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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 18:16 #15488
David Russon
50 posts
I have had the same problem for a number of years. I understand that the reason I cannot host a session , but can be a client , is that I have a dynamic IP address instead of a Static address. When I inquired about the problem ( with O2) I was told that I could have a static address which would cost 50% more per month than I was currently paying , so I decided to decline the offer of a static IP address and continue only being able to log on as a client.

I don't know if this could be the reason you cannot host .


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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 18:58 #15491
6325 posts
DavidR said:
I have had the same problem for a number of years. I understand that the reason I cannot host a session , but can be a client , is that I have a dynamic IP address instead of a Static address. When I inquired about the problem ( with O2) I was told that I could have a static address which would cost 50% more per month than I was currently paying , so I decided to decline the offer of a static IP address and continue only being able to log on as a client.

I don't know if this could be the reason you cannot host .

Dynamic IPs are fine, and is probably what the majority of people are on.

SimSig Boss
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 19:01 #15493
4869 posts
Hosting has nothing to do with you having a dynamic IP address you just need to check what your current IP address is before you host. For instance I know that Derbybest has a dynamic address and has hosted in the past.

This is a link to your router manual HERE

This is a link to a video that shows you exactly how to port forward your router HERE

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 19:06 #15494
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
bharrison said:
never updated anything on the router. He could never connect to at all tried several times last year and since the port forwarding and he still can't now.
May not have anything to do with the ports. Check that you have your Antivirus enabled (McAfee, AVG etc). This was the problem with my router (it blocked all incoming connections once my McAfee expired), so this may be one solution.

If not, check that the program is allowed through your firewall (Windows Firewall in Control Panel / a firewall managed by your Antivirus like McAfee 2011). Be aware that turning the firewall off does not always work.


"Signalman Exeter"
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 19:45 #15496
99 posts
my isp is sky so I'm not sure if they are dynamic or static with IPs.

Sam tugwell
my AV is Microsoft secuirty essentials so I doubt that would affect it.

I used ports 50505 and 50507 for my port forwarding is that the right ports to set.

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 20:11 #15498
4869 posts
The ISP has nothing to do with it. You need to have a look at the video I have posted above, this will sort all your issues.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 20:12 #15499
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
bharrison said:
my AV is Microsoft secuirty essentials so I doubt that would affect it.
Still check the firewall - also, which sim are you using as older sims (e.g North London Line) are set to default port of 4321

"Signalman Exeter"
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 20:39 #15502
99 posts
SimSigs I'm using

kings cross
south humberside
and wemberly suburban
I'm certain I've unlocked all my SimSig boxes in the firewall settings

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 21:22 #15505
4869 posts
Again I'll ask. Have you watched the video on my post on the last page? This will help you forward your ports.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 22:19 #15510
99 posts

yes I've wathed the video and followed it to the letter.

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 22:27 #15511
4869 posts
I Assume then that it works now?
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 04/05/2011 at 23:25 #15512
99 posts
I'll have ago tomorrow
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 13:23 #15532
99 posts
I've been unable to check the ports are working as I haven't found anyone to test the connection at the present time.
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 16:03 #15537
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
bharrison said:
I've been unable to check the ports are working as I haven't found anyone to test the connection at the present time.
Ask in the shout box!! (remember not to post IP in shoutbox but in the hosting section of the forum or via a PM)

"Signalman Exeter"
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 16:32 #15539
1841 posts
Netgear DG934G Port forward guide
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 17:28 #15542
276 posts
Only issue I have with that guide is that it says "you must have a static ip address". I have a used PortForward quite OK with a dynamic address (Virgin Bband) and that address lasts a minimum of 9 days and sometimes doesn't change for weeks! Perhaps its a ruse to make you use their software to get one but why should anyone have to pay extra to obtain one is beyond me.

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 19:40 #15550
99 posts
just done a test on mine and it failed to connect the clinet again. Not sure if there's any thing else to test now. tried forwarding the ports and still no joy.

If it's that I'd need some one to tell me what to set the ports to. Does the client machine need to unblock anything?

to play as a server you clearly need a static Ip thats all I can thing of unless you can only host with certain ISPs.

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 19:48 #15551
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
bharrison said:
to play as a server you clearly need a static Ip thats all I can thing of unless you can only host with certain ISPs.
Not true.
I dont have a static IP address, and I can host a game of not just Simsig, but most online games.

Back to topic, there must be a problem with your port forwarding. Either that, or the router set up is a little different to that of my Netgear router (WGR416 or something like that). The only way I think someone could sort it out would be to either use a Screenshare program (e.g Skype or Teamview) and for a person to guide you via Voice chat.

It does not matter one bit about the Static IP or the ISP.

"Signalman Exeter"
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 19:57 #15552
99 posts
I think someone with the same router needs to tell me what ports to use. Failing that I can't think of anyway forward of the top of my head. is it a block at the client end that could be the cause.
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:01 #15553
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
You can use any port you want, you just have to assign it to your correct internal IP adress when port forwarding, then give your external to the client
"Signalman Exeter"
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:05 #15555
4869 posts
You do not need an external static IP address to host a game. Anyone or any website telling you this is talking a load of rubbish. I know for a fact you can port forward on sky as I know people on here who host off sky.

The only thing you need to do is follow the many guides that have been posted.

As for it being a block of the client end, I very much doubt it everything so far says that you haven't forwarded your ports correctly. As Sam says you can use any port to host Simsig on, you just need to tell Simsig which port you are using by ticking the custom box and entering in the port number.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:36 #15556
99 posts
from the start settinng the ports all over again.

what ports do i enter to use the boxes that have the primery and secondary ports 50505 and 50507

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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:42 #15557
4869 posts
Yes just forward ports 50505 and 50507.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:49 #15558
99 posts
I put the Ip from the box under the server tab in my SimSig as the Ip address in the serivces box of the router setting as I only have a 192.xxx.x.x (internal) address that comes up in my SimSig sever box in the box itself under network play.
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Problems with being a server on a multiplayer session on the samebox 05/05/2011 at 20:56 #15559
4869 posts
You need to be using the (192.168.XXX.XXX) IP for the port forwarding on the router.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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