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Forum signatures 23/04/2010 at 08:44 #1160
6325 posts
Some people have complained about "noise" in users' signatures - pictures, colour, advertising, etc, which detract from the subject at hand. I've now limited the signature to two lines and no BBCode is permitted. Those affected should edit their profile to keep to these restrictions.
SimSig Boss
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Forum signatures 23/04/2010 at 08:44 #8728
6325 posts
Some people have complained about "noise" in users' signatures - pictures, colour, advertising, etc, which detract from the subject at hand. I've now limited the signature to two lines and no BBCode is permitted. Those affected should edit their profile to keep to these restrictions.
SimSig Boss
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Forum signatures 12/05/2010 at 14:44 #9112
268 posts
Geoffm, before new singsig website showed well the signature, but does few weeks, appears the signature with logical characters: bold, colour, size. My signature only uses one line. If type manual signature from forum line is showed well example:

Your Spanish friend, Carlos (here my signature typed manually, appears well, more down the automatic signature appears with logical characters, but doesn't appear how bold, red and size 14.
If BBcode is default disabled, then will not can showed signature. I have looked my account to enable bbcode, but doesn't find that option.

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Forum signatures 12/05/2010 at 15:11 #9113
6325 posts
Charlytos said:
I have looked my account to enable bbcode, but doesn't find that option.
GeoffM said:
no BBCode is permitted
Colour etc is not necessary.

SimSig Boss
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Forum signatures 12/05/2010 at 19:35 #9118
268 posts
Delete colour detail, only bold and size, but doesn't get the signature black, bold, 14 size, continues showing the logical format characters and text. This didn't occur does a few weeks!...
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Forum signatures 12/05/2010 at 19:48 #9119
1803 posts
Charlytos, you can no longer use BBCode in your signature. That means you cannot have the text in bold or size 14.

BBCode includes any code that uses the square brackets [ & ], i.e;

& , & , & , & , & and & , among other BBCodes
XX = One or two numbers that set the size of the text
xxxxxx = A set of letters and/or numbers after the # that set the colour of the text

Basically you can now only have plain text as your forum signature, no image(s), no URL(s).

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Forum signatures 12/05/2010 at 20:18 #9120
268 posts
Thanks to clarify it, uktrain, and should change it now deleting the formats put to my signature But I don't understand why was put dissable the format option for signature. Before, does a few weeks was used normally that option. And if player likes to put it bold and any colour to signature to put it normally.
To put a signature with simple text only, prefer delete and wite a manual signature how I like put my personal signature. And pardon why logical reason has been deleted the format text for signatures from SimSig forum, when all forums let to give it format to user signature!...

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Forum signatures 13/05/2010 at 22:02 #9135
1461 posts
Why? Because some people thought that some signatures on the forum (not necessarily yours) were too large or distracting, as Geoff said.
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Forum signatures 14/05/2010 at 11:02 #9140
268 posts
I understand that detail Danny, then by cause of any users than abuse using their signatures, the rest of players than use basic signatures, how on my case, simplely a basic text with bold and colour to give it a best detail.
Being now on short use, how put UKTRAIN, is possible only to use simple text without formats!...

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