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why humberside?

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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 19:45 #2652
4 posts
Good afternoon,
I just have a quick question regarding this simulation name of South Humberside,
By the way it is an EXCELLENT SIMULATION!!!
If the simulation was to have a time table pre 1996 this name would be correct, but Humberside was abolished in 1996 and this area is now called North Lincolnshire & North East Lincolnshire
Indeed the name Humberside was not well liked and was never popular (in one survey 63% of respondents thought that the creation of Humberside was "bad", and only 14% that it was "good"), you would often drive past road signs with the name defaced.
I wondered if you knew about this before naming this simulation?

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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 19:45 #14260
4 posts
Good afternoon,
I just have a quick question regarding this simulation name of South Humberside,
By the way it is an EXCELLENT SIMULATION!!!
If the simulation was to have a time table pre 1996 this name would be correct, but Humberside was abolished in 1996 and this area is now called North Lincolnshire & North East Lincolnshire
Indeed the name Humberside was not well liked and was never popular (in one survey 63% of respondents thought that the creation of Humberside was "bad", and only 14% that it was "good"), you would often drive past road signs with the name defaced.
I wondered if you knew about this before naming this simulation?

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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 20:01 #14261
480 posts
Thrashbash31 said:
Good afternoon,

If the simulation was to have a time table pre 1996 this name would be correct,...

The sim has a 1980's mode so no doubt 1980's era timetables will be winging our way fairly soon.

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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 20:16 #14263
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
It depends on whether you look at is in GeoPolitical terms or purely in Geographical terms as in it's the area South of the Humber.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 20:47 #14264
75 posts
Seems like a perfectly good name to me. Unless you want to rename Kings Cross as "Camden & Islington & Haringey & Barnet & Enfield & Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire"?
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why humberside? 25/03/2011 at 22:59 #14274
771 posts
Glad you like it. The name was set a long time ago. The sim was originally called Cleethorpes but that name was soon changed as the scope of the sim grew. The new name was set as South Humberside. It wasn't until fairly recently one of the testers questioned the name (and suggested it become North Lincolnshire) but by then there was too much infrastructure in place to try and change it so the name has remained.
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why humberside? 26/03/2011 at 00:13 #14281
4 posts
Many thanks for info, whatever the name, it’s a GREAT SIM!
Keep up the good work!

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why humberside? 01/04/2011 at 08:55 #14659
Forest Pines
525 posts
"North Lincolnshire" wouldn't really be right either though - it would have to be "Northern Lincolnshire". Or maybe "Northern Lincolnshire with small parts of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire".

It seems very good so far, even though I am of course the sort of grumpy pedant who likes to point out things such as: Brocklesby should have a different track layout in 80s mode. (And if 80s mode is really meant to be "1980" mode like the menu says, then Grimsby-Cleethorpes should be double track and the Louth branch should still be there!)

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why humberside? 01/04/2011 at 12:34 #14666
771 posts
Forest....I sent you a PM.
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why humberside? 20/04/2011 at 10:22 #15257
5 posts
I'm new to this, and have enjoyed playing it immensely. Having grown up in Scunthorpe I very familiar with a lot of the locations and workings.

I too am disappointed that the name was chosen as 'Humberside' given that the county has been abolished since 1996 and was never popular before then - most people in the area associate themselves as being in Lincolnshire. Northern Lincolnshire would have been a far more accurate description of the area to use.

That said, the name is a minor bugbear, and I would much rather play this sim with what I perceive to be the wrong name, than not play it at all, and wish to offer thanks and congratulations to all involved in the hard work of the development and publishing of it.

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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 10:11 #15266
84 posts
Having worked extensively in the North Lincolnshire area through most of my working life, I would also be interested to see a 1980's era sceenario. However, although the 1980s map shows most of the layout adequately, a fair amount of infrastructure is missing. For instance, the route between Cleethorpes and Grimsby Town was still double-tracked, as was the Brigg line during the great days of the early 1980s when up to 30 coal trains a day actually arrived in Immingham with coal for export! This traffic was lost after the miner's strike of 1984.

Scunthorpe is also missing some locations. At that time Scunthorpe West Yatd was still open... just. Where the "holding siding" is shown, the lines from the east were known as West Yard Receptions 2 & 3. The line continuing byon S333 on the Down Goods became Reception 1. These routes were used by the local trip pilots.
The eastern line between the Receptions was an eastern departure out of West Yard sidings 7 to 13. Towards the west, the line from the "holding siding" was a south departure. Sadly, the diagram is missing the North departure and the western bay on the Up platform at SCunthorpe. This was often used by the Gunhouse banking locomotive.

Barnetby yard was still quite active with the ballast work. In both versions, the Down groundframe is missing, as is the miniature protecting th GF

Finally (for the time being) in the 1980s there was no Coal Pad 2 at the Immingham Bulk Terminal

Should anyone be brave enough to attempt a 1980s I would be interested in seeing how they attack the working of the Entrnce E services. Pre-CHP days coal trains had a very unusual metho of working.

In general though this is an excellent sim

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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 11:51 #15271
2652 posts
Well I'm gonna have a bash at writing a 1987 era timetable for South Humberside once I've finished doing this 1997-1998 timetable I'm currently working on. That said I have a set of Trip Notices dating from 1991 covering Immingham, Frodingham, Doncaster & Tinsley depots. Frodingham by this time had alot less motive power allocated to it as it's long term future by then was in doubt. I have some signalling diagrams for Scunthorpe Appleby dating from Sunday 01st April, 1973 & Scunthorpe New BSC Coal Terminal dating from Sunday 22nd February, 1976 (3 copies). Also I have a signalling diagram dating Sunday 17th & 24th April, 1983 for Ulceby JN - Haborough JN - Brocklesby Jn. If Chris wants to borrow these for a 1970s era, then he is quite welcome.
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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 12:18 #15273
771 posts
I would indeed be very interested.
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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 12:31 #15274
2652 posts
Not a problem Chris. I can travel to meet as I get free rail travel. PM me & we can arrange a get together. I'll bring some other signalling diagrams which border the South Humberside sim you have done. Including Lincoln rea re-signalling February - May, 1985. I have a signallong diagram covering Skellow Jn - Applehurst Jn - Stainforth Jn - Kirk Sandall Jn - Stainforth Jn - Thorne jN DATED sUNDAY 29TH jUNE, 1980 & Goole dated Sunday 18th January, 1975 to name but a few.
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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 13:42 #15275
707 posts
I doubt your free rail travel will make it all the way to the USA!
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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 13:49 #15276
2652 posts
Very true in that case. I think it will have to be a case of scan & e-mail there then.
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why humberside? 21/04/2011 at 14:39 #15277
1841 posts
But Chris will be at London meet!
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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why humberside? 22/04/2011 at 10:34 #15296
2652 posts
Thanks for that Andy, London meet it is then. Will make best endeavours to get there & bring the signalling diagrams to show him.
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