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Reload old sticky notes when starting new game?

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Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 04:31 #27782
1637 posts
Is it possible to start a New Game using the sticky notes from a saved game? I went to a lot of trouble to position my stickies just right in my previous game. Now they're all gone. :ohmy:

Reloading the saved game restores the stickies but this doesn't help as I can't reset the starting time to the original. Surely there must be a way round this.

Last edited: 20/01/2012 at 05:44 by maxand
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 08:49 #27785
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
At present, there is not.

Sticky notes are saved in the save game file for reuse on that game, but if you start again then there are no sticky notes present.

The same applies to multiplayer games, only the person who creates the sticky note can see it, and if he disconnects and reconnects then it will have gone and he has to replace it from scratch if he so wishes. The only person who's notes are saved is the Server host.

I believe this is something Geoff and Clive were looking at as part of the core code.

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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 09:11 #27791
6325 posts
" said:
I believe this is something Geoff and Clive were looking at as part of the core code.
Having generic sim-specific (rather than instance-specific) notes is a new one on me. One to add to the wish list.

Shared notes is something that has created debate before - some people quite rightly don't like the idea of having somebody else plaster their notes over the screen; for others it's useful to share.

SimSig Boss
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 13:08 #27804
1637 posts
Thanks for clearing that up. Maybe the answer is to save the sticky notes' coordinates and text as a file with a separate extension, e.g., .stk (to be distinguished from the .snt file used by Microsoft in its version built into Vista and Win 7). It should be up to the user to choose a filename similar to the version of the timetable currently in use, with variations such as number or date prefixes similar to naming saved games.

In this way, the sim will look for it in the same folder as the timetable. This shouldn't affect saved games; in fact the current situation is best for them. a .ssg file should still contain its own sticky note file as the user with a collection of saved games for the same sim to contain different versions of sticky notes to suit that saved game. But he will also want one default version to start with a New Game.

It follows that we need a File option to "Export Sticky Notes" from the current game to an .stk file, and another option to "Import Sticky Notes" from an .stk file of the user's choice. These files should not be visible on anyone else's screen in a multiplayer game.

Last edited: 20/01/2012 at 13:14 by maxand
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 15:26 #27809
65 posts
I'd find an export\import function for notes useful as well. I've always got tons of stuff like platform lengths, reminders, speed limits etc that I'd like to keep between new games.

On a related note (no pun intended!) in the future could the message list be made persistent when loading a game?

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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 15:43 #27812
658 posts
Max, Just an idea but if you're going to use the same scenario and timetable on a sim numerous times, how about the first time you set up all of your sticky notes. save the game as template x.
Then any other times you start a game use "save as" instead of save then, each time you start again use tmplate x initailly and you'll have all your sticky notes ready.

hopefully that makes sense. It did when I said it but typing it is a whole different matter!

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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 20/01/2012 at 16:26 #27818
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
" said:
" said:
I believe this is something Geoff and Clive were looking at as part of the core code.
Having generic sim-specific (rather than instance-specific) notes is a new one on me. One to add to the wish list.

Shared notes is something that has created debate before - some people quite rightly don't like the idea of having somebody else plaster their notes over the screen; for others it's useful to share.
It was more the multiplayer thing that I was referring to when suggesting it was being "looked at". I think someone suggested that the hosts notes were visible to all but clients could only see their own, but I am sure that has a lot more complications programming wise.

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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:02 #27852
1637 posts
TimTamToe wrote:
Max, Just an idea but if you're going to use the same scenario and timetable on a sim numerous times, how about the first time you set up all of your sticky notes. save the game as template x.
Then any other times you start a game use "save as" instead of save then, each time you start again use tmplate x initailly and you'll have all your sticky notes ready.

Hmm, that might just work, if I understand you correctly. Did you mean:
1. When all the sticky notes are in place, save the game.
2. Start two instances of the same sim (i.e., running concurrently), the first as a New Game (no stickies), the second as the game just saved.
3. Immediately pause both games.
4. Using the saved game as a template, duplicate the sticky notes from the saved game in the new game while both are paused.
5. Immediately save the new game as template_x.ssg. Then you can discard the saved game.
6. From then on, instead of starting a new game, always load template_x.ssg as a new game and take it from there.

It involves a lot of shuffling back and forth between two concurrent sims but that only needs to be done once for each timetable.
I find that I need to play a sim through completely before I know how best to lay out the sticky notes on its panel. However, there is no other reason to save a game after all the trains have finally disappeared, as one cannot reset a saved game to 00:00 or whenever the original starting time was (I wish this could be done). That's why I said you can now discard the saved game.

If I misunderstood your earlier post, please correct me.

Last edited: 21/01/2012 at 11:03 by maxand
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:06 #27853
1637 posts
TimTamToe wrote:
Max, Just an idea but if you're going to use the same scenario and timetable on a sim numerous times, how about the first time you set up all of your sticky notes. save the game as template x.
Then any other times you start a game use "save as" instead of save then, each time you start again use tmplate x initailly and you'll have all your sticky notes ready.

Hmm, that might just work, if I understand you correctly. Did you mean:
1. When all the sticky notes are in place, save the game.
2. Start two instances of the same sim (i.e., running concurrently), the first as a New Game (no stickies), the second as the game just saved (with all the stickies in place).
3. Immediately pause both games.
4. Using the saved game as a template, duplicate the sticky notes from the saved game in the new game while both are paused.
5. Immediately save the new game as template_x.ssg. Then you can discard the saved game.
6. From then on, instead of starting a new game, always load template_x.ssg as a new game and take it from there.

It involves a lot of shuffling back and forth between two concurrent sims but that only needs to be done once for each timetable.

I find that I need to play a sim through completely before I know how best to lay out the sticky notes on its panel. However, there is no other reason to save a game after all the trains have finally disappeared, as one cannot reset a saved game to 00:00 or whenever the original starting time was (I wish this could be done). That's why I said you can now discard the saved game.

I checked with the Exeter sim, which doesn't allow users to do as much as many other sims when it is paused (pity), yet it still allows one to create, edit and delete sticky notes in this mode.

If I misunderstood your earlier post, please correct me.

Last edited: 21/01/2012 at 11:08 by maxand
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:25 #27854
658 posts
Sort of that Max, but without so much shuffling I realise my brain was only half engaged before while trying to explain (obviosuly not enough VB consumed!)

1. Start a game, pause it and set all of your stickies where you too (I haven't used stickies on the newer sims yet so I am assumely you can make them while paused)
2. Save the game like you would normally but just have template somewhere in the filename so you can remember which is which
3. Start a new game, by loading your template file. (load game)
4. Play as normally but when you want to save it use "save as" so then you will not overwrite your templated stickies.
5. Then when you want to carry on at a later stage, you have a saved game at time x which you can load and continue or if you want to start from the beginning again you have your saved version with the templates that you can load up

hope this was easier to follow


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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:30 #27855
3946 posts
Max, try this way:

1. Start a new game at 00:00 with no timetable. Immediately press pause.
2. Add all the sticky notes you want.
3. Save this as Sticky Notes Template, or whatever.
4. Go to the 'Timetable' menu (It's above Reminder Override).
5. Click 'Open (merge with currrent)'
6. Select whichever timetable you want to play.
7. Start playing! (Note that if the timetable is only meant to be started at a later time (e.g. 0445) you will have let the Sim run to that time before any trains appear- turn the speed up to 'fastest'.

When you want to start another game (i.e. not open a saved game), open your Sticky Notes Template saved game, and repeat steps 4-7.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:48 #27856
1841 posts
I think you might be ble to also run the stickied and non-TT to 0445 and save as a second base save for 0445 start TTs.

Not sure what happens with earlier trains when you merge a TT at a later start time.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Re: Reload old sticky notes when starting new game? 21/01/2012 at 11:57 #27858
3946 posts
AndyG said:
Not sure what happens with earlier trains when you merge a TT at a later start time

I think only trains that were due to appear less than 15 minutes before the TT was merged will appear.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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