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Preston signalbox visit

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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 21:22 #11845
6325 posts
TomOF said:
Actually got to witness a genuine track circuit failure caused by flooding
Two in fact. A train came through, stopped at a signal and reported flooding. Meanwhile the track circuit in rear failed occupied followed a few minutes later by another track circuit on the other line. Line blocked to traffic until (at least) it could get inspected. Apparently floods regularly during heavy rain, which is what we had at the time.

Splodge said:
as well as to Geoff for organising the visit.
Chris Law (Chrisrail) arranged it. My thanks go to him and the staff of Preston for being so accommodating. A much bigger box than I expected.

SimSig Boss
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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 21:30 #11847
6325 posts
Splodge/Danny252/Woodhead, please check your PMs ("Messages" tab at the top of the forum pages when logged in).
SimSig Boss
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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 21:35 #11848
706 posts
Thanks to Chris, then - a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours - I could have stayed and watched for the rest of the day!
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 21:50 #11849
5 posts
to everyone who visited Preton PSB today,thank you for your kind words posted so far;i shall pass them on to my colleagues. I am glad you enjoyed your visit and hope you found it interesting.
On a personal note ,it was good to meet some of the people behind Simsig,maybe i'll get the chance to come to one of your meets.
best wishes to you all
regards Paul signalman Preston PSB

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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 22:09 #11851
1461 posts
GeoffM said:
Two in fact. A train came through, stopped at a signal and reported flooding. Meanwhile the track circuit in rear failed occupied followed a few minutes later by another track circuit on the other line. Line blocked to traffic until (at least) it could get inspected. Apparently floods regularly during heavy rain, which is what we had at the time.
And for those who weren't there, an illustrative photo:

I believe we were told the driver of 2M12 has reported the water "above the wheels" - pretty high!

Paul - thankyou for your time and detailled explanations.

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Preston signalbox visit 03/10/2010 at 22:45 #11852
5 posts
your welcome Danny252.
After you left it got worse; we received a report of a possible lanslide at the signal in rear of the track circuit howing in your photo.then the track circuit showed occupied on the opposite line in Walsden station.That was the situation as i left to go off shift.

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Preston signalbox visit 04/10/2010 at 17:19 #11857
Woodhead Signalman
64 posts
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Preston PSB! It was great to speak with the signallers and learn more about the ins and outs, peculiarities and foibles of the panels and the interlocking. An affirmation of what I have always known about the Railways attitude to its signalling requirements; that whatever technology we have in place at any moment in time is what gets implemented and is forced to co-exist with what is already extant! In other words a mish-mash; but a wonderful mish-mash that we all take pleasure from seeing! Thanks to Chris for organising the visit! Excellent!
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Preston signalbox visit 04/10/2010 at 17:47 #11858
1461 posts
paolo said:
we received a report of a possible landslide
I believe I heard the word "landslide" just as we were on our way out - lucky it was only a Sunday service!

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