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Signal Box Diagrams

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Signal Box Diagrams 22/04/2014 at 12:11 #59282
311 posts
Yes, It took about a week and about 15 minutes to update it recently.
RIP Feltham Panel 1
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Signal Box Diagrams 22/04/2014 at 12:13 #59283
311 posts
I will have to check my self then I will add the new track circuit. Regarding the (BR)5 I forgot to do it when I was putting in the repeaters. I will put it in when I got time.
RIP Feltham Panel 1
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Signal Box Diagrams 22/04/2014 at 12:15 #59285
311 posts
I do this, It sounds much better! The shareable links I will cancel once this thread is a week old.
RIP Feltham Panel 1
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Signal Box Diagrams 23/04/2014 at 21:55 #59427
595 posts
I've met Dan and as I told him when he visited Wembley Mainline, and I'm going to remind him and anyone else who gets to visit a signalbox, don't ask too many questions as all you do is make yourself unwelcome and prevent further visits.

Dan was very lucky to get into our box. If you want visits, plan them properly.

His drawings are excellent, and do rate his work, but not his methods.

Let me explain, everyone does things in their workplaces, from speeding in their vehicles, to sleeping on Autopilot. Signallers are no different, and in the same breath, no-one wanted to get fired or in a disiplinary because someone talked.
You should all treat signalboxes the same way. Keep your mouth quiet about what you see, or should see, and don't put that sort of stuff in the forum. I've seen stuff in this forum about other visits which should NOT be in the forum.

I'll tell you now, if I see anything derogatory about Wembley Mainline, there won't be any visits on the West Coast or the Midlands again by enthusiasts, because I believe you are putting peoples livelihoods at risk.


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The following users said thank you: Hooverman, mfcooper, Firefly, DriverCurran, officer dibble
Signal Box Diagrams 23/04/2014 at 23:20 #59429
718 posts
I would hope nobody would mean any harm by asking questions on the forum about things they saw on the visits, though I can see how careless talk could cost jobs in these cases. I'll bear that in mind should I ever get around to joining one of these visits, thanks.
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Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 10:13 #59446
872 posts
" said:
I've met Dan and as I told him when he visited Wembley Mainline, and I'm going to remind him and anyone else who gets to visit a signalbox, don't ask too many questions as all you do is make yourself unwelcome and prevent further visits.

Dan was very lucky to get into our box. If you want visits, plan them properly.

His drawings are excellent, and do rate his work, but not his methods.

Let me explain, everyone does things in their workplaces, from speeding in their vehicles, to sleeping on Autopilot. Signallers are no different, and in the same breath, no-one wanted to get fired or in a disiplinary because someone talked.
You should all treat signalboxes the same way. Keep your mouth quiet about what you see, or should see, and don't put that sort of stuff in the forum. I've seen stuff in this forum about other visits which should NOT be in the forum.

I'll tell you now, if I see anything derogatory about Wembley Mainline, there won't be any visits on the West Coast or the Midlands again by enthusiasts, because I believe you are putting peoples livelihoods at risk.

It seems that this has now degenerated into something that is not needed on the Sim Sig forum. I agree with these comments 100% but then in the final paragraph it is spoilt with what appears to me as a veiled threat to everyone! which should not be the case. Once again, as so often happens, the actions by the few who choose to ignore what is only common sense, then has a direct effect on the many who do use their common sense approach.
The party or parties concerned in this and other actions choose to ignore what should have been explained to them upon entering the boxes and it therefore follows that it should be them that suffer any possible consequences. There are obviously many ways in which this could have been nipped in the bud and there are obviously many people who could have prevented it. But this has obviously not happened. Why is it that the people who choose to ignore or flout the simple rules are the ones who seem to get away with it and generally then spoil it for the rest of us.
Once again, I agree 100% with what is being said and can understand it is a very tricky issue but please! please do not let it ruin the pleasure and education of the rest of us and I would like to think that the last paragraph was a heat of the moment statement and which upon reflection would not be the case.


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The following user said thank you: BarryM
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 11:59 #59458
595 posts
It was not in the heat of the moment. It's not a veiled threat, it's an Open warning.

This is not just a hobby to some of us, it's is our livelihoods. If we lose our jobs we can't pay our bills and live the lives that we live. That's a reality.

I am also a Rep in my box and the jobs of each individual signallers is part of my responsibility. Part of this responsibility is to the rest of the signallers of who I don't wish for them to lose their jobs either.

I can't write off one person and expect everyone else to be the perfect visitor I have to err on the side of caution. This is the reason for the warning.

I hope that everyone reads this and understands that we signallers within SimSig are happy to help and contribute to make excellent Sims for everyone to play, but we can't and won't do it at the expense of our jobs guys, and we need you to respect that or everyone will lose out and we honestly don't want that.


Last edited: 24/04/2014 at 12:00 by Guts
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The following user said thank you: Hooverman
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 15:08 #59473
1461 posts
I have to say I'm slightly concerned if signalmen are consistently taking actions that they can be fired for whilst arranged visits are ongoing...
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The following users said thank you: headshot119, Sacro, Temple Meads, guidomcc
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 15:44 #59474
521 posts
I have to say I'm slightly concerned if signalmen are consistently taking actions that they can be fired for whilst arranged visits are ongoing...
A few things.

1) Perhaps the visit was only arranged on a local level and the person should not be shouting to the world that they got a box visit.

2) When you drive your car do you always drive exactly the way you did on your driving test? Do you always keep both hands on the wheel, never cross you hands when steering, always stick to the speed limits, never use a phone, never adjust your stereo whilst driving along, always check your mirrors regularly, never undertake the idiot in the middle lane doing 60mph, never hog the middle lane, never drink from a water bottle or eat a sandwich? etc etc.

The fact is there a many things that somebody may do in their workplace which is perhaps not 100% to the rules, however that does not mean they are doing anything particularly unsafe. Perhaps they just weren't in uniform?

Give Guts a break, obviously something has happened to provoke this so just take on board what he's saying.


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The following user said thank you: Guts
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 15:56 #59477
1461 posts
1) Perhaps the visit was only arranged on a local level and the person should not be shouting to the world that they got a box visit.
I would dare say that this would be a personal matter if it's a less official box visit, rather than a "warning to the world" - although given that Guts is talking about it openly I suspect the visit was somewhat more official.

" said:
2) When you drive your car do you always drive exactly the way you did on your driving test? Do you always keep both hands on the wheel, never cross you hands when steering, always stick to the speed limits, never use a phone, never adjust your stereo whilst driving along, always check your mirrors regularly, never undertake the idiot in the middle lane doing 60mph, never hog the middle lane, never drink from a water bottle or eat a sandwich? etc etc.
My point was more akin to the situation where you have someone in the car with you, or being around speed cameras. I think most people behave better in that case! I do find the paranoia about job loss that exists throughout signalling quite curious - are signalmen fired that regularly over small things like not being in perfect uniform?

Last edited: 24/04/2014 at 15:58 by Danny252
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Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 16:33 #59478
6325 posts
I cannot comment on specific incidents so just a general comment. Signallers are there to do a job - a safety-critical one at that. They can and do prevent visitors entering whether because they don't feel it's appropriate, or even just because they're having a bad day. Birmingham New Street was banned from the majority of visitors for years due to some unpleasant incidents and the signallers just getting fed up with being in a fishbowl while all and sundry ooh-ed and aah-ed at the marvels.

FWIW all visits under the SimSig name have been with written authorisation from the appropriate authorities. Even then we've been turned away more than once. We don't complain: we stick it down to experience and just find a convenient venue for some food and drink and the opportunity to chat with the rest of the group. Just be grateful if you do manage to visit somewhere.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: Guts, DriverCurran, Mattyq
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 16:54 #59480
3945 posts
" said:

My point was more akin to the situation where you have someone in the car with you, or being around speed cameras. I think most people behave better in that case! I do find the paranoia about job loss that exists throughout signalling quite curious - are signalmen fired that regularly over small things like not being in perfect uniform?
Commenting on workplaces generally, there's always a few sticklers/downright nasty individuals in positions of power would love an excuse to nail someone for the sake of it. Some of them might well prowl the internet looking for fresh meat.

At the end of the day it's Guts and Co's jobs on the line if something goes wrong, not yours. Therefore it's for them to set the terms.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following users said thank you: Guts, Hooverman
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 18:04 #59481
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
You will find that even railwaymen who are at work at the time may not get into some places.

I went to New Street once on official business (even though it was something really trivial), so thought as I was in the box anyway I would see if I could take a look upstairs. I was advised that the Box Manager on duty at the time would never tolerate someone just going to take a look during the rush hour, so never even bothered to try to take a look.

I have been in signal boxes where random muppets have just walked in, started taking photographs and asking questions and then got rather irritable when the Signalman has exercised his right to boot them out for having no legitimate reason for being there, but worse still not had the courtesy to even ask if he could go in there in the first place.

As a former preserved railway signalman myself, I always used to find railway enthusiasts the worst kind of visitor in many respects, as many of them tended to think they knew the job better than those qualified to work the box. The general visitors were always a pleasure to have up for a chat as they would generally ask sensible questions and be quite happy to pull the odd lever to see how heavy they were, albeit with no trains about of course.

It is quite conceivable that the Signalman at the heart of this topic may not have been doing anything wrong anyway, but people who do not understand what is going on often bleat around about how Mr X is doing y wrong without even understanding the action in the first place, and when anyone who does understand it sees the same thing they come to realise that there was nothing wrong done in the first place.

Whether or not every Signalman in a particular area, let alone whole region, would ban visitors is debatable, but if there were enough idiots causing them trouble then people will end up finding it harder to visit places, without the appropriate written authorisation of the relevant Local Operations Manager, who will generally want a good reason for a visit, and even then the Signalman can refuse entry if he so chooses.

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The following users said thank you: Hooverman, CTCThiago, Guts, DriverCurran, BarryM
Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 20:31 #59498
106 posts
So does that mean that I can't access them now? Thread seemed to veer off to a rant about courtesy of signalbox visits before I found time to have a look!
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Signal Box Diagrams 24/04/2014 at 20:35 #59499
106 posts
" said:
(topic deleted at OP's email request - left on file for reference}
So does that mean that I can't access them now? Thread seemed to veer off to a rant about courtesy of signalbox visits before I found time to have a look!

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Signal Box Diagrams 25/04/2014 at 01:36 #59507
595 posts
Can I please ask everyone to take a deep breath.

This is not to get people angry, it's make people think before they do something that affects others and Signallers

We as signallers and/or NR employees are simply asking for you to respect our places of work.

IF you cannot do that, then you will find visits will get refused.

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Signal Box Diagrams 25/04/2014 at 05:31 #59516
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
" said:
(topic deleted at OP's email request - left on file for reference}
So does that mean that I can't access them now? Thread seemed to veer off to a rant about courtesy of signalbox visits before I found time to have a look!


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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