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Anyone host with QoS on router?

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Anyone host with QoS on router? 12/03/2013 at 06:17 #42286
249 posts
I think (and may be wrong) that QoS (quality of service) is a setting in the router which can configure the priority of packets on different ports (services). So if you enable QoS and put SimSig (TCP port 50505) to a higher priority, hosting (or even joining) a MP can have a higher performance and have less delay.

Am I thinking it correctly? Does anyone here ever hosted with QoS configured and found an increase in performance and a decrease in latency?

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Anyone host with QoS on router? 12/03/2013 at 10:06 #42289
15 posts

I know that generally, Simsig uses very little bandwidth, so unless you have a houseful using your internet link, streaming video and music, then i doubt very much if QoS will make any difference to performance unless you are on a very low speed link.

No harm in setting it up, although obviously you can only prioritise packets going out from your router; QoS wont help you for inbound traffic. It would need to be set at the ISPs end too.

Hope this is helpful

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Anyone host with QoS on router? 12/03/2013 at 20:14 #42301
771 posts
Yes, QoS can prioritize delivery of different classes of traffic.

However, unless your network has a lot of of traffic, particularly to and from the internet, I am not sure you would see any benefit at all.

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Anyone host with QoS on router? 12/03/2013 at 22:28 #42303
14 posts
" said:
Yes, QoS can prioritize delivery of different classes of traffic.

However, unless your network has a lot of of traffic, particularly to and from the internet, I am not sure you would see any benefit at all.
As noted above QoS can be used to prioritise traffic but most home networks will not see any benefit since it is generally meant to be used within high traffic corporate and ISP networks.

I have used it at my previous employer to prioritise Email, SAP and other mission critical traffic over general network traffic in conjunction with MPLS routing. Given we had processes that would copy a multi-terabyte databases from one data centre to another over the network it was essential. I doubt any home network would see any advantage from using QoS for SimSig but I will ask the network bods tomorrow for their views.



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