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SimSig In Wine

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SimSig In Wine 19/06/2010 at 19:00 #1378
7 posts
When attempting to follow the instructions for the file that enables SimSig to function on Linux, I get a "file not found" error message. Changing directories doesn't make a difference. What am I doing wrong? I''m using Ubuntu 9.04 with GNOME if that's relevant at all.
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SimSig In Wine 19/06/2010 at 19:00 #9718
7 posts
When attempting to follow the instructions for the file that enables SimSig to function on Linux, I get a "file not found" error message. Changing directories doesn't make a difference. What am I doing wrong? I''m using Ubuntu 9.04 with GNOME if that's relevant at all.
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SimSig In Wine 19/06/2010 at 22:55 #9720
5239 posts

I've got SimSig running quite happily on an old 1998 laptop (256Mb memory, 233MHz chip) on Wine. It is currently running Ubuntu 10.04, but I set things up the first time round on Ubuntu 9.10. If I remember correctly, I downloaded the linuxstarter.zip file to my username/downloads folder then extracted the files to the Desktop. I then opened a terminal window and entered the regedit SimSig.reg instruction. As the SimSig.reg file modifies the Wine Registry file in regard to the SimSig system files, it may be having a hiccup if you haven't installed the system files first. As a starting point, if you haven't already done it, could you try installing your downloaded SimSig system files first and then run the regedit instruction.

If you've already done all of that, you've got my deductive powers beaten.


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SimSig In Wine 20/06/2010 at 00:04 #9721
7 posts
Never mind, I figured out the problem. Despite the presence of the word "Desktop" in the default starting directory, I actually needed to change directories to /home/[my username]/Desktop before it would work.
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