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Sticky note custom colours not saved

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Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 03:05 #28688
1637 posts
While playing a sim, I can change the colour of a note, but before changing it I save the default light straw colour (RGB = 255,255,160) to Custom color. When I try reverting the note to the saved colour, the colour is not saved. I believe the Delphi color palette needs to be tweaked to fix this.

Currently playing Lime Street (to get away from Royston for a while) and find it handy to have a sticky note on each platform with departure time for each train. All are default colour except the next one to depart, which I wanted to change to a different colour, then revert after it departed to default colour. Unfortunately this can't be done at present, which blows that idea.

I guess I could use primary yellow for stickies but tried it and it's way too bright, same with all other default palette colours except maybe light grey. So it would be nice to see this fixed.

(added) If you can't fix this, maybe make straw yellow a fixed colour in the custom palette so that it's there all the time.

Last edited: 03/02/2012 at 04:21 by maxand
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 08:18 #28691
521 posts
Currently playing Lime Street (to get away from Royston for a while) and find it handy to have a sticky note on each platform with departure time for each train. All are default colour except the next one to depart, which I wanted to change to a different colour, then revert after it departed to default colour. Unfortunately this can't be done at present, which blows that idea.
That sounds incredibly hard work. On a larger sim you'd be bring a number of trains to a halt whilst you were faffing around putting times on stickies and changing background colours.

If you must have a visual indication of which train goes next, why not make a tiny sticky saying "next" and move it to the relevant platform?

Personally I just wait for the TRTS, first come first served. If you set the route before the TRTS goes off and your train is then delayed departing you'll either end up delaying a different train or need to replace the signal which will then time off.

The important thing is to keep on top of the description changes. On Lime Street as soon as I route the train into the platform I look at it's outward train ID and interpose that into the exit berth (the one closest to the signal). The train won't over-right it when it enters the platform. If you've kept up with the description changes you can quickly click on on each head code to see which goes next.


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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 11:44 #28705
3635 posts
i would recommend simply using the F8 simplifier which will CLEARLY indicate the next departure, headcode and time. and also arrivals. this allows you to make an informed reguation decision in seconds. sticky notes are nothing compared to this. in fact using F8 could even be considered to make lime street too easy....
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 11:46 #28706
1637 posts
Thanks for responding, Firefly.

I agree, on a larger sim this would be difficult.

What you just described is very similar to what I ended up doing (this may help anyone else trying out Lime Street).

(Lime Street is only a one-page sim but becomes very busy at times with 9 platforms and at least half a dozen trains in the area, mostly at platforms.)

Create a sticky note for each train that can fit on a platform. Some platforms accommodate 3 trains, most at least 2. These notes will hold the departure time. Position the notes along or below the platform as close to the exit signal as possible.

As soon as a train enters the area, click its berth to display its TT, so you know to which platform it's going. At the same time you will see its departure time in the TT window. Set a route for it to the correct platform, and while it's moving in, transfer the departure time to your sticky for that train. As soon as its berth has arrived at the platform (the train may be some distance away), interpose the New description and go and do something else.

If you do this for each train that's arrived you can glance down the list of stickies and see which train is the next to depart. I created an extra sticky in a different colour and called it "Next". In it put the platform number of the next train departing. Use this only if there is a gap between departures and you want to do something else in the meantime. Use a countdown timer to sound an alarm just before the TRTS. Note that on some of the platforms the TRTS doesn't work!

That's pretty close to the method you suggested, but thanks again for your experienced comments.

Apart from this, my main reason for posting is to request that Custom Colors be made fully functional, i.e., they are remembered when opening a note, creating a new note, and preferably on restarting a sim. Shouldn't be too difficult. This isn't really a wish list item, more something that I think has been overlooked.

Last edited: 03/02/2012 at 12:21 by maxand
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 12:54 #28722
4869 posts
I tend to do it a different way to you Max.

As soon as the train enters at Edge Hill I check the platform it needs via the F8 simplifier, route it into the platform, interpose it's next working on the platform starter signal berth.

Then I wait for the TRTS to come up for trains and give them the route out on a first come first served basis.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 13:33 #28730
1637 posts
Hmm, thanks headshot and jc92 for suggesting the Simplifier. Up till now I haven't used it as I couldn't find any instructions on the Wiki or forum. But now that I've had a look at it it's not so difficult after all, like a combination of spreadsheet and timetable window.

I guess you would sort by time rather than by train? If you used the Simplifier a lot you wouldn't really need to display the Show Timetable window all that often, is that correct?

Maybe I'll retry Lime Street using it instead.

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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 13:46 #28731
5208 posts

We really do need to find a way to get you enjoying SimSig rather than being worried all the time about how it all works (or should work). Rather than getting tied up all the time in expecting manuals and instructions, can I humbly suggest that there is another way to approach things. In 1901 Wilbur Wright (of the Wright Brothers, first powered flight fame) was giving an address to the Western Society of Engineers, Chicago and he said this:

"Now, there are two ways of learning to ride a fractious horse: one is to get on him and learn by actual practice how each motion and trick may be best met; the other is to sit on a fence and watch the beast a while and then retire to the house and at leisure figure out the best way of overcoming his jumps and kicks. The latter system is the safer, but the former, on the whole, turns out the larger proportion of good riders."

Things like using the Simplifier rather than bringing up individual TTs are all a matter of personal choice rather than being correct or incorrect. Take your courage in both hands and try the Simplifier (and try sorting in various orders) until you find a way that is right for you. You may even find the Simplifier a waste of time and go back to clicking on TTs. Other people may do things in different ways, which are neither more nor less correct than others. Once you start trusting to your native wit and intelligence rather than trying to get reassurance from others who may use the software in a way totally alien to your thinking I am sure that your enjoyment would increase.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 03/02/2012 at 13:48 by postal
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The following users said thank you: andyb0607, ExDistrictDriver
Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 15:19 #28737
521 posts
What you just described is very similar to what I ended up doing (this may help anyone else trying out Lime Street).
Just to be clear I'm suggesting you don't waste time using stickies, just get the correct head code in the td berth nearest the signal.

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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 15:37 #28738
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:

We really do need to find a way to get you enjoying SimSig rather than being worried all the time about how it all works (or should work). Rather than getting tied up all the time in expecting manuals and instructions, can I humbly suggest that there is another way to approach things. In 1901 Wilbur Wright (of the Wright Brothers, first powered flight fame) was giving an address to the Western Society of Engineers, Chicago and he said this:

"Now, there are two ways of learning to ride a fractious horse: one is to get on him and learn by actual practice how each motion and trick may be best met; the other is to sit on a fence and watch the beast a while and then retire to the house and at leisure figure out the best way of overcoming his jumps and kicks. The latter system is the safer, but the former, on the whole, turns out the larger proportion of good riders."

Things like using the Simplifier rather than bringing up individual TTs are all a matter of personal choice rather than being correct or incorrect. Take your courage in both hands and try the Simplifier (and try sorting in various orders) until you find a way that is right for you. You may even find the Simplifier a waste of time and go back to clicking on TTs. Other people may do things in different ways, which are neither more nor less correct than others. Once you start trusting to your native wit and intelligence rather than trying to get reassurance from others who may use the software in a way totally alien to your thinking I am sure that your enjoyment would increase.
As Sir Francis Bacon 1625 apparently said

Mahomet made the people believe that he would call a hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers, for the observers of his law. The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 16:02 #28741
5208 posts

You've lost me.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 16:16 #28743
260 posts
" said:

You've lost me.
Me too!

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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 16:29 #28746
3635 posts
i beleive the point its getting at is either A) one way or another you can always do something
B ) you cant always be spoonfed, initiative required

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
Last edited: 03/02/2012 at 16:30 by jc92
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 16:31 #28747
310 posts
Often given as, "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain." If you can't have things the way you want, then you just have to go along with whatever's practical/available etc.
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The following user said thank you: Sam Tugwell
Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 03/02/2012 at 17:37 #28754
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
Often given as, "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain." If you can't have things the way you want, then you just have to go along with whatever's practical/available etc.
I think that's more or less what I had in mind - can't remember - it just came to me at the time like a vision.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 04/02/2012 at 06:10 #28776
872 posts
[quote="maxand" post=28730] Up till now I haven't used it as I couldn't find any instructions on the Wiki or forum.

I am sure someone will put it on there, now you have brought it to their attention.

Last edited: 04/02/2012 at 06:41 by northroad
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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 04/02/2012 at 09:29 #28779
476 posts
" said:
I tend to do it a different way to you Max.

As soon as the train enters at Edge Hill I check the platform it needs via the F8 simplifier, route it into the platform, interpose it's next working on the platform starter signal berth.

Then I wait for the TRTS to come up for trains and give them the route out on a first come first served basis.
I do exactly the same on all sims as regards return workings from incoming services. Works fine in most instances. I tend to use stickies in the default colours just to keep track of multi-occupancy on platforms etc.

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Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 04/02/2012 at 11:52 #28783
2756 posts
What Max does - and the reason I'm willing to cut him a fair amount of slack - is makes us revisit our assumptions. Those assumptions may well be correct, but we shouldn't be afraid to check. Here's my quote for the collection (though I can't remember where I read it) - while Max may want to think about the second part, all those telling him off may want to think carefully about the first part:

There are two kinds of fool. One says "this is old, and therefore good". The other says "this is new, and therefore better".

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The following users said thank you: maxand, Backup
Re: Sticky note custom colours not saved 04/02/2012 at 15:31 #28809
5208 posts
That quotation was from John Brunner's The Shockwave Rider published in 1975.

I think Lord Salisbury had quite a lot to say that was relevant in 1887 as well. He wrote to Lord Lytton, "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you believe doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense."

It all points the same way eventually in that we need to keep a sense of proportion.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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