Slots blacking out

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Slots blacking out 25/12/2011 at 08:12 #26142
212 posts
After calling for a slot to the Inland Customs (but not receiving it), the slot appears blanked out after retreiving a save the slot appeared blank (the others were in place as normal, and a slot that was received at Daw Mill remained illuminated and functioned properly). After waiting a while I talked a train into the siding with no complaint from the shunter and the slut came back out and worked fine.
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Re: Slots blacking out 08/01/2012 at 10:27 #26926
84 posts
THis subject has been covered before. TO rectify this situation, contacted the "receiving" location again and cancel the requested move. This will then show the location as open once more in a second or two. Next, contact the location again and request the slot once more. I a short while, assuming the location has accepted it, you can reset the route into the terminal.
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