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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 00:29 #2708
149 posts
Well, it's a brilliant sim, but one thing about is rubbing me the wrong way. To being quite a few hours behind the UK I'm always playing single player only, and on this new sim I am prevented from doing just about anything, even right clicking to read signal numbers, while paused. Why was this arbitrary restriction put in place? It's really unfriendly for those of us that don't do multiplayer.
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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 00:29 #14560
149 posts
Well, it's a brilliant sim, but one thing about is rubbing me the wrong way. To being quite a few hours behind the UK I'm always playing single player only, and on this new sim I am prevented from doing just about anything, even right clicking to read signal numbers, while paused. Why was this arbitrary restriction put in place? It's really unfriendly for those of us that don't do multiplayer.
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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 01:13 #14561
1803 posts
A quick quote from this post which was in response to the 3rd paragraph of this post;

When simulation is paused, you can't set routes or make calls either; after all, you don't have a pause button in the real world.

You do, however, have the option of running the game at 1:2 speed or somewhere between 1:2 and 1:1 if you're struggling to do it at normal speed. Also, you may find it useful to use the Overview too - allowing you to move about quickly and easy.

Hope this helps, somewhat, although I realise it may not be an ideal response.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 03:08 #14562
771 posts
TylerE, if you are quite a few hours behind....just how many are we talking?
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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 06:20 #14569
24 posts
I'm with TylerE on this issue. While the real world does not have a pause button, I think we have to remember that when running a full multipanel sim solo we are performing the role of many different signallers, and these signallers do their jobs simultaneously. To use a sim I am familiar with, Bristol, If I am the Filton panel signaller currently dealing with a point failure and the phone is going mental as I try to route trains around the bottleneck as fast as possible, I occasionally pause the sim and route set for Weston, Bristol, Bath and St Andrews. These other panels, while aware of the Filton issue, may not currently be affected by the point failure, and may never be so. With no route setting in pause mode, the Bristol signaller is effectively forced to sit on their hands and stop routing across the complexities of the lines around Temple Meads. Similarly the Weston sigaller is prohibited from changing the reporting number for the train that reverses at Weston-Super-Mare.

I almost always answer the phone in pause mode, but because of the limitations in using visuals to representing a audio environment.
Presumably in real life a signaller on the phone still has the ability to work their panel while digesting information and issuing instructions to the caller; it is considerably harder to do so while reading a popup box. You also have to work around the telephone conversation popup box which obscures your view. All the comments about route setting also apply here; why should the Filton signaller stop shoving that HST up the BPW down goods line because the Weston signaller has picked up the phone to deal with a wrong-type-of-food-trolley-on-some-ECS problem?

When it is quiet I run without pausing, but when it gets busy I find it difficult to do so. I don't do multiplayer so I don't know whether you use pause at all, it sounds reasonable not to, if all the panels are filled. For single player though I think the phone and route setting restrictions in pause mode will make less realistic, not more.
I understand that people will disagree with this and hence my request - If the programmers implement this in the future, can you please make this an optional setting?

Apologies - this is only my second post and it's a bit of a whinge. May I say just how enjoyable I find SimSig and what an eye opener it is on the difficulties of dealing with such minor sounding issues as a point failure.

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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 08:23 #14573
23 posts
Hi all,

First off, thank's for the great sims.
The only real flaw i've noticed so far is indeed the missing functionalities while in pause mode.
I too use this regularly to try to get on top of things. The comparison to a real life situation ("there's
no pause button in real life"doesn't hold. I never do multiplayer and try and like to do the job on
my own and in my own spare time. I've been a signaller in real life, managing Rotterdam and surroundings,
and no matter how real a simularion is, it's never as realistic as the real thing.

Question is, should it be. I like to play these sims for fun and relaxing without the real life pressure and a
Pause mode with maximum functionalities is a must-have for this.


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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 09:18 #14576
1719 posts
Thirded... although for preference as an option. Trying to work a large area singlehanded is far from realistic already, so a pause button that leaves you some functionality is probably about the only way to do it. Running at 1/2 speed doesn't always do the trick either - sudden stack-ups can & do occur in the middle of a slow period when even 1 X is tedious and there's a need to sort out several things quickly before things go quiet again.
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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 11:53 #14581
149 posts
Lardybiker said:
TylerE, if you are quite a few hours behind....just how many are we talking?

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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 19:58 #14598
42 posts
There is a danger of being "too realistic" perhaps have it optional but by default set it to pause information not allowed

great simulation, well worth my donation ;-)

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Pausing 30/03/2011 at 20:13 #14599
Rushey Platt
55 posts
I think not being able to even view signal numbers when paused is taking things a bit far. Informational stuff should be available at all times.
Other than that I don't have a problem with live gameplay actions being disabled when paused.

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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 12:09 #14618
685 posts
Then you need to learn your panel/box just like a real life signaller would be expected to do before passing out in front of a district inspector.

Don't forget that you also have other tools available that would not be available to a real life counterpart, things like the run at half speed and also sticky notes that you could maybe post at the signals showing which signal is which.

You have to get a red before you can get any other colour
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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 12:22 #14619
5208 posts
You can find signal numbers even when paused by using the f11 Incident Control Panel. Click on the signal tab, then the little mouse icon at the head of the list. If you then click on the signal in question, its number is shown on the f11 listing.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 13:38 #14623
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
There might be a case for "easy mode" providing a slightly different functionality.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 13:45 #14624
24 posts
I'm not sure "easy mode" is the right teminology. Possibly "single player realism".

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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 17:53 #14630
6325 posts
For ultimate realism the pause facility would be removed. But clearly a compromise has to be reached between those that asked for this in the first place and those who are now unhappy with it.
SimSig Boss
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Pausing 31/03/2011 at 18:04 #14631
1803 posts
DriverCurran said:
and also sticky notes that you could maybe post at the signals showing which signal is which
I would advise against doing that as in my experience there is only so many stickies you can have 'active' at the same time before it lags the simulation up and scrolling around makes it seem like you're on a ZX81, or something like that!

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Pausing 01/04/2011 at 20:19 #14695
268 posts
Friends, you put different reasons over Pause problem for this sim. I think that any secondary actions must be enable, example to make calls and other secondary things.
Is hard work it so, if one train has entrance only then full time to create it route, if several trains have entrance to same time, player is working with one train and while the rest waiting to create their routes.
Postal puts how detail to use window open with F11, I proved that action, clicking any signal number but screen not jump to same or select it on main screen.

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Pausing 05/04/2011 at 23:25 #14839
6 posts
This is quite possibly my first post, but I have played SimSig for quite a long time. With all the new stuff to get to grips with on this and Worksop, doing away with the ability to actually do anything when the game is paused makes both of these sims a no go area for me I'm afraid, which is a shame because I was looking forward to them. I don't play these games for the absolute realism (how realistic is it to expect 1 person to control the large areas that we usually have in these sims anyway?!?!), I play them for enjoyment. Pausing every so often enabled me to do something I enjoy without getting stressed about it. I tried this sim for 10 minutes and it was already becoming very frustrating. I can only hope that future sims will give the user the ability to choose. If people want to make it harder by not being able to do anything on pause then fine, but the rest of us should also have the option of maintaining the original pause functionality. I hope this is seen as constructive feedback from a longtime 'casual' player.
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Pausing 06/04/2011 at 19:15 #14846
276 posts
DriverCurran said:
Then you need to learn your panel/box just like a real life signaller would be expected to do before passing out in front of a district inspector.

Not a v. helpful comment for those who are inexperienced or
markydh said:
I play them for enjoyment. Pausing every so often enabled me to do something I enjoy without getting stressed about it.

From my personal point of view I think the boss's comments sum it up and would be beneficial for both sides of the argument.
GeoffM said:
clearly a compromise has to be reached between those that asked for this in the first place and those who are now unhappy with it.

and would vote for
Peter Bennet said:
There might be a case for "easy mode" providing a slightly different functionality.


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Pausing 06/04/2011 at 20:59 #14850
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
lawndart said:
I'm not sure "easy mode" is the right teminology. Possibly "single player realism".
It's a technical term


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Pausing 08/04/2011 at 11:51 #14896
24 posts
@ Peter Bennett,
Ahh, I see what you mean. However, I personally have problem with interposing reporting numbers, cancelling routes if TORR is turned off or running the various scenarios available to liven things up (although I have not yet worked up the courage to go to the whole "gremlins in the works" level). My concern is that the pause function which enables you to control multiple panels simultaneously will be limited to the equivalent of a Beginner/Perfect scenario, which I feel is going too far.
I rather like BarryM's idea in the other Pausing thread, for making the limited pause a multiplayer only function.

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