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worksop may 2011 weekend

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worksop may 2011 weekend 15/06/2011 at 17:09 #3214
3726 posts
ive just come into possession of full details for trains for a full weekend ( friday saturday sunday) for the worksop sim

im proposing to do a weekend timetable for worksop consisting of three timetables provided in a zip file allowing players to work a 2011 friday, saturday or sunday.
the friday tt will be about as busy, perhaps slightly more than the default tt but features a number of different and STP workings accurate for a particular weekend
saturday isnt as busy but does feature six extra passenger workings
sunday is quiet but would be suitable for laid back single player

just wondering how interested people are in having and up to date worksop timetable. i know some people dont like quiet timetables

i dont want to go to the effort of producing three timetables if noone willl play them

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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worksop may 2011 weekend 15/06/2011 at 17:09 #16608
3726 posts
ive just come into possession of full details for trains for a full weekend ( friday saturday sunday) for the worksop sim

im proposing to do a weekend timetable for worksop consisting of three timetables provided in a zip file allowing players to work a 2011 friday, saturday or sunday.
the friday tt will be about as busy, perhaps slightly more than the default tt but features a number of different and STP workings accurate for a particular weekend
saturday isnt as busy but does feature six extra passenger workings
sunday is quiet but would be suitable for laid back single player

just wondering how interested people are in having and up to date worksop timetable. i know some people dont like quiet timetables

i dont want to go to the effort of producing three timetables if noone willl play them

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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worksop may 2011 weekend 15/06/2011 at 19:05 #16612
131 posts
would love a weekend tt
would you add some engenneiring trains too?

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worksop may 2011 weekend 15/06/2011 at 20:05 #16615
3726 posts
quite possibly the odd test or maintenance train. but will be quiet
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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