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Saltley - Minor Bug

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Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 15/08/2011 at 17:20 #19446
5239 posts
" said:
Whilst I am totally aware that all these new sims are produced on a voluntary basis, I can never get over the obvious annoyance and frustration of being unable to participate in the trial run of a particular sim just because I live too far away from a meet or I elect not to attend a meet. I would rather have a level playing field so that all can get an equal share of what's on offer at any one time. Furthermore, it seems to me that far too much energy and effort is spent on organising meets for the amusement of a vocal few to the detriment of the many more who wait patiently for the next sim offering.

In answer to the points you make:

1) A lot of the work towards getting a meet up and running is done by volunteers who are not developers enabling the developers to devote whatever time they see fit to their work on the sims.
2) The meets are actually an incentive to the developers as the decision to run a particular sim at a meet forces the developer to meet a deadline rather than sorting a sim out when he/she can be bothered to get round to it.
3) As a general rule, the sims operated at a meet are in the last stages of development but are still not versions which can be guaranteed to meet the quality standards which Geoff rightly imposes on all developers using his software to produce products under his banner. The sims used at a meet will not generally be available for public release straight after that, so in that sense you are on exactly the same level playing field as everyone else.
4) On a more philosophical point, directed at the principle rather than taking issue with you personally, why does anyone using SimSig simulations think they have any right to dictate how those sims are issued or circulated? I am sure Geoff takes great pleasure in seeing the hours of pleasure people get using outputs from his intellectual property and I think we are all aware that Geoff tries very hard to make SimSig as public and accountable as a voluntary organisation handing out free gifts ought to be. However, free gifts are what they are. If a developer feels that the final stages of pre-production are served by opening up the sim to a slightly wider audience than his usual testers, then that is his/her decision. It does have benefits as we can see from the additional work which was pointed out for both Saltley and South Humberside at the London meet. And if the participants at the meet are giving up their time to help the developer, it could also be argued that their reward for that help is a pre-production version of the sim on their computer. It is obviously an individual decision as to whether to attend a meet or not, but that decision (like every other decision) has consequences. If the consequences of the decision an individual makes are too unpalatable to bear, then they have the option of making a different decision next time. I have been faced with that decision before and Newcastle United has (and will always) take precedence over SimSig. I accept with that decision that I may miss out on something which happens at the meet, but I don't feel that gives me the right to demand an equal share with those who made the opposite decision and put themselves out to support SimSig.

Like I said, certainly not intended to be taken as having a pop at you personally so please accept the comments as discussion points for the whole SimSig world.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: Signalhunter
Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 15/08/2011 at 17:24 #19448
3675 posts
i agree with David. i live in Sheffield, london was too expensive for me at the time so i was unable to sample either of the new sims, but i dont mind. when released im sure they will be worth waiting for in a trouble free format.

i also dont think meets are even 50% about new sims or sneak peeks. im going to derby but i dont even know whats being played there. im far more interested in meeting people.

as for a "fair playing field" not everyone is ever going to be satisfied with the meet location, the uk is too large a place but places like london are considered to be accessable. out of pure interest ray where abouts do you live?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 17/08/2011 at 11:37 #19509
149 posts
Just to whet the appetites of those who couldn't attend the London meet, could a map of the track area covered by Saltley be posted up here? I'm interested because I THINK part of the area covered by the actual Saltley panel was where I used to live (Solihull, Widney Manor Dorridge etc.) and I know the Snow Hill-Leamington line well.

Just a thought!

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Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 17/08/2011 at 11:56 #19510
149 posts
" said:
Just to whet the appetites of those who couldn't attend the London meet, could a map of the track area covered by Saltley be posted up here? I'm interested because I THINK part of the area covered by the actual Saltley panel was where I used to live (Solihull, Widney Manor Dorridge etc.) and I know the Snow Hill-Leamington line well.

Just a thought!

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The following users said thank you: delticfan, Al McLean, Forest Pines, NCC1701
Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 17/08/2011 at 13:11 #19513
476 posts
Hi all, have just read the last few posts on this thread and think I've got the flavour of the main points. As a recent convert to Simsig, may I add the following points?
I realise that, as Simsig is nominally free of charge and relies upon a band of very gifted, dedicated and, in the main, volunteer developers, we must be willing to await their sim output as and when 'real life' permits. The sims available upto now are (to me) amazingly complex in their design and execution. Something as complex as this can't be put together without many months of research and writing. I personally don't have a problem in waiting for each new release, preferring instead to look forward eagerly to each new sim until such time as the team deem it sufficiently perfected for release. The ones I have become reasonably proficient on (Cambridge and Peterborough) are superb in their playability, as well as being areas I know well and can visualise while playing. Having recently gained new employment I have been able to make a reasonable donation to both of these, although still less than commercial equivalents would cost.
Saltley is another area I much look forward to, as in the late 90s I lived in Solihull and worked at both New Street and Solihull stations and travelled the New Street/Snow Hill lines regularly. The sim looks an absolute 'beast' (in the nicest possible way).
As to meets, I would love to be able to attend these, not necessarily as an operator, but just to put 'faces to names' and exchange ideas. Because of work, I would have to get there and back in a day, but will certainly keep a watch for anything reasonably near my area (Lincoln).
I continue to very much enjoy Simsig (it beats watching telly!), and keeping up with developments via the forum. Many people on here have taken great trouble to answer my sometimes endless queries. Were it not for them and the excellent user guides I wouldn't have got as far as I have. A big thank you to all.
I'd now better shut up.
Cheers, Mal.

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The following users said thank you: Silverstar, AndyG
Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 17/08/2011 at 13:21 #19515
1842 posts
" said:
.... could a map of the track area covered by Saltley be posted up here? .....
Scale map of Saltley area from WIKI (Saltley manual).

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 17/08/2011 at 13:29 by AndyG
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The following users said thank you: delticfan, NCC1701, Josie
Re: Saltley - Minor Bug 17/08/2011 at 19:26 #19539
31 posts
Cheers for that andy.

Now I'm loking forward even more to the release!!!


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