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Shunting at Perth

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Shunting at Perth 03/09/2011 at 15:23 #20547
2 posts
I know I've just transferred from the London area but I've noticed that Perth shunting seems a bit wrong on the beta..

We generally try and shunt around the station in a clockwise direction and avoid "short shunts" - the standard shunt is to take a train beyond the Perth box and then change ends.. this includes when we bring stock out of the berthing sidings.. it keeps things simple. We also take stock into the fuel road from 7 and behind the gpl and not through 4.. I've yet to see a routine shunt go from platform 3 towards the Highland line.

The moves you can do at Perth are frankly mindboggling and this "roundabout" way of working keeps it simple for us dumb drivers. :)


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