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New platform at Bicester North?

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New platform at Bicester North? 06/09/2010 at 13:06 #1723
149 posts
I went to Brum on Saturday up (er, sorry I guess that should be DOWN) the Chiltern Line and noticed when we stopped at Bicester North that what looked like a new platform was being built in the space once occupied by the through lines. My guess is this is part of the speed upgrade programme.

For those who know the history of the line, it was single track for many years with the up line routed at quite a skew off the original single track as it was once the up "platform" loop when the station had through roads. Even though both tracks have now been reinstated, there is still quite a skew into the up platform at present.

I reckon that the new platform (if that's what it is) will become the up "through" platform and the existing up platform will become the "bay" ((loop) platform for the trains that terminate there from Marylebone.

Anyone care to elaborate?

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New platform at Bicester North? 06/09/2010 at 13:06 #11303
149 posts
I went to Brum on Saturday up (er, sorry I guess that should be DOWN) the Chiltern Line and noticed when we stopped at Bicester North that what looked like a new platform was being built in the space once occupied by the through lines. My guess is this is part of the speed upgrade programme.

For those who know the history of the line, it was single track for many years with the up line routed at quite a skew off the original single track as it was once the up "platform" loop when the station had through roads. Even though both tracks have now been reinstated, there is still quite a skew into the up platform at present.

I reckon that the new platform (if that's what it is) will become the up "through" platform and the existing up platform will become the "bay" ((loop) platform for the trains that terminate there from Marylebone.

Anyone care to elaborate?

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New platform at Bicester North? 06/09/2010 at 17:40 #11307
1803 posts
I recommend you send an eMail to Chiltern Railways (A contact us page, with online form, is available here) about this. I have previously found said TOC to be very friendly & helpful and I'm sure that they'd have no objections in replying to your query with a useful answer or at least a link to it. I have tried a search on their website, using the search words as 'Bicester North', but didn't find any promising results.

Hope this helps, if only slightly.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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New platform at Bicester North? 06/09/2010 at 20:15 #11309
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I have seen the scheme plan for Evergreen 3 first hand.

All that is happening at Bicester is the up line is being "moved" to where the Down middle line used to be and the platform extended outwards to meet this track. This is for a simple linespeed improvement.

Silly idea, I would have put the middle roads back in, but unfortunately they seem to be penny-pinching.

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New platform at Bicester North? 07/09/2010 at 12:27 #11312
149 posts
Stephen Fulcher said:
Silly idea, I would have put the middle roads back in, but unfortunately they seem to be penny-pinching.
Yes, so would I! However I don't think it would be quite as simple as just reinstating the 2 through roads. My recollection of the topography of the area suggests that to do this a long-disused bridge span would need a fair bit of refurbishment or even replacement (as is currently happening at B'ham Moor St), so perhaps that's why they're going for a simple realignment.

That's going to make for a very wide up platform though!

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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 08:05 #11316
353 posts
When are Chiltern connecting to Bicester Town ? If indeed they still are.
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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 13:40 #11318
149 posts
ISTR that won't be for another 3 years or so - but it will happen. Apparently, the chord wil run north from Bicester Town station curving eastwards across a field to meet the Chiltern line approx. 1/3 mile south/east of Bicester North station.
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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 14:16 #11319
353 posts
Ah right. Just wondered as I was an Oxford Driver for 9 years so that's one of my old stomping grounds. Thanks for the info.
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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 16:04 #11321
54 posts
Indeed, I have been involved with the scheme, and would like an Up bay or Up loop, but then I wouldn't be prepared to stump up the extra cash myself and I suppose those funding it feel exactly the same! The move allows the linespeed improvement with no need for any new signals (current up line signals are too far from where the turnout would be so additional section would have to be added - and bearing in mind that the whole area is fully bi-directional, plus the spacing of the various turnouts and the trainling north end crossover, the original plan for a loop required a huge number of additional signals compared to none [except replacements] in the revised scheme).

Also no new bridge is required as a walkway can be constructed out (though this could be done if the existing platform were left as a dead-end bay as well). Certainly every now and then we will think, "Wish that was there", but the benefits just don't match the costs.

Once the Oxford line is commissioned there will be virtually no Bicester terminators / starters; the ability to shunt out to the siding will remain as now; and facility to overtake in pertubation is provided by the ability to work bi-di for the one signal section between Bicester and where the Oxford line will connect at Bicester South, including the ability to turnback and start south again from the northbound platform crossing back at Bicester South. The Oxford line is subject to a public enquiry, but is expected to be commissioned by May 2013. Bicester Town station will move slightly (and have longer platforms) to be closer to Bicester Village shops.

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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 19:46 #11322
353 posts
Personally I still think that they should push to open up past Claydon and on to Bletchley or MK. I reckon there'd be a fair few people using that link if it ever does come to fruition.
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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 20:10 #11323
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
There was a report in Modern Railways a few months ago on the line. Apparently the new stations on the line to Oxford are going to have GWR architecture (though technically not a GWR line) and the project is being future proofed for a possible east/west link to Bedford and beyond.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New platform at Bicester North? 08/09/2010 at 20:32 #11324
5208 posts
Just to complete the picture, I understand that at the Oxford end the old LNW single track on the East side of the line from Oxford N Jn to Oxford station is to be made bi-di and up to passenger spec and the old parcel bays at the N End of Oxford stn will become the new terminating platforms for the Bicester trains. The Bicester trains will then be running on their own self-contained railway in and out of Oxford and will not need to find a path on the Oxford - Banbury ML.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New platform at Bicester North? 10/09/2010 at 10:20 #11355
353 posts
Yes a signaller friend in OX PSB was telling me about that. Should help with trains not having to cross the Up Main at Oxford North Junction.
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New platform at Bicester North? 16/09/2010 at 12:32 #11507
Adrian the Rock
111 posts
outofsection said:
Stephen Fulcher said:
Silly idea, I would have put the middle roads back in, but unfortunately they seem to be penny-pinching.
Yes, so would I! However I don't think it would be quite as simple as just reinstating the 2 through roads. My recollection of the topography of the area suggests that to do this a long-disused bridge span would need a fair bit of refurbishment or even replacement (as is currently happening at B'ham Moor St), so perhaps that's why they're going for a simple realignment.

That's going to make for a very wide up platform though!

Just having fast lines through stations with platform loops is not considered very useful these days. The modern preference is for longer, "dynamic" loops. This discussion has come up when suggestions for reinstating the main lines through High Wycombe were raised. The problem is that, for a slow train to stop in the platform while a faster one runs through under green signals all the way would require the former to sit it the station for over 5 minutes, much longer than the more typical dwell time of 30 secs to one minute. Check out the timings where this is done at Dawlish Warren in the Exeter sim.

Ironically, one example of a dynamic loop is going to be the South Ruislip - West Rusilip section, where I believe four tracks are to be restored, and I think they're kicking themselves now for having extended the down platform at West Ruislip when the Marylebone resignalling was done. This will enable (eg) WS&MR trains to overtake Chiltern stoppers while the latter are calling at the two Ruislip stations.

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