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Guard's kit

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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 22:52 #3107
310 posts
Hi everyone.

I've just started as a trainee guard on my local heritage railway and want to get some of my own kit. I've done a bit of Googling but found surprisingly little, and what I have found isn't cheap! Does anyone have any suggestions for where to get good quality flags, whistles etc. without breaking the bank?


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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 22:52 #16124
310 posts
Hi everyone.

I've just started as a trainee guard on my local heritage railway and want to get some of my own kit. I've done a bit of Googling but found surprisingly little, and what I have found isn't cheap! Does anyone have any suggestions for where to get good quality flags, whistles etc. without breaking the bank?


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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 23:01 #16125
1803 posts
eBay, sorted. Shouldn't get any dodgy sellers on their for what you're looking for, but if you (or any other SimSiggers for that matter) have any doubts about any 'listings' then feel free to send me the link and I can check them over for you.
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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 23:25 #16127
3635 posts
pm me a list of what you want/ need and ill tell you where i got all my guarding kit from and send u a few links for it
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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 23:51 #16128
310 posts
UKTrainMan said:
eBay, sorted.

That's what I thought but there's not very much there - no flags, which surprised me, although it looks like a good place to get Bardics.

jc92 - I'm not sure what I need yet, only had my first little bit of induction today - just thinking ahead! :-) I reckon flags, whistle and Bardic are probably a good starting point though. Need to get hi-vis too but that's not exactly hard to come by.

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Guard's kit 28/05/2011 at 23:54 #16129
1841 posts
There is this link from Danny Scroggins's site, if it's any help: http://www.heritage-ops.org.uk/product_categories.php
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Guard's kit 29/05/2011 at 16:11 #16145
275 posts
Longleat, Rail Order, Ebay, Homebase and Furneux Riddell did it for me. It really depends on what you need.

EDIT:- your Rule Book, Section H, should detail the equipment needed for guards, and additional equipment for freight and passenger guards.

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Guard's kit 29/05/2011 at 16:59 #16148
4869 posts
Not sure what your railway requires for guards duties, however I know I need all of the following when booking on for duty.

Green flag
red flag
T Key (carriage key)
BR1 Key
221 Key
Rule book
Hi Vis jacket
Lamp with red green and white aspects

For the flags there's a company on ebay do plain flags designed to print your own design on for around £4 each, I bought one of each colour and some doweling from homebase and used some hi strength glue to make my own, much cheaper than any where else I could find.

For the whistle have a look on ebay for an acme thunderer, if that fails most locksmiths seem to sell good quality ones.

Most railways can provide you with a T key. If not railpart is your best bet.

For the BR1 and 221 keys you can get them cut in most locksmiths, ask someone nicely on your railway to lend your there's to go get them done

Rule book your railway will supply.

Hi Vis jacket search around ebay, although most railways have someone who works for a rail company that seem to have an abundance of them.

For the lamp with the different aspects search ebay for an LED bardic, either the small or the large ones work fine.

Optional kit:

Hi Vis overalls.
Grand Master Key

For Hi Vis overalls go to your local 3M stockist, some like HSS hire and get yourself a decent pair around £30. Not sure how your railway works but at mine the guards do the prep on the loco hauled stock saves getting your best uniform covered in grease, and it will happen trust me ;)

Grand Master Key. Again not sure if you need one on your railway, some of the guards at ours do to access certain gates, these are a pain to get cut as they need an odd blank but a local lock smith can sometimes get them in.

You may also need a signal box key but your railway will need to supply one of the,.

Anything else you want to know, or any advice just give us a shout.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Guard's kit 29/05/2011 at 20:59 #16151
989 posts
Before you spend money getting anything, I'd find out what the railway supplies. K&ESR supplies flags/HV/Bardic/T-Key as part of the guards bag wich you sign ot when you book on. Therefore there is less for you to get personally.
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Guard's kit 29/05/2011 at 21:32 #16153
310 posts
Thanks for all the helpful replies, lots to be getting on with. I didn't ask outright about supplied kit but the implication was that it's not very much; there were some Bardics in the mess room and the odd hi-vis vest lying around but most people seem to buy their own. I think someone said something about keys being supplied though, which is useful. I shan't be buying anything until I know for certain, anyway.

I've found pretty much everything from Karl's list on the various places suggested in this thread (flags were what I was struggling with the most - my sewing skills leave a lot to be desired! - and I've found them on Rail Order). HOPS also looks like a good site, especially for all those things such as 'GUARD' badges which I don't really need but, now I've seen them, I really want one...!

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Guard's kit 30/05/2011 at 08:28 #16154
189 posts
I have a hardly-worn waistcoat you can have for the postage depending on your size (??) - it has the right pockets for a watch etc. You will have to get some new buttons unless you are on a SR heritage railway though.


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Guard's kit 30/05/2011 at 09:36 #16156
310 posts
I'm ok for uniform, some of it's provided and the rest I've already got. Thanks for the offer though Ray, very kind of you.
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