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Phone your Control!

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Phone your Control! 16/11/2011 at 21:43 #23097
23 posts
While playing Exeter I cancelled a route with a train approaching..my bad i know! However the train effected then called me to say he was calling his control. Ive not had that before...is this normal practice? And how does it affect trains on Simsig?
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Re: Phone your Control! 16/11/2011 at 21:46 #23098
3635 posts
its an updated feature of some of the newer and refreshed sims, in real life the driver and signaller would both phone theyre respective control offices to fill a report in about the ACOA as it an abnormal practice
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Phone your Control! 16/11/2011 at 21:56 #23099
1841 posts
It's just a simplfied delaying tactic dressed up as that, to represented the delay/disruption that would occur, with the aim to prevent you gaining any advantage from (recklessly) giving a driver an ACoA.

I think it also hits your points score too.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 16/11/2011 at 21:57 by AndyG
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Re: Phone your Control! 16/11/2011 at 22:51 #23100
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
In the modern (ie post-privatisation) era of the railway in the UK, any driver who reports an adverse change of aspect would have to fill out a form with the signaller over the phone, who forwards it to Network Rail Control, and consult his own control room before he can continue.
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Re: Phone your Control! 16/11/2011 at 23:06 #23101
989 posts
" said:
In the modern (ie post-privatisation) era of the railway in the UK, any driver who reports an adverse change of aspect would have to fill out a form with the signaller over the phone, who forwards it to Network Rail Control, and consult his own control room before he can continue.
In Kent (and also Suusex IIRC) the driver does not phone his control before continuing. Especiallyas they are notallowed their mobiles turned on in the cab! Everything is done via Signaller - NR Control - TOC/FOC Control

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Re: Phone your Control! 17/11/2011 at 08:58 #23121
13 posts
I think you'll find that's pretty much the same in most areas. The TOC control usually receives the info from the NR control.

I'd find it hard to believe these days that any company would allow mobile devices to be on whilst in the cab.

I remember a SPAD that occurred a few years ago in the north west where the TOC involved got the drivers (company) mobile record and proved that he had been on the phone immediately prior to the SPAD occurring.

Also when mobiles became more popular (replacing the "bricks" - do you remember them?) I can recall an incident that occurred on a HST that had arrived at a station early due to engineering allowance in the timetable that was not used. Without warning the train suddenly began to depart with numerous doors open and customers still joining/alighting. The driver was adamant that he had received "two on the buzzer" from the guard. The subsequent investigation revealed that he had actually received an SMS & the SMS alert tone on his mobile was almost the same sound as the HST buzzer.

Last edited: 17/11/2011 at 08:59 by 47417
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Re: Phone your Control! 17/11/2011 at 12:37 #23136
330 posts
" said:
In the modern (ie post-privatisation) era of the railway in the UK, any driver who reports an adverse change of aspect would have to fill out a form with the signaller over the phone, who forwards it to Network Rail Control, and consult his own control room before he can continue.
There's no requirement for the signaller to fill out any forms when a change of aspect is reported. From the RT3185 form header (bold text as per original):

"For use by Drivers in all cases of Signal, AWS or TPWS Irregularities and Signallers when the following is reported:- A wrong side signalling failure, an alleged wrong side signalling failure, a signal irregularity which is required to be reported immediately by the Driver in accordance with module S3 section 3.1 unless the fault is clearly right side or the Signaller can explain the failure or irregularity and can confirm he/she is aware of the circumstances..."

The driver must complete a 3185 form before he books off duty but he doesn't need to stop his train specially to do so while in service and any delay due to his doing this would be attributed to the TOC by Network Rail. Similarly, the signaller doesn't need to consult Control before giving the driver permission to continue.

Last edited: 17/11/2011 at 12:40 by Ron_J
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Re: Phone your Control! 18/11/2011 at 19:33 #23239
23 posts
Given the above ill think twice before doing it again lol!!
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