward by pressing F12 to display the latest messages.

None of this would be necessary if we could display the latest messages at the top, rather than the bottom, of the Messages window, but unfortunately this is not an option.
Perhaps just use CTRL and Mouse 1, 2 ,3??

Not sure what you mean. Are you referring to a mouse with multiple, configurable buttons?

Last edited: 01/01/2012 at 23:14 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 22:45 #26596
4869 posts
" said:

Perhaps just use CTRL and Mouse 1, 2 ,3??

Not sure what you mean. Are you referring to a mouse with multiple, configurable buttons?
No rather than using :

Send Double-Click (Shift+LClick)
Cancel Route (Ctrl+RClick)
Interpose at signal, or Cancel TD (Win+RClick)

How about :
Send Double-Click (Shift+LClick)
Cancel Route (Shift+RClick)
Interpose at signal, or Cancel TD (Shift+MClick)

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 22:48 #26597
1841 posts
" said:
Since F1 worked OK on Csot, this highlights the code differences between sims which often goes deeper than we might think.
Edinburgh and C Scot were issued together, and so are more than likely to be exactly the same core code.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 23:02 #26598
521 posts
And this makes life easier?
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Re: Macros to make it easier 01/01/2012 at 23:39 #26601
1637 posts
How about :
Send Double-Click (Shift+LClick)
Cancel Route (Shift+RClick)
Interpose at signal, or Cancel TD (Shift+MClick)
Very easy to do. Open SimSig.ahk in Notepad. The first macro (Send Double-Click) is unchanged. For Cancel Route, simply edit the line "^RButton::" to "+RButton::". For Cancel TD, edit "#RButton::" to "+Mbutton::". Save the file, then R-click the script's AHK icon in the System Tray and select "Reload this script". Done.

(added) Forgot to mention that AHK allows more than one hotkey per macro. Simply stack one above the other. E.g., for Interpose at Signal/Cancel TD, the code could read:

#RButton:: ;Win+RClick
+Mbutton:: ;Shift+Middle button

in which case either hotkey would work.

Also see my edited remarks in my previous post about why I decided to create a macro for Messages. Allocating F12 to it goes against my preference for putting hotkeys on the LH side of the keyboard for R-handed mouse users, so you could change F12 to something else. I find the left Windows button used in combination with F1, F2, F3 is easy to reach, so why not substitute "#F1::" for "F12::" for this macro?

And this makes life easier?

Have you tried it?

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 00:14 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 06:53 #26616
1637 posts
Here's one more, similar to copying TD from berth:

;#M10 Copy TD from Train List (to Clipboard)
;Keys: Q (left-click selected train first)
;Don't let your mouse cursor slip off the selected train!
;Note the Sleep delays - increase duration if needed.
#IfWinActive, Train List
Clipboard = ;empty clipboard
WinActivate, Train List ;appears to be necessary despite #IfWinActive directive
Click right ;open Train List context menu
Sleep 100
SendInput t ;open Timetable Options
SendInput {Up 2} ;traverse context menu
SendInput {Enter} ;open Timetable Editor
WinWaitActive, Timetable Editor ;ensure it is open and on top
SendInput {Home} ;highlight Train ID field
Sleep 200
SendInput +{End} ;ditto
Sleep 200
SendInput ^c ;copy highlighted TD to clipboard
ClipWait, 1 ;wait until the clipboard contains data
;MsgBox,,, Clipboard contains "%Clipboard%",1 ;retain for testing
SendInput !c ;Cancel Timetable Editor

Now you can use this in conjunction with V or B to create a sticky note, from which you can click the headcode to Show Timetable.

Pure kludge, but again, better than typing or copy/pasting.

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 08:22 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 10:40 #26627
1637 posts
And one more...

;#M03b Clear Messages window
;Keys: Shift+F12 or Shift+F1
Gosub, glbActivateControlWindow ;Activate Control window for its menu
SendInput !sm ;Show > Messages
SendInput +{End} ;scroll down to latest entry
SendInput +{F10} ;Shift+F10 - Windows shortcut opens any context menu
SendInput {Down 2} ;navigate down to 'Remove this message and all above'
SendInput {Enter} ;bon voyage

glbActivateControlWindow: ;(already in original script)
IfWinNotActive, SimSig ;SimSig's Control window is titled "SimSig - ..."
WinActivate, SimSig

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 10:42 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 10:49 #26628
275 posts
Would these macros not all be broken if Geoff changed the menu layout?
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 11:50 #26641
1637 posts
As you see, I've tried to encourage people to learn to take control of AHK to deal with any changes in the target application. As a general rule, applications mature towards user-friendliness. It's quite possible that the developers may see the light and build some of these functions into the next major release, but just as railway networks have "pinch points", so applications acquire bottlenecks in functionality simply because of natural limitations to the perception of their designers. What they might consider unimportant or relegate to the back burner, others might perceive as vital for smooth workflow. Macros are best used to smooth these rough edges. They are never as fast or reliable as the same function, fully debugged, built into the original software.

AutoHotkey is more than a mere macro language such as you might find in Shorthand for Windows or Macro Express. While I wouldn't recommend it for large software projects, it nevertheless "understands" computer-human interfaces (Windows only) a lot better than many other languages and can take full advantage of virtually every key there is on the keyboard. I encourage everyone not just to apply these macros blindly (the worst thing one can do, for the reasons you mention), but to study how they were constructed and adapt them to changing situations whenever required. It's one computer language I have never regretted learning.

PS More as a direct answer to your question, I hope to be able to update this collection as the core design changes, also happy to accept suggestions and code snippets from those who have created macros specifically for individual sims that I don't play.

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 12:08 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 13:51 #26644
1637 posts
Check any train's timetable quickly:

Press F4 to open the Timetable List (which must be on top), scroll till you find a train to check, then while hovering over the train (no need to click it to select it), press the hotkey. Its Location List aka timetable) will be displayed. The added benefit of doing this is that you do not overwrite the timetable selected in the Show Timetable window.

Note that the same hotkey is used in other macros in this list. However, its action is specific for Timetable List when this window is foremost (on top).

;#M17 Check Timetable for any train
;Requires Timetable List (F4) to be on top
;If the Timetables tab is not showing, click it or press Alt+M
;Hover over train whose TT you wish to check and press hotkey;
;no need to click the train first, though macro will still work if you do
;Keys: Shift+LClick
#IfWinActive, Timetable List
SendInput {Click 2} ;send double-click to open Timetable Editor
SendInput !l ;open Location List
;to exit, press Esc twice

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 13:56 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 17:01 #26658
Prof Jolly
61 posts
Do signalers get to use macros at work?
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 23:15 #26697
895 posts
no they either use push buttons on a board, or a tracker ball and select buttons
oh and they get a telephone too

Last edited: 02/01/2012 at 23:15 by y10g9
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Re: Macros to make it easier 02/01/2012 at 23:47 #26698
5208 posts
tecchies vs users again.

When will it ever end?

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Meld, officer dibble, andyb0607, Sam Tugwell, delticfan
Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 06:34 #26702
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
no they either use push buttons on a board, or a tracker ball and select buttons
oh and they get a telephone too :D
Don't forget the fridge magnets


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: Sam Tugwell
Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 10:29 #26707
895 posts
" said:
" said:
no they either use push buttons on a board, or a tracker ball and select buttons
oh and they get a telephone too :D
Don't forget the fridge magnets

drats. knew i forgot something

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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 12:31 #26712
1637 posts
Prof Jolly:
Do signalers get to use macros at work?

no they either use push buttons on a board, or a tracker ball and select buttons

These comments aren't as facetious as they might appear. Push buttons on a board are in fact hard wired macros; on one hand more direct and potentially less troublesome, but on the other, more difficult to modify.

For the ultimate in realistic simming, it might be fun modelling such buttons with a simple electronic box interfaced to one's PC, similar to RailDriver for driving simulators. I haven't seen similar signalling sim, but it should be easy enough to combine SimSig with a programmable keyboard such as X-Keys or Versakey.

I wonder, does anyone already do this? Also, are these real pushbuttons efficient in practice?

Last edited: 03/01/2012 at 12:33 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 12:47 #26713
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Mini-NXish panels can be found at many a model railway exhibition. And at one last year I was speaking to a chap who had his signalling system linked to his mobile phone (or I-thingy if that's different). So in some respects maybe it's already been achieved- the other way round at least.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 12:52 #26715
1637 posts
Another point about using macros at work is that I'm pretty sure there would be a heavily enforced rule that signalmen would not be permitted to modify software (or hardware) supplied to them in any way, for reasons of safety, insurance, etc.

tecchies vs users again.
A case of live and let live. Contrary to what some others may think, I have absolutely no objection to SimSig being made as authentic as possible for those who wish to play as if they were sitting at a real panel. While many of you guys are or were professional signalmen, when we play SimSig we all become armchair signallers. For example, I occasionally appreciate being able to uncheck Panel signals, though usually play with it checked.

I'm always looking for ways to make my own simming experience more realistic. I've just bought some blu-tack, magnets and I think I know where I can find an old fridge.

Last edited: 03/01/2012 at 12:54 by maxand
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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 12:57 #26716
1637 posts
Mini-NXish panels can be found at many a model railway exhibition
Now that's an interesting suggestion, thanks Peter. Must make some enquiries.

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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 13:04 #26717
3946 posts
" said:
" said:
Mini-NXish panels can be found at many a model railway exhibition
Now that's an interesting suggestion, thanks Peter. Must make some enquiries.
The Horton layout springs to mind. (This is/was the signature of a user on this site, I can't remember who though)

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 03/01/2012 at 13:05 by Steamer
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Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 13:44 #26722
1841 posts
" said:
....The Horton layout springs to mind. (This is/was the signature of a user on this site, I can't remember who though)
NoisyNoel aka Noel Young.

MRCCC link

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 03/01/2012 at 13:46 by AndyG
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The following user said thank you: Steamer
Re: Macros to make it easier 03/01/2012 at 13:49 #26725
177 posts
I don't know about using these Macros but, just reading about them (here on the Forum), seems to be harder than what I already do.
Perhaps, if I saw them in use, I might think differently but, for now at least, I will stick with what I am used to.

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