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LEAST favourite train

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LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 13:05 #30153
271 posts
Handle's question has generated some lively comments so I thought I'd turn things on their head and ask for your least favourite train !!

I'll start proceedings by voting for the refurbished 4 CEPS. When they started appearing I referred to them as numb bums - the new seats were so hard that by the time you reached your destination you had a numb behind.

I'll also vote for any new stock where you can't wind down a window and stick your head out. I'd do this on approach to my destination (Ashford or Charing X) so that I could see the route indicator and was ready to alight from the appropriate side.

Meld - no prizes for guessing you are going to say..... HSTs ?!!

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 13:40 #30155
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Voyagers (and relatives).
Anything with 2+3 seating arrangements.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: Javelin395
Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:01 #30156
4869 posts
DMU - Don't really dislike any.
DEMU - Class 220 and Class 221 (But only the XC variants.)
EMU - Class 350/2 and Class 450.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:05 #30157
271 posts
" said:
Voyagers (and relatives).
Anything with 2+3 seating arrangements.

Living as I do now in Sheffield I've experienced the Meridians. They don't seem too bad to me apart from the continual engine noise / vibration - thats where the HST wins every time IMO. I've heard it said the Voyagers are more cramped than the Meridians but I've not had the displeasure myself. Neither have I travelled on a Pendolino but at least they won't have the engine noise !!

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:08 #30158
173 posts
Pacers aka Nodding Donkeys.
Cramped modern inter-city trains that make you feel like you are in a small aircraft rather than a train, especially Voyagers
Trains with excessive announcements - SWT are particularly guilty on this front in my experience.

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The following user said thank you: Javelin395
Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:21 #30161
Temple Meads
307 posts
Class 150's, but that's only because I'm over familiar with them.

Voyagers, but only for the lack of capacity, Ive always quitre liked them otherwise really.

Class 66's are also ubiquitous.

Username TIM in multiplayer
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:23 #30162
271 posts
" said:
Pacers aka Nodding Donkeys.

Trains with excessive announcements .
I'm suprised it took 5 comments before someone mentioned the Nodding Donkeys !! A bus on rails and a nasty cheap bus at that. They seem to have made their way up here onto the local Hope Valley stoppers. I think I'd rather see the MetCam 101s back than suffer these horrid excuses for a train.

I hope you don't use the tube then !!

Last edited: 28/02/2012 at 15:06 by Javelin395
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:26 #30164
151 posts
Class 153 there ok if your 5' 0" but any taller like me 6' 4" and you need your legs cutting off at the knee
same with the vomits

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:28 #30166
42 posts
HA HA nice carry on from my question :laugh:

OK my least favourite train, it would have to be the Southern Q1, it looks like a baked bean tin, or spam can, not attractive at all.

Don't have any unlikable Diesel or electric (unless i can think of one)

Last edited: 29/02/2012 at 11:57 by handle
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The following user said thank you: Javelin395
Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:44 #30170
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
Class 150 sprinters.
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 14:46 #30171
4869 posts
" said:
Class 150 sprinters.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 15:28 #30176
3635 posts
" said:
Class 150 sprinters.
sacrilege (ok i copied :P) so a 150 is worse than a pacer?

my vote is probably for voyagers with less seating than an equivelant HST they replaced. so that will be all of them! at least i get a seat out of sheffield on a meridian.

i dont hate 66s but they do get incredibly predictable and boring

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 15:30 #30177
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I had the misfortune of regular travel on sprinters for five years, but have only ridden on a pacer once.
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 16:19 #30182
1461 posts
Trains with excessively loud door opening/closing beeps, especially the former - you don't need to deafen everyone to tell them that the conductor has finally woken up and released the door locks, the fact the buttons light up and the person who's been frantically pressing the button on the next coach finally gets the door to open are a hint.

Quite why you even need a door opening beep at all escapes me, just hold down the button until the door locks are released and it'll open right away.

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 16:26 #30184
john havenhand
58 posts
I dont mind the 142s have to say 153s get my vote
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 16:32 #30185
260 posts
Class 319s. Use them everyday and the legroom must have been designed for Snow White's mates! No good for me as I'm 6'6"

The only saving grace recently has been that with the arrival of the electrostars on the FCC routes more stock has been freed up! As a result my train in the morning is now 8 car instead of 4 car. Seem to manage to get the old southern/connex config with 1st class taking up 3/4 of the front car. As the train is designated as standard only it's a 1st class morning!!

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 17:14 #30188
3945 posts
Pacers, Pendos and Voyagers.

I think 150s are vastly better than 142/143/144. OK, there are window/seat alingment issues, but the ride is better, and as we saw at Winsford Pacers have the crashworthiness of the average Coke can.

Also, if they're allowed, the new Metrolink sets (3000 series). They have 30 seats less than the older sets (1000 and 2000 series), which given the higher forces you get on trams, is a pretty big design flaw.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 17:49 #30192
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
It all depends on you're area.

For me in Devon, I was very happy when the Pacers (142001,009,029,030,063,064 and 068 - Mileage from all) returned to Northern after a most unwelcome stay. If I told you all how I really felt about them, I'd almost certainly be banned And as for the Voyagers (Vomits). Well, I wont go there either...

The 150s down here, especially the /2s, are very pleasent to ride behind (apart from the 09:35 ex Exeter St Davids. A horrible journey as Headshot119 will agree Im sure).

Also, just a note to Javelin395 that this has been posted in the Quote:
section. Was this intentional?

"Signalman Exeter"
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 17:57 #30193
John 23
173 posts
For long distance travel: Voyagers and Super Voyagers. You have to travel in first class to get any comfort at all, and the underfloor engines are noisy and give vibration. The luggage space is pathetic. Refurbed HSTs are also well known for their poor seating comfort in standard class.

For shorter distances, the Pacers must have it as the worst.

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 18:21 #30194
36 posts
" said:
Trains with excessively loud door opening/closing beeps, especially the former - you don't need to deafen everyone to tell them that the conductor has finally woken up and released the door locks, the fact the buttons light up and the person who's been frantically pressing the button on the next coach finally gets the door to open are a hint.

Quite why you even need a door opening beep at all escapes me, just hold down the button until the door locks are released and it'll open right away.
I do believe the beep is for the benefit of any blind or visually impaired passengers.

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 18:33 #30196
771 posts
" said:
HA HA nice carry on from my question :laugh:

OK my least favourite train, it would have to be the Southern Q1, it looks like a baked bean tin, not attractive at all.

The Q1 wasn't designed to be attractive. Its was designed to be functional and reduced metal usage as much as possible (given it was built during the war when we didn't have much to spare!). It turned out to be one of, if not the most powerful 0-6-0 produced in the UK and as far as I can tell was well used and survived well into the 1960's when most other loco's of its type had been scrapped.

And since it does not look like anything else, I think they are fabulous (I have a model of one to prove it!)

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 18:37 #30197
271 posts

Not quite sure how I ended up posting this in the newcomers section. If mods can move this to a more sensible part of the forum then please do. Apologies all :blush:

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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 19:41 #30207
42 posts
yeah but thats just my opinion.
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 19:53 #30208
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
Lardybiker said:

The Q1 wasn't designed to be attractive. Its was designed to be functional and reduced metal usage as much as possible (given it was built during the war when we didn't have much to spare!). It turned out to be one of, if not the most powerful 0-6-0 produced in the UK and as far as I can tell was well used and survived well into the 1960's when most other loco's of its type had been scrapped.
I remember seeing the only survivor at the Bluebell and wondering what the hell it was. Looks are deceptive and Im sure Im not the only one who'd love to see that in steam again.

"Signalman Exeter"
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Re: LEAST favourite train 28/02/2012 at 21:12 #30214
771 posts
" said:
yeah but thats just my opinion.
Of course, Of course. I just happen to have a different opinion in this case and I was outlining my reasons :)

having said that, if everyone agreed to everything I am sure life would be far less interesting.....

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