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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has.

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 10:15 #1700
12 posts
do SimSig users [prefere the older panel layout or the newer scrollie layout. personally i prefere the panel layout just as i think it is easier to fit on my screen as the scrollie layout 1 panel may be across 2 pages and is very confusing for me. but that may change as i get more involved in asimssig
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 10:15 #11190
12 posts
do SimSig users [prefere the older panel layout or the newer scrollie layout. personally i prefere the panel layout just as i think it is easier to fit on my screen as the scrollie layout 1 panel may be across 2 pages and is very confusing for me. but that may change as i get more involved in asimssig
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 11:00 #11194
50 posts
I've got used to the scrolly version of KX which I have working on my netbook. My problem with the paged versions is I can't get them to work on the netbook, The screen is only 500 pixels high and the sims won't load.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 14:06 #11199
60 posts
I prefer scrolly as you can fit larger signaling areas onto that format. For example I think it would be very difficult to fit the Edinburgh sim onto 6 screens, furthermore i bellive on the old form there were some screenshots of Trent, From when it was still a paged sim and it had the appearance of bieng very squashed in.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 14:54 #11202
771 posts
Paged sims worked great on the older 4:3 screens. However, with everything going 16:9 widescreen now, you either get a stretched image that looks fuzzy, or the image only takes up 2/3rds of the screen.

The advantages a scrolly has over the paged version as far as I am concerned are:
1) you can see the overview and your controlled view at the same time.
2) You can click on the overview and you currently selected view will jump to that location.
3) You can open multiple views. This is really useful on say, Trent, where you can open several windows each to monitor a single level crossing.
4) They look more like the real thing.

Of course...That's just my opinion....

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 15:06 #11203
211 posts
One important thing which could be incorporated into all the sims as they are upgraded is to ensure that the trainlists can be held onto a second screen. I have two monitors and it is a lot easier to hold the trainlist permanently on the second screen when the sim display is on the first one.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 15:17 #11204
771 posts
Ray, are there certain sims you know of you can't do this on? As far as I was aware, the scrolly versions of a sim should be able to do this but a paged sim won't.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 16:40 #11206
12 posts
my screen is thick and 9 years old
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 16:47 #11207
12 posts
sorry missed alot of my convo off last message. I think as a complete beginner the scrollie is very over welming when playing multiplayer. it can be confusing where boundaries are where you control. eveen though looking at KX on my mums computer at work (5screens) it looks ruddy brilliant and professional n all.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 18:26 #11211
1803 posts
Actually been meaning to ask this myself for a long time but never really got around to asking it.

Anyway, I'm not overly fussed about the differences between scrolly and paged as each have their advantages and disadvantages. With paged simulations it is a lot easier to see your area of control on one screen without having to 'duck and dive' around and also easier to switch between two different areas of controls if you're having to work two workstations at the same time, but with scrolly simulations I can easily run other programs at the same time (i.e: MSN Messenger, Google Chrome, etc) without any clashes - by that I mean with some paged simulations if you were having a conversation on MSN Messenger and you clicked on a headcode on the simulation to view the timetable you would have to tab out of the paged simulation, toolbar (minimize) the conversation window then click on the simulation again just to be able to view the timetable and then still have to untab (maximize) the simulation again to view the workstation.

At this point, one thing I ought to mention is that SimSig has a, for want of a better word, 'selection' of developers for each simulation and each developer has a choice of whether they want to do a paged simulation or a scrolly simulation. As far as I know ("AFAIK"), GeoffM ('The Boss'has no control over this choice, it is purely a developers choice/preference. Cambridge is one example of this, I seem to recall that the developer once said he preferred to do it as a paged simulation and not a scrolly and this decision has to be respected.


Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 31/08/2010 at 23:34 #11223
2756 posts
Not quite: Cambridge was originally done before scrolly was an option. But I did say that I liked it paged and had no plans to change it.

Some of the sims I'm developing now are scrolly, because I feel it works better for them.

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 02/09/2010 at 18:48 #11254
7 posts
I like and enjoy the scrollies......
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 06:26 #36677
187 posts
Is there a way to get the old paged sims to fit the screen on a widescreen monitor. Just bought one and found i cant play the old sims without them being weird!
Ripley, Derbyshire
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 08:52 #36679
151 posts
I have got a widescreen monitor and the paged sims are fine on mine
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 10:04 #36682
249 posts
You probably haven't set it to windowed mode.

By the way, could future paged sims (if any) have a display mode which it is fullscreen, yet keeping the aspect ratio (just like adding two black stripes on the sides) and limiting the mouse cursor to the 4:3 area (done by mouse clipping)?

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 10:16 #36683
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
" said:
Is there a way to get the old paged sims to fit the screen on a widescreen monitor. Just bought one and found i cant play the old sims without them being weird!
You cannot alter the physical size of the paged sim, The resolution was set and even the sim developer could not change it.

Windowed mode is probably the best idea, running Sheffield in that mode on my laptop takes up just over half of the screen, but is still perfectly playable.

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The following user said thank you: mfloyd
i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 10:20 #36685
204 posts
Personally I think it actually depends on the Sim. Stafford and Peterborough are older Sims and would probably look good on a srolly , just like North London, whilst London Liverpool Street seems to work just as it, is, paged. As the sims are replicas of what a signaler would actually see and I have never seen the inside of an IECC except on photos, then I think that is what we should get on the sim. So if its paged then that's what you get. But that is just my penny's worth !

One item I would have liked to see is say on the Liverpool Lime Street panel or even Euston, to have the buttons for the points etc on the lower half of the sim. So instead of not only being able to use the mouse by clicking on the points or signal, the panel could be operated, as it was, by a simulation of the smaller control handles, clicking or using the keypad to do the latter. Dare I say just like using the pc rail heritage sims? It might have involved a lot of srolling right and left,but after all this just simulates the sigaller having to walk up and down his panel.

But I seem to remember a post where it was pointed out that the SimSig panels are a simulation of an IECC so that is why it is mouse operated.

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 10:29 #36686
187 posts
Stephen, how do i set it to windowed mode?

Edit - found it! Should learn to look first! Thanks for the idea though - looks much better!

Ripley, Derbyshire
Last edited: 20/10/2012 at 10:38 by mfloyd
Reason: Own stupidity!

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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 20/10/2012 at 15:57 #36724
306 posts
I used to prefer the old paged versions of the Sims as they looked more like the real thing. But now I've changed my setup so I can now see the whole Sims in one go using the 'new view function' as needed (including the mamoth Trent sim) I'm well and trully in the scrolly camp.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 21/10/2012 at 12:20 #36741
45 posts
I much, much prefer the scrolly sims - and Dabbadaz's point about being able to open one or more new views and so see an entire sim is well made.
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i dont know if this has been done before so sorry if it has. 21/10/2012 at 18:34 #36763
104 posts
Much agreed richard@thenook.....
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