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New timetable features in 4.4

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New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 06:16 #70284
2756 posts
A few notes about timetable features in v4.4 that people may not have noticed.

(1) The six new power types are *not* a hint that something interesting is in the pipeline. I simply got round to dealing with an old request. They're there for developers to use if they ever need them.

(2) There is a new facility available to developers to give the "Sim 1" to "Sim 4" speed classes and power types names. So in future you might see things like "Pacer" or "PPM" appear in the list. This won't affect existing timetables (it's purely a change of label in the timetable editor, nothing more).

(3) "Train characteristics" has a new dropdown called "Class of service". This allows you to overrule the inbuilt rules that determine whether a train is a passenger train, ECS, etc. This can be used to fix the problems that a few people have run into with timetables following a change in loader v4.3.

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The following user said thank you: Steamer
New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 08:17 #70285
2158 posts
I assume the problems associated with timetable editing has still to be fixed as I can still produce an "Access Violation".


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 08:25 #70286
358 posts
I have the same issue as Barry and the train description is in far left so it all brunch up a bit

I am on my phone so it may and spelled it wrong

I am dyslexic so please consider this when reading my posts
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New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 10:11 #70288
989 posts
" said:
I assume the problems associated with timetable editing has still to be fixed as I can still produce an "Access Violation".

Barry what problems are you talking about as I write and edit loads of timetables and don't get access violations.

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New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 10:47 #70289
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
" said:
I assume the problems associated with timetable editing has still to be fixed as I can still produce an "Access Violation".

Barry what problems are you talking about as I write and edit loads of timetables and don't get access violations.

I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New timetable features in 4.4 26/03/2015 at 18:30 #70312
5208 posts
" said:
A few notes about timetable features in v4.4 that people may not have noticed. . . .

. . . (3) "Train characteristics" has a new dropdown called "Class of service". This allows you to overrule the inbuilt rules that determine whether a train is a passenger train, ECS, etc. This can be used to fix the problems that a few people have run into with timetables following a change in loader v4.3.

One of Pascal's TTs has a number of Depot shunt moves where a train is signalled out of the depot into the headshunt and back to the depot. These are generically listed as KDST/$KDSTA, KDST/$KDSTB etc. Some of these moves are light engines which go onto the headshunt and back, but the DMU moves baulk at being put onto a goods line with a TD the core code does not recognise. If the Class of Service is changed to ECS, the train type reverts to Custom. The train type can then be reset without disturbing the Class of Service which remains as ECS. The move takes place as TT'd whether the train type is reset or not.

To make it easier for the TT writer, can anything be done to stop the double shuffle of the train type being automatically changed to Custom then manually reset to the correct train type?

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New timetable features in 4.4 27/03/2015 at 12:22 #70366
2756 posts
" said:
I assume the problems associated with timetable editing has still to be fixed as I can still produce an "Access Violation".
Can you produce it consistently? We still haven't located the cause so, no, it's not fixed.

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New timetable features in 4.4 27/03/2015 at 13:52 #70370
94 posts

Having a play myself, if you select the train type (e.g ECS, Passenger) and then the train class (153 etc) then it won't revert. Not an ideal solution, but probably works better in some situations..

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New timetable features in 4.4 27/03/2015 at 21:47 #70405
5208 posts
" said:

Having a play myself, if you select the train type (e.g ECS, Passenger) and then the train class (153 etc) then it won't revert. Not an ideal solution, but probably works better in some situations..
Thanks for the further work. Problem is in editing an existing TT rather than writing a new one (the new functionality broke the old TT as the ECS workings using a headcode other than the pattern 5XNN would not accept route onto goods lines).

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New timetable features in 4.4 30/03/2015 at 17:53 #70537
963 posts
" said:
" said:
I assume the problems associated with timetable editing has still to be fixed as I can still produce an "Access Violation".
Can you produce it consistently? We still haven't located the cause so, no, it's not fixed.
Clive, I think I might be able to shed some light on this. I have been testing a sim and I have had the same problem as described twice in a row while performing the same actions. And I have some different error reports as well. Obviously I can't post them here but if you PM me I can send you the details.


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New timetable features in 4.4 30/03/2015 at 18:16 #70541
138 posts
" said:
(1) The six new power types are *not* a hint that something interesting is in the pipeline
I hope this means we can assume everything else is :lol:

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New timetable features in 4.4 30/03/2015 at 19:04 #70546
2756 posts
" said:

Clive, I think I might be able to shed some light on this. I have been testing a sim and I have had the same problem as described twice in a row while performing the same actions. And I have some different error reports as well. Obviously I can't post them here but if you PM me I can send you the details.

Please email me at clive@SimSig.co.uk; thanks.

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New timetable features in 4.4 31/03/2015 at 06:56 #70557
963 posts
" said:
" said:

Clive, I think I might be able to shed some light on this. I have been testing a sim and I have had the same problem as described twice in a row while performing the same actions. And I have some different error reports as well. Obviously I can't post them here but if you PM me I can send you the details.

Please email me at clive@SimSig.co.uk; thanks.
Email sent.


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