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How useful are Simplifiers?

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How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 12:13 #28785
1637 posts
Currently there's isn't anything in the Wiki about how to use a simplifier (press F8 to see it in action), and very few references to this useful tool in forum posts.

I'm happy to document its use in the Wiki if no one else wishes to write an article about it, but to do this I'd really like to know how and when others feel the need to use it.

I discovered even Royston has one, so it's worth mentioning it in the Royston tutorial. I've played with it a bit but am still wondering when one should be looking at using a Simplifier, when other tools are better for a particular job, and how to get the best out of it. Should newcomers to SimSig learn to use it right from the start?

Also I notice there are several different filter settings. So:

- Do any of you prefer using the Simplifier to, say, the Show Timetable window or the Timetable editor?
- Are any of you quite happy playing SimSig without ever needing to use the Simplifier?
- When would you use it and what settings do you prefer?
- Are professional signallers trained to use them, and if so, how well does SimSig's version model those used in real life? (Kage claims they are used.)

Thank you.

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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 12:36 #28789
3946 posts
To use the simplifier, select the location from the drop-down list. Then select which platforms you want to check, and the time. Click 'Refresh'. The simplifier will now show all trains at that location for two hours after the time you inputed.

The Simplifier can be helpful for checking platform conflicts should you need to re-platform anything, and no doubt others use it for other things. Real signallers have simplifiers for some locations- I remember seeing one on some photos of Doncaster PSB.

maxand said:
Should newcomers to SimSig learn to use it right from the start?

Personal choice/preference. There is no 'right' answer to this. I'd acknowledge it's existance in your tutorial, and give a brief eplanation of how to operate, and leave it at that.

maxand said:
I've played with it a bit but am still wondering when one should be looking at using a Simplifier, when other tools are better for a particular job, and how to get the best out of it.

As someone else said on another thread, just jump in and have a go! If it's no help to you, don't use it, if it is, great. This is where personal playing style is developed- there are lots of ways to get to the same outcome, and provided that your method follows the Rules and doesn't cause unnecessary delay to trains, there's nothing wrong with it.

EDIT: Now writing Wiki page, I'lll post a link when done

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 04/02/2012 at 12:43 by Steamer
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 12:44 #28790
166 posts
The most I've used the simplifier is when playing Euston, mostly to sort out where I can put things that don't have a timetabled platform. Though it has just occurred to me I should try using it with SwinDid to see if there are gaps I can run early Freights through, rather than guessing it wrong and getting it horribly wrong.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 12:55 #28792
3946 posts
Wiki entry created here.
"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 12:57 #28793
480 posts
I'm so used not having the simplifier available I tend not to use it at all except on Euston and Lime Street. Obviously, on some older sims, it's not available at all. If it was available on Kings Cross I'd probably use it there to deal with platform conflicts at Kings Cross Station.

I use it differently on Euston compared to Lime Street. On Euston, I will keep the simplifier for Euston Station minimised at the bottom of the screen and only open it if I have to replatform a train due to late running or a points/track circuit failure. On the simplifier one can get a lot of information at a glance to plan ahead around problems which may involve scraps of paper or sticky notes otherwise. I can even filter the information to one or two platforms if need be. I sometimes have two simplifiers open and minimised - the other location being Camden Road Jn but I find I don't do this as often as I used to. Otherwise, I make most of my decisions based on clicking train descriptions and occasionally via F2 and F4.

On Lime Street there is enough room on my screen to keep the simplifier open so I base most of my decisions on information from the simplifier, only clicking on train descriptions when required or (more likely) out of habit.

Would I miss it if it wasn't there? Probably not, but I've been using Simsig for so long without built in simplifiers I've gotten used to them not being there. Ask again in a few year's time when all the sims have been refreshed and have them and I'd probably be lost without them.

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 13:04 #28795
183 posts
I used the 'simplifier' for the first time yesterday on an Exeter TT just as a way of keeping up to date with the few trains stopping at Tiverton Junction.

" said:
The simplifier will now show all trains at that location for two hours after the time you inputed.

Thought so. Not a bad contraption to complement my playing, though I doubt I'll expand my use of it outside that unless a situation arises where I see fit to bring it in, whenever that'll be...

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 13:06 #28796
1637 posts
Thanks for all your feedback and to Steamer for creating a Wiki page. (I've added a link to it in the Wiki Index page.)
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 13:07 #28797
476 posts
I use the simplifier where it is available as an extra aid to pre-planning. I find it really useful. It reminds me of the staff working books we used at New Street.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 13:20 #28799
152 posts
" said:
I used the 'simplifier' for the first time yesterday on an Exeter TT just as a way of keeping up to date with the few trains stopping at Tiverton Junction.
Well I'll be .... !! I had no idea Exeter had this - I thought it was just lime street, Euston, etc! It will come in handy for sure!

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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 14:10 #28804
330 posts
I haven't used any Simsig simplifiers so can't comment on their effectiveness in the games but I use a platform simplifier at work every day. Obviously when doing the job you quickly learn to remember into which platform each particular train is booked (well certainly for the medium sized panel I'm working at the moment) so I tend to keep it handy at the right page and consult it only when I need to do ad hoc platform changes or set swaps. The simplifier here is split into two halves for arrivals and departures - through trains appear in both columns. The other handy things which appear on the real simplifier are the crew diagrams, so you can easily see which trains are booked relief. Unlike some signalboxes, the simplifier here is supplied by Scotrail but in many areas the signallers are tasked with producing them on spare turns. Incidentally, around here we call the simplifier "the docker" when talking about it.
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 14:27 #28805
476 posts
I was platform staff at New Street Ron and ours were called A+D (Arrival and Departure) books. They showed all movements, platforms, TDs and stock type. Wish I'd kept some as they would have been a help in TT writing should I ever figure how to do it.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 04/02/2012 at 17:47 #28817
3635 posts
" said:

- Are professional signallers trained to use them, and if so, how well does SimSig's version model those used in real life?
as previously stated, arrival and departure books and station working books are used frequently, as are scrolling simplifiers.

also does the simplifier remind anyone else of a TRUST terminal display?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 00:57 #28844
1803 posts
I've never really felt the need to use a simplifier much, but lately, running Euston and the 2012 timetable, I can see the benefits of using it in certain situations. But, alas, each to their own. To expand on my first sentence, I'd say that I've coped without it whilst playing many many of the excellent simulations in both solo and multiplayer for a few years now, but still, as said, it can be useful.
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 11:25 #28856
258 posts
I think the use will depend on the player, we wrote one for Edinburgh 85 tt its use was more for platforming in Waverley.

When i visited West Hampstead box simplifiers were in use at all the work stations all colour coded and pretty, however most signalmen know the trains and the routes for the trains, so merely just turn the page when needed, I suppose they will come into their own when things start to go wrong as it quickly shows many things including stopping patterns.

I dont normally use one but I have done in the past and I will do in the future, they can be useful.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 13:14 #28865
480 posts
Interesting, but ultimately 20 to 40 years out of date to be any use to me. (Unless, of course, someone has a 1966 timetable in production.)
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 15:35 #28877
330 posts
I'm going to try attaching a couple of not very good phone camera pics which I took at work yesterday with this topic in mind. The first shows the simplifier that I mentioned in my earlier post, while the second shows the "Start of work" sheet which sets out where things need to end up at the close of play in order to start the service the next day. This modifies the simplifier and is faxed to the box every night. Other platforming alterations can be arranged over the phone or faxed to the signaller by the TOC, or the signaller can make alterations to the plan as the need arises. The key thing with replatforming trains is to communicate the arrangements with the station staff as soon as you know that it is necessary, though obviously this isn't an issue in Simsig.
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 18:34 #28889
1719 posts
In my experience - a long time ago now - simplifiers were something that signalmen created for themselves according to need/inclination/way of working. The tendency for management to produce a platform working book is new by comparison - I imagine post-privatisation but I'm open to correction on that.

Some boxes had no real need of simplifiers - I never had one for Junction Road (it's a location on the North London sim if anyone wants to look it up). Likewise when I was a reliefman on the West London Line - the traffic there varied too much from day to day, anyway, for a simplifier to be much use ('twas mainly freight in those days, apart from the Kensington Belle south of Olympia and 3 summer season motorails each day). At Marylebone I wrote myself a minute-by-minute book using a train register, with everything colour coded by platform, but by the time of the next timetable change I was sufficiently familiar with the service that I no longer needed it and the alterations were easy enough to keep on top of without further assistance.

Someone producing them on a spare day? Folk these days don't know they're born. [/Monty Python]

Last edited: 05/02/2012 at 18:34 by kbarber
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 19:14 #28896
5208 posts
" said:
In my experience - a long time ago now - simplifiers were something that signalmen created for themselves according to need/inclination/way of working. The tendency for management to produce a platform working book is new by comparison - I imagine post-privatisation but I'm open to correction on that.

When I first started working for Royal Mail in 1990 my patch included the stations at Derby, Sheffield, Doncaster, Leeds, York, Darlington and Newcastle. At many of those the Royal Mail manager on the station had a copy of the As + Ds which they had been given to them by the local Railway management. Of course at that time there was still a lot of mail going round on passenger trains so Royal Mail did need to know where the trains they had to meet were due to platform.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 05/02/2012 at 19:15 #28897
330 posts
Obviously it depends on how keen local management are and how well staffed the area is. Personally I haven't had a spare turn without an actual job for about 6 months now..
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 06/02/2012 at 19:03 #28959
521 posts
Here's an Up and Down line simplifier for Feltham Panel 4.

Once again not great quality. (Obviously difficult to photograph these things with panel lighting!)

I think in answer to the original question they're very useful.

As previously mentioned for somewhere like West Hampstead or Kings Cross it's really useful for keeping track of the Fast to Slow and Slow to Fast moves.

Last edited: 06/02/2012 at 19:06 by Firefly
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 07/02/2012 at 19:03 #29029
11 posts
I have a feeling that this is a really stupid question with an obvious answer that is staring me in the face but ...

I press F8, up pops the simplifier screen, on the right hand pane it says fill in search criteria and press Refresh. Filling in the search criteria is no problem, however there doesn't appear to be a Refresh button that I can see

So my question is simple, Where is the "Refresh" button? :blush:

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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 07/02/2012 at 19:06 #29030
17 posts
Not sure why it doesn't work at your computer, but I've got a refresh button like always.
Last edited: 07/02/2012 at 19:06 by Stefan
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 08/02/2012 at 02:30 #29047
1637 posts
Hi simonr

See my screen captures here showing Refresh button.

This is a puzzling one. Do you get this problem with other sims? Maybe you could try reinstalling the SimSig system files.

If you fixed it, please let us know how.

Last edited: 08/02/2012 at 02:31 by maxand
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Re: How useful are Simplifiers? 08/02/2012 at 03:39 #29051
1803 posts
Have my doubts it is anything to do with the system files. More likely an operating system issue, or something else on your Operating System interfering ('clashing'with the simulation. Which OS are you on?
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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