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Where is the timetable?

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Where is the timetable? 18/09/2010 at 14:48 #11578
265 posts
One thing that annoys me about this is the fact that I now cannot save a game into the same folder as the sim is installed into.

I don't want sim saves scattered randomly through my documents folder, it was organised before it changed

Along the same lines, the snapshots refuse to save now which is very frustrating.

Don't fix something that isn't broken is my philosophy as a software designer.

(Formerly known as manadude2)
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Where is the timetable? 18/09/2010 at 16:35 #11579
21 posts
Hi I've read the post and found the timetable files but I still cant get them to work. I've copied them into the same folder as the sim but I still cant get it to run with the timetables (I'm on xp).
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Where is the timetable? 18/09/2010 at 16:55 #11580
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I don't understand why people are having problems with timetables and saves and splash screens. I told the installer exactly where I wanted it all to be installed at that time and everything is where I wanted it to be and is working fine.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Where is the timetable? 18/09/2010 at 16:57 #11581
21 posts
Ok, update, I can now get the timetable by selecting open in the timetable column in the the tool bar but by this time I've already started it so I have to wait till 04:30 and even in the fastest mode thats some time, any way round this?
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Where is the timetable? 09/10/2010 at 02:01 #11924
Paul Anderson
4 posts
Having down loaded Wembly as per normal, no WTT. Thinking that something had gone amiss I deleted Wembly And downloaded again still no WTT. Followed the advice given to Truckgirl by John but still no joy. I then looked in the program file and to my surprise the WTT was there, tried pasting to my desktop, and repasting back but still no Joy. I am running XP so could some body help this computer twit to get a WTT into the sim
Harwich Man ::

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Where is the timetable? 09/10/2010 at 08:56 #11927
5208 posts

I hope I explain things correctly in this posting - if not, I will no doubt be corrected pretty sharpish. The starting point is that the TTs are put into different locations depending on how your system is organised. This is more complicated than it used to be when SimSig was first developed because Microsoft have tightened up the way the Windows works.

The default used to be that the program file was put into C:Program FilesSimsig so you would find for example C:Program FilesSimSigWembleySub.exe. Then the installer would create a WembleySub sub-folder as C:Program FilesSimSigWembleySub and drop the TTs into that. The installer gives you the option to change the location of the .exe file when you run it and then creates the sub-folder as a child of the folder with the .exe file so that you have a fair bit of flexibility if you don't want to put your SimSig files into the main Program Files folder when you originally install the sim.

However, Microsoft have now tightened up the security of their operating systems, and in the later versions of Windows ordinary users are a lot more restricted in the changes and additions they can make to the Program Files folder. That is why the later sims have an option in the F3 pop-up on the Control tab to check the "Use Public Documents" box. If this box is checked, the SimSig .exe file does not look for the TTs in a sub-folder from where it is sitting. Instead it looks in what XP calls the "Shared Documents" folder (not sure what it is called in Vista/W7). If you click on the My Computer icon, you will probably find the Shared Document folder as one of the named locations. Open Shared Documents and you will find a SimSig sub-folder with further sub-folders within that one for each sim you have set up using the Public Documents option. These individually identified sub-folders are where the TTs should be found.

I guess from what you are saying that the TTs are in the wrong location compared with what the "Use Public Documents" check-box is expecting. As a first step you could try checking the box if it is unchecked (or vice versa), closing down the sim then re-loading it. If that does then show the TT when you use the New Game option, you can then decide whether you want to run using the Shared Documents folder or not and move your TTs/sub-folders to your preferred home.

If you still can't get things going properly, post back and someone more adept than I am will probably join in to help.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Where is the timetable? 10/10/2010 at 11:35 #11952
1107 posts
Tve4 have you read the first post in this thread ??

The option is already there - I install to a separate drive as well and by unchecking the use public documents folder the t/t went straight to where I want it

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Where is the timetable? 14/10/2010 at 10:36 #11991
658 posts
As Geoff said in the first post, the place for unchecking the use of shared folder is in the Options menu.

run the sim, press f3 to get the options, under control, uncheck the box and all works fine

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