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Exeter Summer Sunday 1980 - Where is Fairwater West Headshunt?

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Exeter Summer Sunday 1980 - Where is Fairwater West Headshunt? 31/05/2014 at 12:02 #61169
1637 posts
For the record (to anyone following this thread), in post #30 I actually managed to misread my own screen pics of Google Maps, asserting that Fairwater West Headshunt comes off the REC line instead of being the western extension of Fairwater Yard, i.e., controlled by signal 623. That was pretty dumb. Thanks to all those who pointed this out. Apologies for the lateness of this response but I've been kept busy by other matters.

As miki pointed out in post #31:
The headshunt is behind signal 623 and the stub to the left of REC line is simply a catch point.
That is correct and the actual photos prove this.

Out of this lengthy and at times acrimonious thread come several points worth noting. First, headshunts haven't been well covered in either the Wiki or in the notes to this sim or this TT; the author of this particular TT seemed to assume we knew enough about them for them to present no problems. Well, the layout at Fairwater Yard is clear enough to me now, but only because y10g9 took the trouble to post diagrams and photos.

The main problem for us players setting routes for locos that use headshunts for runarounds is not realizing that most of the action takes place in the siding/yard, outside our area of control. Unlike runarounds taking place at platforms, we don't see the full runaround, only that part of it where the loco traverses a small section of controlled track (e.g., from FW Yard to FW Yard Headshunt WEST). There's another unlabelled headshunt at Exeter Riverside Yard, used in the same way.

Another valuable lesson is to read, maybe copy and paste, the information coming from the shunter and compare it with the train's actual TT when it arrives. It may provide extra clues.

All the more reason to make sure documentation is adequate; there is no need to clutter the panel even further by adding more labels such as "HS WEST". Although it would be nice to see on the panel FAIRWATER YARD and HEADSHUNT converging to the east, confirming that HEADSHUNT is indeed part of FW yard, what is outside the signaller's control area will forever remain hidden, unless part of the documentation, and even then we may consider ourselves privileged to be so informed.

Last edited: 31/05/2014 at 12:24 by maxand
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Exeter Summer Sunday 1980 - Where is Fairwater West Headshunt? 31/05/2014 at 12:46 #61170
3946 posts
" said:
Out of this lengthy and at times acrimonious thread come several points worth noting. First, headshunts haven't been well covered in either the Wiki or in the notes to this sim or this TT; the author of this particular TT seemed to assume we knew enough about them for them to present no problems. Well, the layout at Fairwater Yard is clear enough to me now, but only because y10g9 took the trouble to post diagrams and photos.
As we've said, it's rather unfair to hold the TT writer to account for any failings in the Wiki/simulation.

I've added a glossary entry here, which hopefully defines the term in enough detail to allow them to be identified.

Another valuable lesson is to read, maybe copy and paste, the information coming from the shunter and compare it with the train's actual TT when it arrives. It may provide extra clues.
The information provided by the shunter is identical to what's displayed in the 'Show Timetable' window- the only additional information is the location at which the train enters the simulation.

All the more reason to make sure documentation is adequate; there is no need to clutter the panel even further by adding more labels such as "HS WEST". Although it would be nice to see on the panel FAIRWATER YARD and HEADSHUNT converging to the east, confirming that HEADSHUNT is indeed part of FW yard, what is outside the signaller's control area will forever remain hidden, unless part of the documentation, and even then we may consider ourselves privileged to be so informed.
Perhaps a solution would be to include a set of Google Maps links in the reference section, focussed on areas of interest in the simulation? That way the information is available, but doesn't clutter up the manual with information that isn't really relevant to the operation of the simulation. Adding more detail to the simulation layout might imply that more of the yard is simulated than is actually the case.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 31/05/2014 at 17:12 by Steamer
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Exeter Summer Sunday 1980 - Where is Fairwater West Headshunt? 31/05/2014 at 13:28 #61171
belly buster
368 posts
Isn't the idea of a wiki that anyone can edit it if information is wrong/missing.

In this situation, rather than complaining about the wiki, would it not be better to make the appropriate amendments, or at least update to reflect that sections need improving or expanding?

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