Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes

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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 15/05/2015 at 13:09 #72246
1637 posts
Plain text editors have progressed a long way since the first primitive one, Windows' Notepad, which had the major advantage of being free. Many today have more features that one really needs but one of the best ones is recognition of URL format. In other words, if you copy and past a URL (link to a Web page) from the address bar of your browser, it will show up as a blue underlined hyperlink. Double-clicking this link opens your browser for you at this page. I use EditPad Pro as my principal plain text editor, with EditPlus as an assistant. Neither are freeware but others such as Notepad++ provides many of these features.

Some weeks ago I suggested how handy it would be to be able to import template sticky note files, customized for the particular sim, that listed all the bits of info pertaining to that sim, such as which sidings required a phone call to enter, etc. The next best solution is to keep handy a plain text editor (e.g., EditPad Pro) permanently available as a toolbar icon. Click the icon and it pops up over the sim. Its window can be made as large or small as you wish. You can select and text/background colour to reduce glare.

You can give this file a distinctive name in keeping with your sim and assign it to a Favorites folder named SimSig.

You can paste into it sections from the sim manual, abridging where necessary, or you can have more than one file, though one seems the most manageable. These are, after all, just notes.

Include links to the folder where your games are saved, also links to the full sim manual so you can check for further information.

Although you could use the top of this file for pasting shunter's announcements, I find sticky notes work better here as they remain tied to the location of the actual sidings.

Anyway, this idea has 101 uses - I've mentioned only a few. It travels with your computer so you don't need a separate card and pencil, which are easily lost. It's easily edited without eraser shavings or crossings out!

Last edited: 15/05/2015 at 13:12 by maxand
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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 15/05/2015 at 15:22 #72254
1171 posts
" said:
...first primitive one, Windows' Notepad, which had the major advantage of being free.
Windows' Notepad(sic) is was neither first, nor meets any of the main definitions of 'free' software.

Also, how about starting your own hints and tips page on the Wiki rather than littering them across the forum?

Last edited: 15/05/2015 at 15:24 by Sacro
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The following user said thank you: andyb0607
Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 15/05/2015 at 15:28 #72256
718 posts
Nor were its contemporaries as primitive as it was. Notepad has always been a text editor designed to be as simple and primitive as possible.
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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 15/05/2015 at 15:41 #72259
4017 posts
" said:
Also, how about starting your own hints and tips page on the Wiki rather than littering them across the forum?
One's already been set up here. Although I'm not sure if subjective content should be on there- it certainly needs a disclaimer that this is what one user/group of users find useful, and is not the definitive way to operate SimSig that must be followed. As mentioned on the TORR thread, the Wiki is generally seen as explaining the 'correct' way to do things. As such, I think individual playing styles should be kept off there and discussed here if people want to.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 15/05/2015 at 15:47 by Steamer
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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 15/05/2015 at 17:18 #72263
315 posts
It's also important to remember that what works for one player may not work for others.

Personally, I haven't read the post fully, as it seems to be saying something that could be said in a few words or less on the Wiki:

"Some users may find the use of a text editor useful for making motes: see forum thread <link>"

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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 16/05/2015 at 01:05 #72274
1637 posts
Windows' Notepad(sic) is was neither first, nor meets any of the main definitions of 'free' software.
Well, since Notepad is bundled with Windows and is a standalone program, what more do you wish? It may not be open-source but eanyone who may not understand what is meant by a plain-text editor understands what Notepad is and does. Unfortunately, Notepad in its earlier versions did not recognize URL lines (maybe the more recent ones do).

Yes, I'll add a note about this method to the Hints and Tips page - it might prompt a louder call for imported template files.

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Using a plain text editor for large sticky notes 16/05/2015 at 02:12 #72276
718 posts
It's not free as in cost, as you have to pay for Windows to get it.

It's not free as in freedom, as you can't see or modify the source code, or redistribute it.

Pretty much its only advantages are its massive simplicity (sometimes this can be useful), and the fact that it's bundled with Windows.

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