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Having more problems

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Having more problems 22/12/2009 at 22:20 #431
1803 posts
Some of you may have noticed that I appear to be posting 'blank' messages on the forum, for example on this thread. Well it's not actually me doing this.

I've discovered that if I try to post something to the Shout Box whilst I'm also typing out a post it wouldn't post it to the Shout Box but it would, for some unknown reason, post a blank message in the current thread I'm adding a post to (or also quite possibly editing one of my posts).

Just thought I'd let you all know about this, and also advise anyone not to try posting to the Shout Box whilst posting a new or editing one of your posts. Don't know if this is only a problem I am having or is a general website/forum error and as such I'm not sure if it could be fixed?!!

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Having more problems 22/12/2009 at 22:20 #5287
1803 posts
Some of you may have noticed that I appear to be posting 'blank' messages on the forum, for example on this thread. Well it's not actually me doing this.

I've discovered that if I try to post something to the Shout Box whilst I'm also typing out a post it wouldn't post it to the Shout Box but it would, for some unknown reason, post a blank message in the current thread I'm adding a post to (or also quite possibly editing one of my posts).

Just thought I'd let you all know about this, and also advise anyone not to try posting to the Shout Box whilst posting a new or editing one of your posts. Don't know if this is only a problem I am having or is a general website/forum error and as such I'm not sure if it could be fixed?!!

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Having more problems 23/12/2009 at 11:28 #5294
6325 posts
I would assume it's a problem between the chair and the keyboard. If you are typing in the shout box and press Enter then the text appears in the shout box and the forum post remains unaffected. If you type in the forum reply box and press Enter then you get a new line and the shout box is unaffected.

I'd check where your focus is before pressing Enter.

SimSig Boss
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Having more problems 23/12/2009 at 23:50 #5310
1803 posts

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Having more problems 23/12/2009 at 23:50 #5311
1803 posts

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Having more problems 23/12/2009 at 23:53 #5312
1803 posts
I've just been carrying out a quick test and can confirm that I am not making any mistakes or anything. The same problem occurred here and also within this very thread (see just above this post).

For the two above blank posts, I typed out "test" in the Shout Box and submitted it using the enter key (with the typing cursor still in the Shout Box message entry box and then did it again but used the "Submit" button with the mouse).

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 00:04 #5313
6325 posts
I seem to recall you saying elsewhere that you use Internet Explorer. I have tried this on IE8, typing into the shout box and pressing Enter. The text appears in the shout box and the forum remains unaffected.

UKTrainMan said:
For the two above blank posts, I typed out "test" and submitted it using the enter key (with the typing cursor still in the Shout Box message entry box and then did it again but used the "Submit" button with the mouse).
Obviously (or perhaps not), clicking the submit button with the mouse will submit whatever you've typed (or not) into the forum reply, so the result here is exactly what you'd expect.

As far as I know, you're the only one out of 484 members to experience this.

SimSig Boss
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 08:04 #5316
254 posts

this WAS an empty box.

My Shout Box message never appeared after pressing Enter even though the focus was 'over there'.

I then carried on editing the (previous) message by clicking on it and the edit cursor re-appeared in the correct place. I made changes and then pressed Submit.

THIS empty box and the correct message then appeared.

I returned to the Shout Box and sent another message which appeared immediately - my previous Shout Box message never showed.

Obviously, the easiest way to stop this ever happening is NOT to use the Shout Box while editing Messages but a bug report should go to jVitals/Agora as well. (Perhaps this has been picked up in version .08)


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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 08:05 #5317
254 posts
Just testing writing message and using shout box at same time.

Using FireFox and WinXP.


Just confirming that there is an easily reproducible fault.
Probably caused by the same interrupt procedure being used by getc (Chr 13) in the Shout Box being interpreted by the Message box - strange that it also 'submits' without any of the text already entered.... A double fault that should be easily found and rectified.

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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 14:52 #5323
205 posts
test message
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 16:51 #5324
254 posts

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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 16:51 #5325
254 posts
test 3
my test3 message went OK after closed post but my message test2 never appeared.
Test 4 sent in shout box but never appeared while editing this.

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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 16:59 #5326
6325 posts
I'm still struggling to find a problem here. Firstly, can I confirm that clicking on the Submit (forum) or Send (shout) buttons works as expected?

If that is the case then I assume we're just talking about using the Enter key on the keyboard - it is a little confusing from the reports above. Is "quick post" being used or a full reply/quote?

Secondly, I would expect (and personally am seeing):
    Pressing Enter in the shout box posts the shout box text to the shout box, and the forum reply remains unaffected.

    Pressing Enter in the forum reply inserts a newline character and the shout box is unaffected.

    Pressing Submit on the forum (or doing any other action that causes the page to reload) results in any unsent text in the shout box to be lost. This is a side effect of how browsing works.

I'm testing this on XP with Firefox and have also tried Vista with Firefox and IE8. If UKTM can provide more information then that may be useful.

SimSig Boss
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 17:01 #5327
6325 posts
Tallington said:
test 3
my test3 message went OK after closed post but my message test2 never appeared.
Test 4 sent in shout box but never appeared while editing this.
This is something I can recreate. However, reloading the page causes the shoutbox to refresh and the messages do appear.

SimSig Boss
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 17:07 #5328
254 posts
My test2 and test4 messages haven't. The test3 shout was after I submitted the Message.
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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 18:42 #5329
30 posts

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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 18:44 #5330
30 posts

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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 19:03 #5331
30 posts
OK, I've tried a few permutations - all on Firefox 3.0.14 under Vista Home Premium:

Test1. Invoke full reply (no text), type 'nptest1' in Shout box, press Enter - result: nothing in shout box, null post submitted.

Test2. As test1, but click Send - result: as test1.

Test3: Start quick reply, type nptest3 in Shout box, press Enter - result: Shout text updated, reply unaffected.

Test 4: As test3, but click Send - result: as test3.

I've also noticed, but haven't yet nailed down something else slightly iffy regarding field focus in full Reply mode, together with the Preview sub-mode. I wonder if the Reply editor is creating a transparent and/or modal overlay on the page, which would result in the focus (and submit/post coding) being locked to the Editor, whilst retaining the appearance of the original page.

Doorbell and guests - will follow up later.


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Having more problems 24/12/2009 at 23:49 #5333
254 posts
Thanks Nick,

all of my tests were with the Reply not the Quick Post and I got the same results.


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Having more problems 25/03/2010 at 20:47 #7809
1803 posts
Please ignore this post/message
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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