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People disruppting mulit-player games.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 21:01 #5542
1803 posts
It's a shame that it has come to this.

I do believe that a "Name and Shame" approach to this problem may be suitable. Perhaps even requiring the regular hosts to individually request permission to be allowed access to this list. That way, Player Names and IP Addresses of disruptive players can be seen by hosts so they know who to not allow connections from.

There are steps that can be taken against disruptive players.

Hosts should NOT be afraid to boot (disconnect) anyone that they believe to be causing the trouble and where possible should use any appropriate settings within their router control panel to automatically reject connections from them. It is YOUR GAME that YOU ARE HOSTING therefore YOUR DECISION is FINAL!

Also, if you have their IP Address, enter it in the search box here and when the results load it should say something like "Reverse Lookup" with some details. Somewhere within there it should say what their ISP (Internet Service Provider) is. It'll look something like this example;

xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.adsl.btinternet.com (xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx will be their IP Address)

That shows you that their ISP is BT Internet. Have a look around on the ISPs website for a way to send an abuse report and you ought to be able to report the person at that IP Address for abuse and with that hopefully the ISP will consider some form of punishment (which could include terminating the provision of the Internet to that person). Keeping with the example, you could then send an eMail to CustomerAbuse@BTInternet.com (example only - not sure if that is a valid eMail Address or not!) with your complaint about their behaviour and see if they will do anything. If we all happened to report the abuser then the ISP ought to sit up and listen.

Personally, I had a very successful hosting recently with two players where-by I had them PM me their connecting IP Address and Player Name to which I replied with the all important hosting details (Sim name, IP Address and Port) and this worked perfectly for me.

Hopefully we can all find something we're all happy with to rid of this pest!

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 22:13 #5543
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
While not wishing to downplay the individual incidents I think we may be in danger of utilising the proverbial sledgehammer here.

It's unlikely that there will be a SimSig solution in the near future and then if there were it would then require a reissue of all sims. Also the danger with that is that it would be at the expense of the playing experience.

Information you currently have is the IP address of the person joining and their ID, perhaps ask them to declare their forum ID once they have joined too- which seems a simple and reasonable request.

I can't help feeling that the offender is either now suitable chastened and will now desist or is sitting there sniggering to themselves at the fuss they have caused.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 22:40 #5545
265 posts
When I have hosted MP games, I haven't had that many disruptions from various people.

I can only recall one major incident I had when an IP address connected to my KX game multiple time (Around 30 times in the space of 5 or so seconds), causing the server to lag and then ultimately crash (Basically a DoS attack). Luckily I had saved the game a few minutes before that so not much disruption was caused by it. The IP address did give a username but because the attack happened so fast, I could not see what the username was before the program crashed.

I now use a different router which blocks any single IP from connecting more than 3 times every 5 seconds, which will defeat a DoS attack.

Other than that, I've not really had any disruptions.

BTW: I'm sorry I haven't been active recently but other commitments (i.e college, college work etc) have prevented me from contributing. I shall also be hosting again soon.

(Formerly known as manadude2)
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 06/01/2010 at 10:05 #5550
274 posts
One thing springs to mind with ip addresses. Some people myself included has an isp which keeps changing.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/01/2010 at 00:16 #5910
989 posts
This is not good. It is still happening.. Afro09 has been having routes set/cancelled in his KGX game with only a few people on.

I have a list of names (Both Forum ID's & MP names) so if any other host s have a problem then let me know & we can see if we can pick out a common denominator!

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/01/2010 at 08:24 #5913
254 posts
I will not defend any deliberate act of disruption and do believe Hosts logging users details is the best way and reporting them directly to a central database may help to identify those responsible for the (tiny) number of malicious acts.

However, I tried to join in PBO last night and after several attempts at joining eventually settled down to the game.

Minutes later I am disconnected! Again and again, minutes apart! Scrambled reconnecting each time to maintain a link AND keep my screen lines set for rail traffic!

On reflection, the most likely cause was my wifi connection dropping out as people moved round in the house! Especially as I only have a maximum of 340k broadband, so far from my BT exchange! I've not tried my 3 dongle here as the new transmitter doesn't go on line for 2 months yet!

The fact that KX went off for a legitimate break but then had further problems causing many delays shows that even with dedicated hosts the multi-player experience is open to 'natural' hardware/software communication problems as well.

So - there may be a range of problems to log details of. There always were using modems! I remember having to control all the LED moving display panels on Information desks, both on railway stations and airports (especially Heathrow) using 300baud on RS232 - (even though MANY are still working!)

The more technical details that are logged the better; who,what,where and when etc. We just need a central point to report them to - watch this space... More work for someone ::

Hopefully we will have more news on a range of these things before or at the Meet..

Have a good weekend..


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 06/02/2010 at 20:57 #6476
167 posts
And once again this thread is being used.

In my Bristol Sim tonight 06/02/10. I had to disconnect MO at IP for coming into the game and demanding a panel. After being told the game was full he proceeded to cancel routes on the Bristol panel then interposed 'FUCK' on the down slow at pearson street. When asked to stop MO responded with "If I want a panel I will get a panel". It was at this point I disconnected him. He then later attempted to rejoin as GEOF on the same IP.

From now on I will be privately hosting games by PM Invitation so this does not happen again. I apologise to anyone this afffects and me possibly be left out of my games but this is how it is going to be from now on.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 06/02/2010 at 22:53 #6482
6325 posts
Once again I suggest you only accept people who have applied via the forum into the game. The address concerned apparently belongs to CarPhoneWarehouse in the Salisbury area, though do note that it could be anything within 100 miles from there. If you wish you can contact Opal on the details listed below, specifying the IP address and exact time.


SimSig Boss
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 12/02/2010 at 17:20 #6630
268 posts
Friends, yesterday night over 10 hours (spanish time), I made my first SimSig online connection, Bristol simulation, playing how client.
Well, was accepted by server player. Same put me, Welcome, but I could not to read it, because was looking the simulation. Only read that first message when was put out of connection.
Server player put me several times, that I should put answer, but answer to what? I asked him, over what detail I had to answer him! After to be put out of connection to that server player I made him connection 3 times, and he refused to accept me. Repeat, ignore what thing I had to answered how client. If general salutation, or any special detail over simulation online that was playing...
Other question, when client has connected to any SimSig simulation online, that player must to create route for all trains that are on simulation or only controlls one train on that moment?. If is the second, how can I to know which train must to create route and which train is being controlled by other client players?...

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 12/02/2010 at 20:15 #6638
276 posts
GeoffM said:
Once again I suggest you only accept people who have applied via the forum into the game.
Whilst not hosting for some considerable time can only endorse Geoff's comments. Only allow registered members on to your games.

To access the hosting 'news' users must be registered. A suggestion which may assist, if the host does not recognise the username e.g. Mo or Goef as Alan experienced, a quick butchers at the User List could verify their authenticy. That is not to say of course that they could be impersonating a username however a further question to them of their details, location etc. could possibly throw them.

Geoff - the User List is presently available to anyone accessing the site. Should this not be made available only to registered users? If so my suggestion might be more useful.

Carlytos - as client you are allocated a screen, or part of one, and you are responsible for all trains in your area not individual trains. This is the basis of signalling where a signaller accepts and then passes a train onto the next signal box.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 12/02/2010 at 20:55 #6642
268 posts
Quizman and Kieran, thanks by your replies. Over to mark option line Client or Server in the simulation, I saw that option but didn't mark it, ignored that had to be marked. Then how you put over that detail, I looked my message on screen but how that option wasn't marked, possiblely server player and rest players could not to see it.
Thanks to clarify how to play online, understand now details over same!

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 09:21 #6746
12 posts
afro09 said:
From now on I will be privately hosting games by PM Invitation so this does not happen again. I apologise to anyone this afffects and me possibly be left out of my games but this is how it is going to be from now on.
Whilst I can completely understand and respect your decision, how are newer members of the community / members who have not played many MP sessions and are not aswell known as some of the other members able to prove that they can be trusted to play the game and not cause problems.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 10:17 #6748
167 posts
Kermit said:
Whilst I can completely understand and respect your decision, how are newer members of the community / members who have not played many MP sessions and are not aswell known as some of the other members able to prove that they can be trusted to play the game and not cause problems.
Kermit as far as I am aware, Geoff, Peter and the SimSig team are looking into ways of stopping or even reducing the recent disruption patterns. I know I have told Peter I would look into seeing if there is any IP blocking software available that may be coded into the sims or even the site its self so that disruptive IP address can be blocked. And at present I am making progress on this front but I will say no more until I reveal my findings to the SimSig team.

Unfortuneately unitill then, myself and many others will continue to host private sessions.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 23:37 #6762
Fleet Controller
24 posts
Was hosting Trent tonight and had 3 instances of disruptive player input at the same time. 2 trains SPADed and a signal replaced to danger. A stern warning was given which stopped it and there was no more trouble after that.

However the culprit didn't own up to his deeds.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 23:39 #6763
142 posts
Firstly as a doddering slow, oldy I have never attempted to join an MP game.

However my worry here is that the SimSig community will become fractured into little cliques by this private sessions.

From what I have read in the above comments it seems to have been relatively simple to identify the disrupters and
remove them from the game. So are we in danger of going over the top by all this, and in fact feeding the disrupters
with what they want.

Dave M.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 23:41 #6764
Fleet Controller
24 posts
Dave in my case tonight I couldn't identify the player concerned so it isnt always easy.

What is really needed (and I dont know if this is even possible) is a log of what actions each player takes. I.E. Nial aceepts slot from Newstead at 21.01, Nial cancelled signal 201 at 21.05 etc.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 23:48 #6765
12 posts
Did you manage to get a list of who was connected at the time of the incidents, if so it may be possible to compare with other hosts to find if any names keep cropping up.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 16/02/2010 at 23:50 #6766
Fleet Controller
24 posts
I didn't. But if it happens again I'll be taking a list.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 11:28 #6770
42 posts
Dave: SimSig has no worries of become a fractured community, the simulation on offer here is great and unique, not like say train simulators, flight simulators even farming simulators. Simsig is indeed on a league of its own, with any luck we can just take care of the minority people that disrupt for no apparent reason.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 11:39 #6771
884 posts
Farming simulator?

Seen it all now, Raz!:lol:

Woe betide any disruptive elements upsetting my hens! Feel the business end of my pitchfork they would!

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 12:51 #6773
1841 posts
I've seen an advert for a fishing simulator. Not my cup of tea!
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 12:58 #6774
260 posts
Andy - There's probably a simulator for a cup of tea out there somewhere!!
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 15:33 #6781
60 posts
I was playing in this multiplayer game last night when the disruption happened. It is incredibly annoying and includes long waits untill the game can continue.
I think that we should continue to Host otherwise we are letting this small number of people win.

On another note Thanks Fleet Controller for keeping going with an otherwise enjoyable multiplayer.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 17/02/2010 at 16:56 #6782
160 posts
It probably is possible to get a log of everything but the log file would be huge...

Would probably need to be only certain things that get logged so cancelling a route; replacing a signal to red (emergency button) etc. Maybe have the possibilities coded in but have a list of things the host can log with certain ones set as default (cancelling route/replacing signal to red). This is more of a features wish list though. May have even been suggested before but i'm not overly fussed with this because I recognise a few people and have been asking for forum usernames to ensure that they are real people etc.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 18/02/2010 at 03:17 #6787
42 posts
no i dont imagine a log file including incidents to do with ip's would be larger than a few kb coming from a session, a nice idea, who knows there may allready be a feature for this.

(for the off topic people there is digger simulator, euro truck simulator, demolition simulator, driving simulator, ship simulators, submarine simulators, to add to the list)

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