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You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Released > Liverpool Street > 1F30

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1F30 15/08/2013 at 18:31 #48455
163 posts
Thanks for the interesting and busy timetable - especially when it goes wrong with a couple of failures!
Train 5F30 arrives around 10/30 and forms 1F30 which isn't booked to depart until gone 1600. Is this correct? I've managed to get half the station closed with a failure and I'm short of platforms!

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1F30 15/08/2013 at 20:54 #48466
6390 posts
Can't vouch for that particular train but yes, quite often more than one train will need to share a platform. A long layover like that sounds like a spare unit strategically placed for a quick replacement of a defective train.
SimSig Boss
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