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Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7

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Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 10/12/2011 at 19:11 #24832
Forest Pines
525 posts
Just noticed some slightly odd behaviour in the scrolly sims - I have been playing Euston, but I assume this applies to others.

I'm running Windows 7 Professional (for x64). I have started the sim and have the default set of windows open: one main control buttons, one messages window, one view. I haven't altered the window sizes, but I do have "Show all windows on taskbar" selected.

If I click the "Show desktop" button on the taskbar, then the SimSig windows are minimised, along with all the others.

However, if I then click on the taskbar button of another running application, to restore that app's window to the screen, the SimSig View window is also restored, below the selected application (below in the z-order, not "below" in the "further down the y-axis" sense).

This doesn't happen if "Show all windows on taskbar" is not activated. In that case, all of the SimSig windows behave as expected.

Last edited: 10/12/2011 at 19:12 by Forest Pines
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The following user said thank you: Prof Jolly
Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 07:14 #24849
249 posts
I assume this is Micro$oft Window$' business, the GUI has extremely many bugs. Together with the parameters passed to CreateWindowEx and ShowWindow, some behaviours related to windows aren't easy to explain if you are not M$' programmer.

Well, this doesn't bother you too much, huh?

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Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 11:11 #24850
181 posts
Wow, I must congratulate you on your troll, this is a nice one. No less then four dollar signs in those two sentences... Oh and it contributed absolutely nothing to the topic, nice one sir.

I hope you would have realised after 68 posts that we try to keep the trolls out and make sure conversations are done on a civilised manner.

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Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 11:48 #24854
1637 posts
Forest Pines, I agree with your observation.

Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit and playing Bristol, I noticed the same. As I usually have two or three applications running concurrently and often fullscreen, it wasn't as obvious, but you're quite right; after Show Desktop (which moves the Desktop window to the front), invoking any other currently open app brings up SimSig behind it. SimSig should have remained below the Desktop, I agree. That's not a nuisance, though.

What is a nuisance, however, is that with "Show all windows on Taskbar" checked, when SimSig returns, either (as Forest Pines discovered) behind another app, or when the SimSig icon on the Taskbar is clicked, the Control Window fails to display and must be activated independently by clicking its thumbnail image on the Taskbar. I haven't noticed this with any other multiwindow apps, so would say the fault lies between SimSig and the complicated Z-layering of MS Windows 7.

The simple remedy as you've said is to leave "Show all windows on taskbar" unchecked if you're running a scrolly on Win 7.

And broodje, alvinhochun has shown by his post that he knows a lot more about Windows than you obviously do. It's pretty clear to me who's really trolling here.

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Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 12:32 #24859
249 posts
The cause may be because the two windows are Tool Windows, so the problem exists when they are forced to be shown in the taskbar.
I think the developer can try changing them into regular windows instead and see if the problem exists.

And for my last post... sorry that it's a troll, but I was just trying to say that this should not be a SimSig-specific bug, but more like Windows'.
I also have something to add: this too appear on Windows XP x86, so that's not Windows 7 specific.

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Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 14:11 #24874
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I'm afraid this is all over my head but I'm sure it does not need any name calling to resolve.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following users said thank you: Steamer, Forest Pines
Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 11/12/2011 at 17:05 #24889
Forest Pines
525 posts
SimSig isn't the only program I use that has problems with Windows Z-ordering in Win7.

The current version of the GIMP suffers from the same bug in relation to some of its windows - I assume it is still written in C and using glib/gobject/GTK+ for its windowing toolkit. I've also managed to duplicate it myself in C# on .NET 3.5 - if you create a Form with the Form.MinimizeBox property set to false, it will exhibit this bug, although in that case the value of Form.ShowInTaskbar has no effect (nor does Form.MaximizeBox, incidentally). Clearly if the same problem is being shown in programs written to utilise three different toolkits, the problem is likely to be further down the stack.

I haven't spent more than 5 minutes on replicating the bug in C#, so I haven't investigated possible workarounds. However, I thought it worth mentioning here, because there clearly must be a workaround of some sort: the Messages window and the main window don't exhibit the problem.

" said:
broodje, alvinhochun has shown by his post that he knows a lot more about Windows than you obviously do. It's pretty clear to me who's really trolling here.
I've only ever seen the term "Micro$oft" used by people who are, let's say, starting from a fixed viewpoint and/or want to show their biases early on. Comparing the posts of alvinhochun and broodje on this thread, there is no evidence here as to who knows more about any Windows APIs, or indeed, any programming topic; and MS's profitability is hardly relevant to the discussion at hand.

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The following user said thank you: headshot119
Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 12/12/2011 at 01:50 #24958
249 posts
" said:
if you create a Form with the Form.MinimizeBox property set to false, it will exhibit this bug

So it is very clear that if the programmer adds a minimize box on the two windows when Show All Windows In Taskbar is on, the problem is solved.

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 12/12/2011 at 07:12 #24964
Forest Pines
525 posts
Well, I wouldn't say it was guaranteed. The Delphi windowing toolkit *might* be doing different API calls to the ones the .NET System.Windows.Forms library does. It's a possibility, though.
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Re: Minor window minimise/restore bug on Win7 12/12/2011 at 08:57 #24968
6325 posts
" said:
" said:
if you create a Form with the Form.MinimizeBox property set to false, it will exhibit this bug

So it is very clear that if the programmer adds a minimize box on the two windows when Show All Windows In Taskbar is on, the problem is solved.
I've logged this in our bug tracker and will have a play at some point. I have Vista64 so I hope it's the same.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: maxand