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Download Link Broken?

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Download Link Broken? 14/04/2010 at 14:34 #1119
674 posts
Is the Central Scotland sim download link broken? I click on 'Download', then check the 'Accept Terms' box and click the small 'Download' tab, but when I'm then taken to the large 'Download' link (underlined in green) screen again, instead of the file details being displayed beneath the link all I see is an otherwise blank screen with <!--[endif]--> displayed. When I click 'Download' nothing happens. Has anyone else experienced this? Any help would be much appreciated.

I did search the forum without success before making this post so please accept my apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.


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Download Link Broken? 14/04/2010 at 14:34 #8505
674 posts
Is the Central Scotland sim download link broken? I click on 'Download', then check the 'Accept Terms' box and click the small 'Download' tab, but when I'm then taken to the large 'Download' link (underlined in green) screen again, instead of the file details being displayed beneath the link all I see is an otherwise blank screen with <!--[endif]--> displayed. When I click 'Download' nothing happens. Has anyone else experienced this? Any help would be much appreciated.

I did search the forum without success before making this post so please accept my apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.


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Download Link Broken? 14/04/2010 at 14:59 #8506
5208 posts

I've just run a check using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari and was able to download using each of them.

However, are you using Internet Explorer? The Microsoft Nanny State looks to protect you from yourself by stopping you downloading files unless you specifically allow it. If you are using IE, does a yellowish bar appear at the top of the page containing the text "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading to your computer. Click here for options . . . " When you click on the bar you get a drop-down with the options of Download File, What's the risk? and Information Bar Help. If you click on Download File the rest of the download process kicks in. Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari all allow you to download without this interference.

If you are using IE, hope this solves things for you.


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