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Never ending TCF

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Never ending TCF 16/08/2013 at 04:54 #48476
163 posts

One more problem.

I got a message for a TCF a long time ago (several hours) and it has never disappeared. In that time several signal light failures have occurred. Has the sim forgotten about it?!

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Never ending TCF 16/08/2013 at 08:36 #48477
5313 posts
" said:

One more problem.

I got a message for a TCF a long time ago (several hours) and it has never disappeared. In that time several signal light failures have occurred. Has the sim forgotten about it?!
Have you saved and re-loaded the game while the TCF has been in place? If so, it is a known issue which should be fixed in the next release of the loader. If you want any more information, it has all been discussed at length in this thread.

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