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64 bit installer

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64 bit installer 19/08/2011 at 11:02 #19586
3635 posts
firstly, i know and accept that some of the older obsolete sims are provided "as is" and unsupported. ie swindon, didcot, livst, stafford.

i tried installing these sims on my 64 bit windows system so i could play them, they may be old but theyre still good and in place of the missing swindid sim, are as good as i can get. the installer doesnt work for 64 bit, however i noticed a 64bit installer for stafford which i promptly used. this just got me thinking it cant be that difficult to do a 64 bit installer for the other obsolete sims so essentially im asking, is there any chance this could be done?

a semi alternative is to provide the files in a zip already installed. i had to install the sims to a temporary directory on my old 32 bit laptop and then manually place them into my SimSig folder on my new laptop. if we were allowed to upload a folder with the installed files and instructions that might also help, although i couldnt get this to work with swindon (file 4cl40.bpl is missing from your computer although i couldnt find it in the files that were installed and the other sims dont require it)

so to summarise is it possible to:
1. provide a 64 bit installer as per stafford
2. provide a zip of the files for us to manually install them



"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: 64 bit installer 19/08/2011 at 12:17 #19588
1171 posts
If by Swindon you mean the paged version then I doubt that'll receive any updates as that has been superceded by the scrolly version covering it and Didcot.

Though having just checked, it's not available for download so I'm not quite sure where that leaves you... perhaps a higher up could answer!

Did you try extracting the installer? You might be able to get the exe out that way.

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Re: 64 bit installer 19/08/2011 at 13:57 #19591
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
There are no plans to reissue Swindon or Didcot as stand alone sims (for one thing the data is so old it'd not compile without a load of work- maybe one day.....).
But that's not to say an .exe of the existing sim could not uploaded at some point.

SwinDid scrolly on the other hand was being worked on very recently.

Liverpool St and Stafford refreshes were started but I'm not aware of the current status.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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