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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 12:31 #980
6325 posts
I've updated the Agora forum software to 3.0.11. Unfortunately this seems to have messed up the formatting somewhat. I'm working on it.
SimSig Boss
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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 12:31 #7781
6325 posts
I've updated the Agora forum software to 3.0.11. Unfortunately this seems to have messed up the formatting somewhat. I'm working on it.
SimSig Boss
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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 12:34 #7783
6325 posts
Hmm, the existing templates don't seem to work so I've had to change it to the only one that does - "Neo". But having said that, it does look a little better in my opinion.
SimSig Boss
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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 12:51 #7785
1719 posts
Surprised when I returned having left myself logged on while with a client... but I rather like it actually.
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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 13:00 #7789
135 posts
Me too, kinda funky...

Actually easier to read for me, much better on the eye.

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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 13:14 #7793
5208 posts
Post deleted - seems to have been phantom problem.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 14:49 #7799
254 posts
looks good enough for a trial for me.....

If there are any tweaks I can help out later when it has settled in.

Ken :cool:

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Forum update 25/03/2010 at 20:19 #7808
1803 posts

In some ways I like it as it looks modern and has certainly made some improvements in places however in some ways I don't like it as much. One of the real downsides I've found is when entering a message/post (either new or reply) the text size is quite small and not too easy to read. Of course it could be Google Chrome so I'll try with Internet Explorer in a few minutes but I'm doubtful that it is down to Google Chrome. I can enlarge the whole website using Ctrl + Up/Down Scroll but that makes everything look big so not ideal.

Also the image/screenshot in this post doesn't open properly, I had to open the image manually in a new tab so, unless the post wasn't entered correctly (i.e: the image code used to display the image is wrong - which I doubt as the image does display), there is a clear problem there.

A good thing is that when entering a URL in a post you click in the link button and it gives you easy boxes to enter the URL itself and the URL title which makes it a breeze to do.

There are some noticeable improvements to the 'User info' displayed next to posts. Also the changes to the 'Board Info' area at the bottom are nice and furthermore the topic icons are nice aswell.

I'm not quite sure if this theme/style merges well with the website theme/style.

I guess with so many good and bad points I'm left a bit undecided...but of course I can live with it whilst it's a "Work In Progress".


Tried with IE and seems to have the same problem.

Also whilst I was editing this post I (stupidly) tried posting in the ShoutBox and it completely obliterated my post - luckily I was able to recover it by using the 'Back' button and the post was there still for me to edit and submit.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 07:39 #7829
76 posts
Sorry... but to be honest I like it the way it is righ now. Although the text in the text box when typing a message is small.
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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 10:55 #7840
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I seem to have lost a lot of the functionality (e.g. the buttons at the head of the page) in IE6 (at work) so I can't filter for latest postings. And some of the buttons e.g. submit- have no text displayed.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 11:07 #7841
1171 posts
No chance of updating to a current browser?

Also this text entry box seems to be using a serif font, how strange!

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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 14:11 #7846
254 posts
To all,

I am sure the reason for GeoffM putting this thread up was for us all to express concerns and feelings about the new(ish) layout.

Just like SimSig, it is the debugging and testing process that each of these templates needs to go through.

They are designed by fellow users and offered as part of the collaborative freeware process and offered 'as-is'.

What we do with it is up to us, fonts, layouts, colours, etc. are all editable in the .CSS files that Geoff has access to and that we can see if we know where to look ;)

So - carry on for a few days, report anything untoward; - then we will look to see what can be done and voila - we will be back up and running in new clothes!

Best wishes,

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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 14:20 #7847
50 posts
Nothing untoward that I have spotted. But could the icons for the sub-forums on the index page be colour coded too?
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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 16:38 #7849
771 posts
I second miker15 request. Just to add some clarifcation.

There are 3 main headings: Released Sims, Beta Sims and Timetable. Unlike the rest of the forum, they have sub-headings shown on the main. page. Each sub-heading has what appears to be a small notification icon, all of which are grey. When you open any of the main sections (such as Released Sims) , you invariably find the subsections have posts (and thus coloured icons). However, these colours are not reflected in the sub-heading icons on the main forum page. I also note there is no overall large icon on the main page for any of the 3 headings either. overall this means it is not possible to tell if there are posts in any of these sections without actually opening them.

Would it be possible to either....
a) Have the smaller icons for the subheadings on the main page reflect the colour of the icon of that particularly subsection?
b) If (a) is not possible then how about a main heading icon that shows an overall image if any of the sub headings have an unread post.

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Forum update 26/03/2010 at 22:29 #7853
254 posts
Final icons haven't been decided yet but these points are very relevant and are noted for investigation.
We are looking for suitable banners once the final dimensions are confirmed.
So long and thin images should be looked at to see if they will be suitable.

So - in this case - if you don't ask, you don't get! Not the usual 'when it's ready' (but similar!)
All suggestions are valid and will be mulled over.... (a glass of real ale!)


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Forum update 27/03/2010 at 00:26 #7855
1171 posts
I like the current icons!
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Forum update 27/03/2010 at 05:16 #7861
254 posts
You may (and I do) but with each change of template the icons change.

Nicholas (nroberts) and I spent a while creating a SimSig set that we can use IF or when necessary.

You can view them here LED Type Signal Icons

We didn't do any more work on them like making the background transparent until other suggestions had been made.
Once all the options were available (and anyone can try to create them) then we were going to put them up for a poll.


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