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Train List option to Show Timetable

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Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 04:30 #24682
1637 posts
With all the Timetable Options already available from the Train List, I'm surprised there isn't one to Show (the) Timetable of the train currently selected.

When the train itself is offscreen or hidden by a popup window, instead of having to hunt down the train wherever it happens to be on a large, possibly unfamiliar layout, then click its headcode to display its TT, how much easier it would be to R-click on the Train List and select Show Timetable (i.e., Location List). Even worse if the train has lost its headcode.

Sure, one can go Train List > Timetable Options > Edit Timetable > Location List, but this takes extra clicks, is fiddly and opens a new popup window stealing screen real estate. I don't want to inadvertently edit a TT, only display it. (In other words, clicking Show Timetable would overwrite the current contents of the Show Timetable window with the TT of the train selected on the Train List, not simply display the Location List (which is really the timetable) in a new window.)

It seems unlikely that being able to display a TT in this way would detract from the real-life situation, and might come in handy in multiplayer sims.

At the risk of sounding like Oliver Twist, would it be asking too much to add this feature?

(Added) In fact, for extra speed, why not remove one click by moving Show Timetable up a menu level to make it part of Train List's main context menu? The more roads leading to Rome, the better.

Last edited: 08/12/2011 at 11:29 by maxand
Reason: emphasize that this move would change contents of Show Timetable window, not create a new Location List window

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The following user said thank you: alan_s
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 05:57 #24683
1107 posts
There's a saying - ' The needs of they many outweigh the needs of the few'

Maybe SimSig isnt for you, the recurring theme is how you would like things changed to suit you. I'm sorry but this needed saying as various other posters are obviously geting fed up as well. We are always willing to offer help and advice, but major changes personally I dont see the need for them.

Another saying - 'If it aint broke - don't fix it'

The way timetables are edited has been like this for years, why change things now - as you gain more experience it will become 2nd nature to you - remember by clicking the headcode in sim you can view the timetable, so why add it again in the F2 context menus.

The developers do this voluntarily in thier free time - IF (and its a big if) they were to take this idea on board, then they can't work on upgrading existing or creating new sims for us to enjoy.

nuff said

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following users said thank you: Prof Jolly, birchy74, postal, Phil-jmw, GoochyB, MikeW, y10g9, Steamer, Sam Tugwell, delticfan, BarryM, nezza
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 05:59 #24684
274 posts
I agree with meld
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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, Prof Jolly
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 06:43 #24692
1637 posts
Meld, this section of the forum is where people are entitled to make suggestions for the benefit of all, not just me. What's wrong with doing that?

You're entitled to your own view, of course, but don't pretend to speak for the many.

remember by clicking the headcode in sim you can view the timetable, so why add it again in the F2 context menus.

If you read my post I said this idea would save time by avoiding the need to scroll across the whole sim just to find a headcode.

As I've said elsewhere, as software matures so programmers find better or equally valid ways of accessing the same function. The only difference with SimSig is that attention must be paid to the way things are done in real life, but as we are here talking about a native control (the Train List), nothing done to this part of SimSig would have any bearing on authenticity.

I would also guess that adding this feature to the core code would enable it to be applied across all sims without individually programming them.

IF (and its a big if) they were to take this idea on board, then they can't work on upgrading existing or creating new sims for us to enjoy.

Not true - this would be a relatively small change to implement. We've already selected the train on the Train List, so it would be a simple matter to create a link to the Show Timetable window.

Last edited: 08/12/2011 at 11:20 by maxand
Reason: changed "better ways" to "better or equally valid ways"

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Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 07:07 #24698
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
The problem is not quite so much what you say- generally it's useful and helpful as is the work you are doing on the Wiki. Other posters have been and are still quite happy to assist you in your understanding.

I think what people find difficult is the way you go about phrasing your postings and setting out your demands.

I'm sure we can all get along fine if you bear that in mind.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following users said thank you: Prof Jolly, Meld, Phil-jmw, delticfan, Sam Tugwell, BarryM
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 08:07 #24702
152 posts
To be fair, I have often thought "wish I could see the timetable from the F2 screen", but in the absence of this option the quickest way to display it is to go to F4 and sort by identidy (headcode).

Another thing you can do Max in one of the more recent sims is create a sticky note with the headcode, this is then clickable. So if you can't locate a train in the sim, perhaps because its at a shunt signal with no berth, do this. In fact its good practice to do it anyway, particularly in places like Exeter new yard (and Bristol Ms1/2 where you had a loco disappear the other day).


Last edited: 08/12/2011 at 08:10 by alan_s
Reason: corrected typo (not awake yet! ;) )

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 08:39 #24703
1107 posts
" said:
To be fair, I have often thought "wish I could see the timetable from the F2 screen", but in the absence of this option the quickest way to display it is to go to F4 and sort by identidy (headcode).

Another thing you can do Max in one of the more recent sims is create a sticky note with the headcode, this is then clickable. So if you can't locate a train in the sim, perhaps because its at a shunt signal with no berth, do this. In fact its good practice to do it anyway, particularly in places like Exeter new yard (and Bristol Ms1/2 where you had a loco disappear the other day).

You can view a t/t in F2 now - just highlight the service then click edit t/t - the trains current location will be shown bold against the rest of the t/t - then after you've viewed it click cancel - you dont have to edit the t/t even tho you've accessed it this way

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following users said thank you: Prof Jolly, alan_s
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 08:50 #24704
151 posts
Here here, We were all beginers at one time Max, just takes a bit of patience thats all
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The following user said thank you: Prof Jolly
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 09:26 #24705
5208 posts
" said:
Meld, this section of the forum is where people are entitled to make suggestions for the benefit of all, not just me. What's wrong with doing that?

You're entitled to your own view, of course, but don't pretend to speak for the many.
The Karma scores suggest that Meld is not pretending.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 08/12/2011 at 09:26 by postal
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The following users said thank you: Prof Jolly, Meld, GoochyB
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 11:08 #24707
1637 posts
Thanks Alan, I'm glad at least one other person can see merit in this idea.

As you say, sticky notes are fine for a big station or yard, but they move with the sim when you scroll, require effort to create and delete, so are not a good workaround.

You can view a t/t in F2 now - just highlight the service then click edit t/t - the trains current location will be shown bold against the rest of the t/t - then after you've viewed it click cancel - you dont have to edit the t/t even tho you've accessed it this way

You forgot to include having to click the Location List tab to see the timetable. I made all this clear in my first post in this thread. It still amounts to a needlessly fiddly workaround, so why not see what can be done to eliminate unnecessary clicks and mouse dragging?

Remember that the more extensive the sim, the steeper the learning curve and the greater the workload. I'm amazed to see players handle timetables covering large scrolling areas, when in reality this would be broken down into several workstations, each with its own operator. With such a large concession already made to reality, SimSig deserves to provide every interface enhancement possible to lighten the load on the solo player without losing its reputation for authenticity.

It sometimes bothers me that not as much thought seems to have been put into making SimSig's user interface more efficient over time as it deserves. While I appreciate all the unpaid labour that has gone into making it what it is today, also that it is under severe constraints to conform as closely as possible to real-life panels, it might also be worth regarding it as a test bed for future improvements to its big brother, given the large forum base of willing voluntary testers (I'm proud to consider myself one). So I'm not reluctant to suggest improvements which add up to easier playing, attracting more people.

Removed for violation of forum rules 5 and 6


- Peter

Last edited: 08/12/2011 at 11:55 by Peter Bennet
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Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 13:24 #24718
275 posts
Personally I consider Max's input to be very valid. Whilst perhaps the way the points are put across could do with improvement, we have to remember that because of the realism, SimSig can be difficult to use. We've all played it for many years so things seem second nature and very simple, but to an outsider from the other side of the world it is not simple.

My point really is that whilst Max could improve the way he puts points across, we shouldn't write them off as stupid/rubbish/incorrect just because we find it easy.

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The following users said thank you: Forest Pines, Peter Bennet, maxand
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 14:52 #24724
6325 posts
A general point to all: please be nice.
SimSig Boss
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Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 20:40 #24747
2756 posts
" said:
At the risk of sounding like Oliver Twist, would it be asking too much to add this feature?
I've added it to the (development) wish list.

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The following users said thank you: maxand, alan_s
Re: Train List option to Show Timetable 08/12/2011 at 20:43 #24748
2756 posts
" said:
There's a saying - ' The needs of they many outweigh the needs of the few'
There's also a phrase "the tyranny of the majority".

Maybe SimSig isnt for you, the recurring theme is how you would like things changed to suit you.
Max is bringing a beginner's eye to SimSig and, unlike others in the past, is staying around and engaging. I don't like everything he says, and I don't always like his style, but he deserves to be listened to - at least two things he's suggested have struck me as sensible enough to go in quickly (one's in Euston).


Another saying - 'If it aint broke - don't fix it'

The way timetables are edited has been like this for years, why change things now
Because sometimes we can do better.

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The following users said thank you: Sam Tugwell, ralphjwchadkirk, delticfan, Forest Pines, officer dibble, alan_s, BarryM, maxand, kbarber, Josie