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Scottish timetables speed classes

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Scottish timetables speed classes 24/01/2013 at 19:25 #40848
892 posts
Just wanted to note that all recent timetables for the Scottish sims (Edinburgh, CScot and NEScot) are missing the speed class data for the appropriate train types, which means that all non-standard differential speed limits (mostly HST limits between Edinburgh and Aberdeen, as well as some SP limits elsewhere) currently remain unused.
This affects at least the 2006 timetables included with the current sims, the Edinburgh 1985 timetable, the Edinburgh and CScot 1993 timetables, and the CScot 1984 timetable. Although depending on when those speed limits were introduced, it might or might not be prototypical for the older timetables, but in any case it's not correct for the modern ones.
The CScot 1993 timetable additionally exhibits that strange phenomenon which I've also observed on the default Carlisle 2009 timetable, whereby the train types don't contain any speed class data, while all the individual trains themselves seem to be listed as DMU + SP.

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Scottish timetables speed classes 05/03/2013 at 22:39 #42093
1346 posts
There has been no attempt by me to use speed classes, as I don't think they existed in SimSig when the 93 timetables were written, nor on the railway in 1984.

I recall that there was a backward compatibility fix that if the train type contained the magic words DMU(S) or DMU(E) this would then tick the boxes on the train itself which may explain the behaviour you see with CSCOT93, but why it does not also appear in EDIN93 I can't think as it has exactly the same train types.

I am also not aware of any timing issues with trains due to this.


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